Brit Author Wimp Changes Name of Character From Mohammed To Morgan

December 2nd, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Though not quite a best-seller, British author Kes Gray (above) has sold 40,000 copies of his book “Who’s Poorly Too” over the last eight years. That’s right, the character Mohammed the Mole has been out there for eight years and now, in light of the Gillian Gibbons teddy bear incident in Sudan, the author has decided to change the mole’s name for the next reprinting.

We won’t see that in America…will we?

We had better not.

LONDON: First there was Mohammed the Mole and Dipak the Dalmatian . Now there is Morgan the Mole and Dipak the Dalmatian . A British children’s author who named his fictitious mole Mohammed and the dog Dipak in an attempt to promote multi-culturalism, has backed away from the first for fear of offending Muslims.

The book Who’s Poorly Too contains a character named Mohammed the Mole, well, not anymore.

Author Kes Gray said he changed the mole’s name after reading about the fate of British school teacher Gillian Gibbons who is in prison in Sudan for allowing her class to name a teddy bear Mohammed.

Gray told The Sunday Times , London that he “had no idea at all of the sensitivities of the name Mohammed until seeing this case in Sudan” and he added that the Hindu and Muslim names for his animals characters had merely been a way to “embrace other cultures…I had no idea it would backfire like this. I was in Egypt this year and everyone was called Mohammed. I just thought it was a popular name”.

Gray’s book, an illustrated volume called Who’s Poorly Too , has sold 40,000 copies in Britain and abroad over the last eight years it has been in print. But the author says he decided to postpone a re-print and rename the mole to guard against the possibility of trouble from angry Muslims.

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5 Responses

  1. cb10

    “To guard against he possibility from angry muslims”—-Oh really!
    Fresh air seems to piss those Neanderthals off.

  2. Poolee0311 (The Infidel)

    No balls.

    Though it shouldn’t have been named Mohammed in the first place. ‘Multiculturalism’ is a pipe dream.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    That’s cause he’s scared that some Islamofacist lunatic will issue a fatwa against him. He should have named his character Jesus…or better still.. growed a pair.

  4. Frozen Tex

    Hmmm, 8 years and no troubles; 8 years and no sales? Make a big deal about the name change and get a little sale-increasing attention…

  5. radgy


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