Al Sadr Moves Toward Peace With Iraq Security Forces

December 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Saturday called for reconciliation between his followers and Iraqi security forces throughout Iraq, especially in the holy city of Karbala, according to al-Sadr aide Sheik Mohannad al- Gharrawi.

In August, followers of al-Sadr and fighters loyal to the powerful Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council led by cleric Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim clashed in Karbala during a religious festival, killing 52 people. Since then, al-Sadr loyalists have been targeted in a crackdown by Iraqi security forces.

“This initiative comes as a response to the events that took place in Karbala, when more than 50 pilgrims died,” al-Gharrawi said.

After that fighting, al-Sadr announced he was freezing the activities of his Mahdi Army militia for six months—a move that both Iraqi and American officials have said has had a big impact on the reduction in violence.

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4 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Mookie only did that because he pissed off his own people when he and his fellow pschoids killed all those pilgrims.

    Too bad the old cleric Sistani or whatever his name is… wasn’t 20 years younger…if he was Mookie would have his throat cut…and there’d be real peace in Basra instead of this Mookie hudna crap.

    But whatever. In the short term, at least Iraq can have some peace and stability…

    And anything that makes Jackass Murtha, Hairy Weed, Nasti Peloski and the Hildabeast look bad, works for me.

    Willing suspension of disbelief? LOL. I hope the Repubs replay that tape many times leading up to the conventions.
    Stupid bitch.

  2. Brian H

    Now, now, Dan. She could have said, “unwilling” (which would have been more honest, after all!). :razz: :roll: :lol:

    As for Mookie, he’s maybe seeing the writing on the wall; if the MNF and IG persist in opposing and undermining his efforts to dominate the South, he’s in a race against time before his “Army” and status both go down the crapper.

    But he still needs to be offed.

  3. Brian H

    P.S. You know Mookie is studyin’ hard to become a genyewine ayatollah, doncha? I don’t know if the Iraqis will buy it, but he’s obviously got his own version of Iranian-style theocracy still in his sights.

  4. reaganmarine84

    doesn’t their unholy book call this “taqiq”;war is deception. To borrow a cliche’ from Stone Cold Steve Austin; DTA motherfucka!!! DONT TRUST ANYONE!!! Especially this fuck. Kill him NOW!

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