ABC, CBS and NBC Quit Covering Iraq War Because We’re Winning

December 10th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

blah blah blah

Tim Russert was on the NBC Nightly News last night and he admitted that with the success of the Surge in Iraq, and declining casualty rates, the mainstream media is losing interest in the war:

LESTER HOLT: When we look back a long time ago, I think there was the assumption that Iraq would be the dominating issue going into this campaign. Now these numbers tell us the economy is immensely important to voters. So what does that mean for candidates like Rudy Giuliani, like Hillary Clinton, who’ve really been pushing national security, tough on terrorism type credentials?

TIM RUSSERT: I think they’re going to have to re-calibrate their campaigns. They have to focus on the economy, focus on health care, and they’re capable of doing that. It is interesting, with the surge in Iraq and the level of American deaths declining, it is off the front pages. It looks like it could be a bread and butter election where people are very concerned about their homes, the financing, the economy, those kinds of gut issues, Lester.

Gut issues? I got your gut issues right here, pal.


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7 Responses

  1. PhilNBlanx

    “…with the surge in Iraq and the level of American deaths declining, it [the Iraq war] is off the front pages.

    I thought the reason good news in Iraq not being reported was because it was not determined at that time by the demedia to be a “trend.”

    So it becomes a “trend” and that is the new justification by the demedia for not reporting the good news in Iraq?

    Excuse me while I readjust my meds….

  2. LftBhndAgn

    No blood? No story.

    What a bunch of assholes the MSM is.

  3. GF

    Bert is Evil :evil:

  4. Steve in NC

    knew this was coming, so be prepared for the horror of America to be on display by your favorite neo-commie stations

    the disadvantaged shall be championed by the caring d’rats

    actually it will favor the directionless hand wringing shoulder to cry on campaign of the obama and oprah

  5. ticticboom

    And I quote:

    “Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some assembly required.”

  6. deathstar

    NBC=Nothing But Crap

    ABC=Allways Been Crap

    CBS=Crap Broadcasting Service

    BBC=Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation

    CNN=Crap News Network

    Fuck the lot of them.

  7. Cridhe Saorsa

    Is that Big Russ he’s holding up there?

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