Another Berkeley Picture: More From The Lunatic Fringe

December 14th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

There ought to be a law…

I was told this, um, lady won the title of Ms. Nature at the “How Berkeley Can You Be?” Parade.

The other Berkeley picture seemed to have…moved you, so…

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37 Responses

  1. ticticboom

    Bash, I have a question.


    I know there’s a bottle of bleach around here somewhere…

  2. One Shot

    Bash…my eyes can’t take much more of this crap :mrgreen:

  3. drillanwr


    Bash, when/if Pat EVER gets back you need to get out of the house, dude!

    What are those? Friggin’ “man-boobs” …

    And the fish net stockings? … Yeah, a real fish net.

  4. mart(just another infidel)

    I lived in Berkeley for 1 year and worked there for 3 years. :oops: This is exactly the reason I left. I think I’m having flashbacks. :wink:

  5. steve m

    Augh!! :shock: for friggin’ pete’s sake. Glad I ate already…You know, as the years pass I can see why the good Lord put that fault line throught that part of the world… day, one day…CRACK, BOOM, SPLASH…and away they all go, I just hope Pelosi is home that day

  6. Gary in Midwest

    This is both cruel and unusual. Nature is not always kind.

  7. Mike F.

    That’s Keith Obbermann’s mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. mindy abraham

    help me heeeelllppppp mmmmeeeeee :shock: seriously what is wrong with these people?

  9. Howie

    Bash I am working on a Cease and Decist order right now for the pictures that you have subjected us to.

    Should you choose to continue posting pictures from Berkely’s most attractive women I will be forced to organize a class action law suit!

  10. latheman

    thats just wrong in so many ways,thank God where I live they would freeze to death if they went out looking like that.this is why we must fight global warming

  11. Humble Janoslav

    The Barbie-Girl parody suddenly came to mind:
    “You’re a dog,
    You’re a troll
    Were you hit by a train?”

    Personally, I’m thinking that Russ Troll got up on the wrong side of the bed. Aside from having been beat to a pulp with an ugly stick, she seems kind of disgruntled at what Nature gave her. :shock:

  12. Cridhe Saorsa

    That puts the “T” in Troglodyte.

  13. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    adlfkjasdf MY EYES!!! :shock:

  14. deathstar

    Waterboarding is torture but this is OK?

  15. Dave

    BAsh, you trying to blind us, what bunch of mutts.

  16. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    “I was told this, um, lady won the title of Ms. Nature at the “How Berkeley Can You Be?” Parade.”

    Who the fuck was judging, a blind person with sais driven through their sockets?!

  17. franchie

    What are those? Friggin’ “man-boobs” …

    one can see on which fantasy they differ :lol:

  18. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    What is that ? :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  19. GF

    Oh the humanity!
    All I can think is:
    Make War not Love.
    Send me to the front I can’t bear to make love to this Brezhnev look alike.

  20. Mike in CA

    A few things come to mind when I see this picture (and the previous)…

    1) You can’t even DRINK these women pretty :beer: :beer:

    2) Is this the only way they can get a man to look at them?

    3) Are there any men (or women) out there who would look at them, sober?

    4) Haven’t any of these women heard of Jenny Craig?

  21. Wolfpack

    Bash, Pat is going to kick your butt. :shock:

  22. mart (just another infidel)

    I wish I wasn’t the one that noticed this, but does the woman/man/thing behind the one in front have a penis showing :?:

  23. Kevin M

    Bash, right now you’re about as popular as an undercooked porkchop floating in a mosque ashtray.

    THAT WAS NOT RIGHT! :shock:

  24. Kevin M

    Ernest Borgnine has tits?! Noooooooooo! :cry:

  25. Goodbye Natalie

    I could have laughed at the hot momma there in the front and was grateful to only see half the set. But the technicolored vulva behind it gave me the willies…

  26. cb10

    Louie, get the BASH!!
    Louie, do something, anything–Louuuuiieee

  27. drillanwr

    @mart (just another infidel) and @Goodbye Natalie -

    I think you guys are trying to hard here … How could you possibly see anything under that 25 year long gestation belly? And who knows the last time it was … washed. UGH!

    But check out the person in the wheelchair at the top right background … The one with the paper mache penis and pubes on his/her head …

    Now that’s craftsmanship, my friends.

  28. Joe

    My eyes!!
    The goggles, they do nothing!!

  29. Ted B

    Libs like this have no self respect. They try to make themselves a spectacle. If you can’t respect yourself or others then don’t act upset when I neither respect you nor care what you say.

  30. Ted B

    If stuff like that got on the MSM I am quite sure attitudes would change radically towards the left and that is why it never makes it to the MSM.

  31. sal

    quick take cover, the hindenburg is going to crash!!!

  32. Dan (The Infidel)

    My eyes…my eyes…where’s the visine? Cripes Bash, that pic was fugly. Thanks for spoiling lunch.

  33. allahlovesporkchops

    I write this blinded, as I HAVE JUST GOUGED MY EYES OUT!


    Geez, what’s all the fuss, have’nt you-all seen a picture of Ted Kennedy before?

  35. Jolly

    Lovely they have recruited the Teamsters

  36. Marine Sanctuary

    I wish there had been a warning about this picture. I clicked on the link while my 6 year-old was in the room, and I suspect he’ll need counseling, later in life.

    I used to take my kids to the “How Berkeley Can You Be?” Parade, until people like this decided to let everyone know…

    Also, Code Pink has co-opted the phrase for their multi-talented protesters, yoga practitioners, basket weavers, survivors of the 60s.

  37. John Ward

    :shock: Finally proof that Neanderthals still exist!

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