Keith Olbermann’s Top Ten Lies For 2007
Number 1?
“I’m not politically biased.”
Here are #10 and #9, you can find the rest here:
#10 - Keith Olbermann just can’t help itself when it comes to Fox News. It’s Extreme Olby: Envy Edition as hardly a day goes by without some attack on a news channel that is actually successful. The usual tactic is to claim something on Fox was untrue or a lie, when it wasn’t. Or another favorite: make a sweeping claim that you know is untrue, because it appeals to your blue blog base. But the #10 winner uses a more blatant technique: just make up something about Fox, broadcast it as if it were the truth, and never correct the record.
#9 - Olbermahn’s diseased loathing for anyone to the right of Fidel Castro–like his hatred of Fox–regularly sends KO into fits of fantasy, where facts and truth are dispensible annoyances. So he’ll, say, invent totally fictitious statistics to slander the American Enterprise Institute. Just as he will misstate a whole fistful of facts when it suits his purposes. This syndrome also explains the lunatic statement that comes in at #9 in the countdown: “Mister” Bush is the first President ever to fire US attorneys.
What do you expect from someone who couldn’t cut it at ESPN? Seriously, how smart to do have to be talk about “the game”? I think the average IQ of the talking heads at ESPN is hovering around 90, that puts Olby’s little mind solidly in the sub 90 group. I have to say I feel sorry for retarded people for having compared Olberman to them. Retarded people are likely going to be far more productive citizens than Olby.
December 31st, 2007 at 4:18 pmLie# 11 Oberman is good on Sunday Night Football
December 31st, 2007 at 6:51 pmKEITH!
We can see your fucking TOUPEE!!!
You and Ben Affleck need to chat about coming out as baldies.
I want you to know that EVERYONE sees your rug. It sucks as far as toupees go.
Happy new rug.
December 31st, 2007 at 8:42 pm