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Why does this man sound like a Republican only when he’s running for public office?
After he gets the job he always goes back to being a liberal.
No thanks Johnny, your record speaks for itself.
December 27th, 2007 at 3:09 amPOD1 is right, but he is a politician after all, and from not considering him at all earlier because of some of his record I am moving toward supporting him.
He may just be the backbone we need in the Whitehouse at this time in history.
December 27th, 2007 at 4:54 amI don’t see a stronger backbone in the running. Wish I did.
December 27th, 2007 at 5:26 amThe man does what he thinks is right regardless of what popular opinion says. He has advocated a stronger force presence in Iraq since the beginning, a view not held by any democrats nor many republicans. He is a man who has demonstrated personal bravery above and beyond the call of duty, risking his own life for others. He almost died trying to rescue a friend and turned down an opportunity to leave the Hanoi P.O.W. camp (a.k.a. the Hanoi Hilton) after he had already been there for three years. As far as being a liberal, compared to who, Pat Robertson? Do you actually know what you’re talking about? This man has more backbone in a fingernail than most people have in their spine.
December 27th, 2007 at 5:40 amPod1: I agree with you 100%. He likes jumping in be with the libs because he is one himself.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:03 amHow come nobody seems to notice Duncan Hunter Is there something I’m missing about him? I would really like others opinions. And just for the record I think John McCain is a plastic banana conservative.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:20 amCould someone explain how John McCain is a liberal?
December 27th, 2007 at 6:32 amIf you folks had to pick between GWBush and McCain like in 2000 who would you vote for now.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:33 amI voted for Bush, did it twice and would do it again given the choice.
People have to deal with reality, nobody is perfect but if the positives outweigh the negatives then make a choice, don’t flop around in the shades of grey.
The world has changed since and the military experience and philosophy of McCain can easily trump some of his cross aisle political actions.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:51 amI wouldn’t classify JM as a liberal, but he is no conservative republican in the form of Reagan or Goldwater. We saw this in he desire to attain amnesty for illegals and when he and 6 other moderate republicans joined with 7 liberal democrats(I suppose thats a redundency) and formed the “gang of 14″. Look at the 13 senators he threw his lot in with, Snow, Byrd, Chaffee, nothing more than moderate republicans and liberal democrats. Granted some good came of it but it demonstrated once and for all that he is in fact a Moderate.
I think we should all ignore what most of the people are saying who are running for president, and that goes for most public office. All one needs to look at is their record. Thats what really matters because that is what they will likely do, the old leopard doesn’t change its spots to quick.
Something else that disturbs me is that McCain seems to be in love with the media and those inside the beltway. I think he really has a lust for acceptance and popularity inside DC and in the media. His maverick image is just part of that scheme.
Lastly McCain would be far better than any democrat, that is a sure thing but he won’t get my vote in the primary. I am semi depressed about the republican group running for pres. None of them are real conservative idealogues, they say just enough conservative speak to get peoples attention but if we look at their records it says something else. Huckabee is a prime example, says things to get the evangelicals interested but econmically and foreign policy wise he would be an absolute disaster. I think Thompson is likely the most conservative but he has some issues as well.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:52 amCourage, mentally tough, went thru the shit, roger that, along with many others.
When the “straight talk express”can parse words like what part of illegal as in illegal aliens don’t you understand, man that’s right in there with “depends on the meaning of “is”,is.
December 27th, 2007 at 7:07 amHe totally flipped off the people of Arizona, the people who put his ass in office, on the borders,taxes. A warrior against the left who want to fuck this country up, he is not.
He has become a loose cannon.
Paul Ron,
Put me down for W. Whatever McCain suffered in Nam, it couldn’t be worse than what W has stood up against from the traitors and quislings like Pelosi, Murtha, and the little bitch Reid.
December 27th, 2007 at 7:13 amMcCain’s a hero, and wellrespected but, not the politician I want running the Country, It’s Duncan Baby!
December 27th, 2007 at 7:33 amjam
I think being in the custody of VC and NVA for 7 years far outweighs being behind the desk of the White House. Think of the food you can eat!! How about the cozy rooms and all that history!!
Especially with GWB’s work ethic. What does he do all day.
Play Operation?
Hey Dick I am going for the “Funny Bone next!”
I think McCain is a little touched upstairs but I respect him more than Bush.
December 27th, 2007 at 8:08 amYes, whatever McCain suffered in Nam couldn’t be worse than what W has had to stand up to against Pelosi, Murtha, and Reid…..
December 27th, 2007 at 8:11 amMcCain doesn’t support amnesty, he realizes that the border needs to be closed but does not consider it possible to round up 18 million illegal aliens to ship them back to mexico, central america, or south america. He is a man who is not bound by anyone and does what he thinks is right, regardless of what a few blowhards on think. He is a moderate republican and I applaud him for it. He doesn’t make decisions based on rhetoric but on what he thinks is right. Which is why when the majority of the American public have turned against the war in Iraq he is in favor of putting more troops there because he understands the needs of this conflict, which is providing security to the people of Iraq so that they can have confidence that the government they elected into power can be effective in providing basic needs and services. He has advocated a larger force presence since the beginning, which has always been his major criticism of the Bush administrations execution of this war. 80% of polled Iraqis cite their biggest concerns as being security or security related. Just because you disagree with McCain on some issues you obviously know practically nothing about does not equate to John McCain being a democrat or a liberal. The man is endorsed by the NRA and is in favor of a plan that will defeat islamofacsists in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is a man who has demonstrated his love of country in a nightmarish environment known to but a few. His commitment and patriotism may be equaled by many living veterans, but it is not surpassed by any but the dead.
