Pic: Here’s His Fucking Head

December 31st, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

boom, woops, lost his head, he really did
Here’s his head…sweet dreams in hell, Haji…

I just would like to say, at this point…

The reason why I am showing all of the Bhutto stuff…well, first off, WTF was this lady thinking? I mean, no offense intended anywhere, but if this was a man politician, you wouldn’t see him doing the stuff she did in the last 90 days. High profile rallies in the midst of jihadi threats and myriad political foes within arm’s reach. Come on! Even the Pope has the “Popemobile” for heaven’s sake…heh heh get it? *ahem*

Anyway, like I was saying…her actions were bizarre to say the least and the reason I am showing all this stuff is because when the time comes for us to go in…

…and that time will come, the liberal fucking Democrats in the U.S. Congress are going to have a hissy-fit about letting us go in if it was done by anybody other than Al Qaeda or the Taliban, or any related jihadi puke group.

Because, Dude, if you think the Paulnuts and the 9/11 Troofers in this country are crazy now, just wait until all the “legal talk” starts happening on Capitol Hill about dealing with Pakistan. There will be so much smoke and so many mirrors from so many angles that we’ll never hear the fucking end to all the bitching and all the while some fucking goat-fucker gets a hold of just one of the fucking hundreds of nukes in Pakistan and then BOOM.

Maybe that’s what we need to wake the liberal idiots of this country up.

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8 Responses

  1. Kampfgruppe Cottrell

    If a couple airplanes smashing into New York City and the Pentagon wasn’t a clear sign, do you really thing a nuke will? Hell, they’ll blame everyone else for whatever reason as NYC forever glows. These people are foolish and dangerous and think that these people can be satisfied in some none violent way but the only way to stop a mad dog is to put a bullet in it and this is what the West in general doesn’t understand. You can’t reason with unreasonable people.

  2. Brewski

    THAT’s the kind of justice we need here in America!! Quick and decisive!! Just like we should be if one of those camel fuckers decides to nuke an American city! We nuke the first Middle East country we find Al Qaeda training in. Pakistan first!

  3. sal

    he’ll never be the HEAD of a major corporation :razz:

  4. Blastdad

    I have long said the jihadi mind doesn’t think the way a westewrn mind does. I cannot understand the thinking behind strapping a bomb on your son or daughter , and sending them off to murder someone else. We see it as an almost daily occurance in the midle east. We see it from Isreal to Pakistan to wherever.This is the kind of evil that cannot be reasoned with. They see us as an evil that must be removed from the world, anyone who dissagrees with them must be conqured or killed. Where is the start of negotiations when thier belief is that we must die!!The only thing that gets through to them is strength and vigilance.

    Find the bad guys and take them out!! Never forget and never stop looking!!

  5. Augustine

    Don’t lose your HEAD over the bhutto situation Bash:eek:

  6. allahlovesporkchops

    Shave that soccer ball, and let the game begin!!!

  7. MG0331

    I really don’t see any clear end in sight posting something like this.

    Many children who grow up in the middle east are indocternated with jihad, they grow up being taught to fight and fend for them selves on a false premise. Before the children know it, they are teenagers and in charge of insurgent cells.

    We shouldn’t be trying to eliminate the people here, the goal should be eliminating the misunderstanding. What is so attractive about war that draws so many to it for the exact reason of solving problems.
    I have fought in Iraq, and I have killed, but there are better ways of doing things than advocating war, sorry, its really sick.
    If you are searching for peace you won’t find it like this, peace is found in the hearts of men, but it is neither the absence of war, it is only a state of mind.

    “Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” - Abraham Lincoln

  8. bobby

    Sorry MG, it takes two to make friendly peace work. We have been turning the other cheek to these people since the seventies and for this 3000 innocents dead and buildings destroyed. No MG, we will have peace either when we have killed enough of them that reformation is their best alternative, or enough of us have been killed that submission is our best alternative. Sorry to be pessimistic but I don’t see another way. Anything else only prolongs the inevitable.

    I do sincerely thank you for your service!

    We just got our son back from over there.

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