Bashman Video: Al Sharpton And The Baltimore 9, A Tale Of Two Women

December 13th, 2007 Posted By Bashman.

Baltimore 9

I ask you a question here. Do you have an answer?

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27 Responses

  1. Kevin M

    Al won’t touch this, because the victim is white and not a chicken.

    The savior of Tawana “Nobody Manipsmates me” Brawley.


  2. ukatheist

    bash you have a damn good record collection i’ll have to watch twice,question;is al sharperton a media whore,answer;why yes. i say media whore as he only crawls from under his rock to facilitate the growing of his own ego

  3. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    No. You won’t. Nor will you hear from Jesse Jackson.

  4. 1madpittbull

    Simple….NO.. :!: .

    To Quote Orwell.

    “…some are more equal than others.”

  5. John Goodrow

    All the progress Martin Luther King Jr. made dwindles by the day.

  6. Jim

    :wink: :beer:

  7. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Bash - Another masterpiece . . .

    I think we are in sad shape in America - whitey has given up - the crackers have crumbled - we have been beaten into submission. We need a white Martin Luther King - Bash, you available?

  8. Steve in NC

    Al Sharpton is a racist, plain and simple. He is not a champion of civil rights for all peoples. He uses the ‘black’ community for his own personal gain of wealth and fame. He needs the afro american community to be helpless victims that he can rescue; so he helps keep them down for his own gain.

    He pisses on the grave of Martin Luther King.

  9. Chandler

    We aren’t going to hear from Al on this one, he’s a black cause specialist/opportunist.

    Who needs him, whites should look after their own, but they don’t. Most of them (liberals)feel too guilty about slavery or something to speak out.

    All we got is O’Rilley and he’s busy making sure we call Christmas Trees, Christmas Trees.

  10. LadyAngler

    Al has nothing to gain by discussing this issue.

    However, these youths are not an accurate sample of “Black America.” I think this was a hate crime performed by extreme, probably drugged-up, thugs lookin to start some shit. I hope they get their asses handed to them in court. Then…. we might hear from Al.

  11. Mark Tanberg

    LMcG (Texas Mom)
    “We need a white Martin Luther King”
    No we don’t, the real one suffices even better because they have let him down, when his message is reiterated by those who understand what he was saying you realize he was not just talking about Negro’s. MLK is for everybody, but they are being traitors to their own race.

  12. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Mark Tanberg - Good point.

  13. Bashman (the infidel)

    @Mark T and LMcG:

    Precisely the reason I put in the quote from King. “That a person may be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

    Sharpton is far from anything close to that.

    The vid is also sloppily thrown together with audio missing, weird editing etc etc…that is on purpose…a skewed vision of what should be a pure thing.


  14. TJ (The kafir)


    This would make a great public service announcement or commercial. You should try to get the networks to show it. :cry:

  15. Howie

    Bash this is your best video yet!!
    The thoughts were well presented, the soundtrack was good, it may be a little long for a commercial. We did however miss Louie. How is he feeling lately?

  16. ticticboom

    Sharpton does not care about white people.

    Nor does he care about black people.

    Al Sharpton only cares about Al Sharpton.

  17. ticticboom

    Heh. Look what I just found on Drudge:

  18. 0311inOHio

    Indeed, a masterpiece! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  19. ssgduke54

    Their is an old saying I learned in the Army. “Racism KNOWS NO COLOR”….To bad certain corrupt individuals haven’t learned that saying yet! :wink:

  20. canoechick2001

    Maryland also has legislation on the books that protects homeless people from hate crimes. It will be interesting to see if the thugs will be proscuted under that statute.

  21. allahlovesporkchops

    I think LadyAngler is right. That racist Al, won’t make an appearance until the “9″ are being charged. And then certainly only in the cause of their defense.

  22. Guymanperson

    But she’s white! Clearly she most of instigated this, amiright?

    This is why humanity is one of the most brilliant things in the Universe, yet also one of the most stupid.

  23. Kurt(the infidel)

    Bash, your a genius! seriously man this was a great work of art. Powerful!
    But to answer your question, hell no he wont show up! The Jena 6 beat up a white kid who didnt have anything to do with the incident and he shows up. But when 6 black men and 3 black women almost beat a white to death this snake in the grass will not show up. Think about this shit though, 6 black males beating a woman, i dont give a shit she was purple and they were green. 6 guys beating a woman is disgraceful already

  24. korndawg

    Al Sharpton is not only a disgrace to Black people but to all humans on this planet. I yearn of the day when this asshole gets his comupance…..

  25. Phil N Blanx (the cracker)

    Personally I hope Al Sharpton doesn’t show up. Why make a bad situation worse by injecting that race-baiter into the situation. Not that he would show up anyway and lose his base. And that should speak volumes.

    Damn Bash - Well done once again. Your creativity blows me away. I really, really, really like the way you think. I guess that’s a good thing :)
    Pat, you need to put your agent hat on and get Bash working on some big-time project. Far past time to bring back some real talent to Tinseltown.

  26. Lil Mac

    Bash great video :beer:
    This mediawhore pig will not say a friggin word !!
    Nice touch w/ Robert Johnson on the soundtrack

  27. Robert P

    I enjoyed the video, and for the most part agree. Have to ask what was with the caller at the end. I didn’t quite get that part. ALSO, what is a golden dragon?

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