Professor Bill, no real disagreement here, but regardless of who is nominated, conservative ideologues better get out and vote in the national election. If it is a choice of the lesser of two evils so be it, look what happened after the last Congressional election. I fear that is what happened and let clinton in 92 and the d’rats in control in 06
December 27th, 2007 at 8:20 amAre you guys crazy? Every once in a while, cooperating with the Dems, does not make one a closet leftest.
December 27th, 2007 at 9:40 amPaul Ron,
Unless you have been in both places, your opinion on which is more difficult is no more valid than mine. i.e.:fuck you.
December 27th, 2007 at 9:46 amI’ve seen Johnny make decisions based on personal, political gain instead of doing what is best for the country. He’s truly a washington insider, not a leader.
December 27th, 2007 at 11:18 amSteve in NC: yeah we all need to get behind whoever wins the republican nomination, I would even vote for Ron Paul before I would vote for anyone on the demo side. I have been voting for 20 years and have never ever voted for a democrat and likely never will. And its not so much the party but the fact that the party (democrat party) has been taken over by leftists and hardcore socialists.
One thing to note regarding compromise, how often do democrats/liberals compromise with republicans/conservatives? Not nearly as often as republicans compromise with the dems.
December 27th, 2007 at 2:10 pmSenator McCain and President Bush, both support amnesty and both want the border left open - and for what? - cheap labor is the only thing I can figure out - payoffs to those in power is probably part of it ,too ? - a little bit of ass kissing planted on the big wigs in Mexico and Canada . . .
Although, I must say, Senator McCain does acknowledge that most of America disagrees with him and states that he NOW will “support border security”, with a wink and a nod, that is . . .
Side Note: I get so tired of those who say - How are we going to deport 12 million illegal aliens? We will not have to - They will leave if the current laws are enforced - they will leave if they don’t get welfare and free healthcare and free education . . . We need only to deport the criminal aliens for now - after they have served their time, of course - then fly them deep in to Mexico. We need to fine and imprison the employers and they will stop hiring illegally . . . the bigger problem will take care of itself with enforcement of current laws . . . it is already happening with just a little (and I do mean a little) enforcement . . . so don’t give me that crap about rounding up 18 million illegals - ridiculous argument.
Senator McCain is an American hero, but he has always been liberally wrong on the border issue . . . I would still vote for him before any Democrat, but he is not my first choice - That would be Congressman Duncan Hunter, but Hunter does not have the “Republican Party” behind him because he is against open borders . . . and that is why he gets no airtime. The “Republican Party” wants to maintain cheap labor for their big business buddies and maintain payoffs for the corrupt politicians in the border towns . . . screw the border patrol and screw the policemen and screw the citizens who are being attacked, robbed and murdered by criminals free-flowing back in forth across the border.
It is all about the borders. Tin foil hat in place - check!
Rest in Peace Melanie Goodwin.
December 27th, 2007 at 2:33 pmBecause YOU asked - A few of McCain’s liberal political leanings:
Taxes - When the most important pro-growth tax cuts in a generation were proposed by President George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003, Sen. McCain vigorously opposed them. McCain was one of only two Republican senators to oppose the 2001 tax cuts and one of only three GOP senators to oppose the 2003 reductions. All in all, he voted on the pro-tax side of 14 such amendments in 2001 and 2003. These included an amendment he co-sponsored with Sen. Tom Daschle to limit the rate reduction in the top tax bracket to one percentage point and an amendment sponsored by Sen. Russ Feingold against full repeal of the estate tax, aka the death tax.
Big Government - McCain sponsored the Patients’ Bill of Rights with Ted Kennedy and John Edwards. McCain has also supported a number of other big-government bills, including an amendment that would authorize the government to set prices on prescription drugs under Medicare.
Energy Independece - McCain supported an amendment to prohibit oil drilling in part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.
Individual Rights - The 2002 McCain-Feingold bill (or the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act), named in part for the Arizona senator who gave it life, seeks to squash political dissent by imposing grossly unconstitutional restrictions on citizen participation in political debate. While bestowing significant advantages upon incumbent office holders, it has created neither a less corrupt political domain nor a more democratic one.
Illegal Immigration - No sense in beating a dead horse but suffice it to say Americans for Better Immigration have given McCain a ‘D’ grade on his career immigration reduction report card.
That said I don’t think it will be the Rep candidate or for that matter the Dem candidate that will cause problems for the conservative side in ‘08.
December 27th, 2007 at 2:48 pmLet’s not discount yet another certain individual from Texas going Independent which will consequently yet again hand the WH to yet another Clinton. Sound familiar? My biggest nightmare…
Domestically, I find have very little in common with McCain. Taxes, McCain/Feingold, ‘damn’ fence, etc., etc. He might still have had my guarded support on foreign policy, where he talks the talk, but I just don’t see either the cold-blooded ruthlessness or the hot-blooded righteousness needed to stare down, and if necessary crush, our enemies.
Being a hero is not the same thing as being a leader.
“So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee.”
December 27th, 2007 at 5:04 pmRon Paul and his cult of personality won’t do well in the mainstream, he’s no Perot. Hopefully when he comes to that realization he will just hang himself….
December 27th, 2007 at 10:57 pm