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Dave, I agree with you about Sean Hannity. I like the guy, but he strikes me as more of a “talking points” guy.
I believe Glenn Beck could be more on par with Limbaugh in radio delivery, tone and content.
December 4th, 2007 at 10:30 amI am not going to comment on what I think of the differnet AM/FM Radio Talk Show Hosts because they all have their own style and each brings a little different ideas to the table.
I agree with most of what Dave has said. Also Dave and Jenn are good people I enjoy listening to their shows. What would you loose Pat by going over to their radio show and talk over the issues with them. It’s like that old saying nothing ventured nothing gained.
December 4th, 2007 at 11:58 amThank you, Pat, for posting this video, as it’s always good to hear the views from a Marine standpoint.
Sean Hannity, to me, does present the facts well, but overall I prefer Russ…after wading through the bombast he makes more sense to my Conservative views.
As for the prospect of Sen. Clinton for President, I leave it for voters to decide if she’ll do for America what she has done for New York state; which is little to nothing. She will probably win a few of the polls, but not the election. More and more folks are waking up and asking questions on the real issues: the war and the threats to our Military from one who doesn’t fully support them, illegal aliens and border security, the economy as related to the questions of her own campaign finances, and the increasing number of threats from China and Russia to name a few.
The thought of a Democratic President is troubling to me, but the thought of Sen. clinton as President has me scared. When we’re at war, we need a President who will fully support our Troops, yes, but also our Military…the personnel, the bases, recruiting, and the research and development of arms/weapons/technologies for our national defense. The very fact that the Sen. has only briefly touched upon the issues mentioned above is, in itself, not a good sign and only leads to the conclusion that she wants to be President as a means to power and nothing more.
Please excuse the length of the comment.
December 4th, 2007 at 12:03 pm