Beware Of Berkeley: A Picture From The Lunatic Fringe

December 13th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

boobs not bombs...oooooookay

Well I hate to do it to you, but I would be remiss in my duties if I did not share this pic with you…it reminded me of when I was a kid in the 60’s…in the SF Bay Area….my parents were hippies…hmmm, I wonder if these are the spawn of our neighbors?

Well I couldn’t just delete the pic and not share it…just remember there are people on the left that crazier than Louie.

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26 Responses

  1. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    OMG :oops:

  2. Jarhead68

    I just hope and pray that the guy in the background with the guitar has his damn pants on. That is revolting. :oops:

  3. Jarhead68

    Oh, and I think I’d rather get bombed than look at those breasts for another second. :roll:

  4. John Goodrow

    no words.:eek:

  5. One Shot

    Not sure that I will ever be able to get wood looking at breasts again :)

  6. Steven D

    Rush Limbaugh’s 35 Undeniable Truths

    24. Feminism was established as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society.

    How true.

  7. Support your local Jihadi Killer

    A few more inches and those babies are gonna be draggin on the sidewalk. Who needs bombs when you got shit like that to scare the hell out of the enemy! :idea: One more :beer: please!

  8. IP727


  9. Poolee0311 (the infidel)


  10. ssgduke54

    :shock: My eyes OG MY EYES!!! :shock:

  11. Ranger

    Seriously. Why.

  12. deathstar

    Think thats bad, check out this shit.

    Caution: You will be enraged by the anti-Americanism, pro-terroism bull shit and disgusted by the naked, ugly liberal fuck heads.

  13. deathstar

    This is fucking nasty because there is a he/she/it with tits and a beard, I kid you not. This stuff makes you realize that the Berkley antiwar crowd are truly fucked up. Makes me glad to be a rightwing warmonger. Im sorry but if the Bay Area fell into the pacific I would’nt give a shit.

  14. mshatto

    Madeline Albright??

  15. Kurt(the infidel)

    Wow! look at those nasty boobs..look like half deflated party balloons

  16. TJ (The kafir)

    what a story of contrasts: those very women in the picture support people who would have them stoned to death for walking around in the manner they doing just there. :lol:

  17. Cridhe Saorsa

    Gravity has not been kind to her. Probably should not have burned that bra after all. I’ll now go put my eyes out with an ice pick to clear the pain.

  18. A. S. Wise- VA

    (Barfs.) (Gouges out eyes.)

  19. Mike in CA

    I just imagined what happens when she lays down. I have to go throw up now. :shock:

  20. GF

    What happens in Berkeley should stay in Berkeley

  21. Kurt(the infidel)

    Hey TJ, thats exactly why the rest of us look at liberals and just shake our heads. They are not intelligent people. I think to myself all the time when hearing them speak, no matter how much you support the terrorists they would still love to cut your fu*king head off. They dont seem to understand much about the threat. Their type of lifestyle would be most hated by the islamo-nutjobs

  22. ticticboom


    Seriously, I’ve seen some horrible things, in real life where the sounds, smells, taste, and touch make it much worse. I thought I had an iron stomach. I thought nothing could make me sick just from seeing it on a screen.

    Then, I made the mistake of looking at Zombie’s FSF post.

    I had to gouge out my eyes and pour bleach in the sockets.

  23. mindy abraham

    :shock: :shock: What is wrong with these people??? I looked at the zombie post, and felt like puking-seriously. TJ is right, those people would be stoned to death, by those who they are marching for. I would much rather hang out with old vets, than associate with those people.

  24. Ted B

    So, thoretically speaking, when the jihadists take over and these people get their way for about five seconds, what happens then? Has anyone there stopped to think about how the jihadists will change their lives, like ending them or forcing them to believe in a religion? These people are like spoiled rotten children, truly a nihilistic parallel universe.

  25. Wolfpack

    Ok, I’ll get a bit extreme, where is the self respecting muhj with 20lbs of plastic and 40lbs of ball bearings when you need one.

  26. franchie

    the funniest thing, there, is that those who promote breasts or dicks, have no more chance to use them :???:

    this kind of “riots/strikes would not happen by us, while the “sex” things are not frustrated in our society rules, then they don’t need to be recalled in such sort of protestations

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