Brit Government Hospital Forced To Turn Beds To Face Mecca 5 Times A Day

December 4th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

So the Brit taxpayers are having to foot the bill for “Muslim Familiarization” training of National Health Service (NHS) nurses. This from The Daily Express:

OVERWORKED nurses have been ordered to stop all medical work five times every day to move Muslim patients’ beds so they face towards Mecca. The lengthy procedure, which also includes providing fresh bathing water, is creating turmoil among overstretched staff on bustling NHS wards.

It comes on the back of the introduction in some NHS hospitals last year of Burka-style gowns for Muslim patients who did not wish medical staff to see their face while operating or caring for them.

Brit Lawmaker: “Hospitals should be concentrating on stopping the spread of infections than kow-towing to the politically correct brigade. “If the need for fresh running water is so great then perhaps family members could be on hand to assist the already overworked medical staff.”

Turning beds so they face towards Mecca was a key proposal put forward during the hospital meetings, along with suggestions that Muslim women should only be seen by female doctors.

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16 Responses

  1. Joe M.


    The real Islam teaches that it is the intent that counts not the physical motions. While being clean is a big part for them if they are physically unable to point in the right direction that shouldn’t be a problem as long as they pray and mean it. Seriously, if they want nurses to do this then shouldn’t they also be made to take them out of bed and bend them down in prayer as well?

  2. cb10

    Time to reap what you sow Brits.

    Guess when you get tired of this shit YOU will put a stop to these Neanderthals.

  3. DC

    Well, if cleanliness gets them into heaven, then they’re all doomed to hell because they all wipe their ass with their finger……….

  4. the_prohet_9

    are any of them beds close to stairs???

  5. A. S. Wise- VA

    Let them turn their own beds.

  6. CrazyZoal

    This is complete BS! I am Muslim and I live in the Middle East and if any bed is facing Mecca in hospitals it is by coincidence. What the He!! is England doing? :mad:

  7. Jim

    Turn the beds to mecca and leave them their …. All other denominations build hospitals…let them take some of their jihad money and build an Islamic hospital….this is fricken ridiculous … If those jackasses want the beds turned why aren’t charity groups helping.. oh I forgot, their blowing themselves up, my bad

  8. mindy abraham

    This is silly. Either get volunteers to do it so the nurses can be left alone or leave it. God is forgiving, and as long as you face the right direction, the bed does not have to be. Jews during the holocaust had to eat bread during passover, and they prayed for forgiveness, and god forgave them. God is forgiving of people in dire circumstances.

  9. drillanwr

    I’m buying a ticket to Britian and checking into the freaking socialist hospital in a burka just to have the wankers pick up my bed and spin me around five times a day.

    You don’t think it’ll be a dead give away when I yell “Weeeeeeeeeeee!” every time they do it??

  10. LMcG

    Do they have workers’ comp in the UK? I would assume they do - If I were a nurse working at a hospital that had this stupid ass rule, I would file workers’ comp for back pain so fast that their . . . beds would spin.

  11. Vanessa

    The British have lost their minds and their country.

    Too Bad.

    We are headed in the same direction.

    Too bad there are no real men around anymore to stop the madness.

    Greed has stolen the soul of most of those we send to represent us the people and along with those who actively seek the destruction of America as we know/knew it, they are doing a fine job while the majority are breaking their backs just keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table and the lights on.

    We are in a sorry state.

  12. LftBhndAgn

    Yeah. For some reason I’m not buying this story.

    First off, most hospitals will cater to ALL patients needs no mater the situation. When your sick and in the hospital your not in control of anything most of the time. Hospitals generally pay close attention to special requests BECAUSE it gives patients one ounce of control over their situation and can lessen the amount (psychologically if anything) to healing time. I am speaking in regards to here in the US.
    It sounds like media hype to me, blowing special requests of patients out of proportion. Or maybe someone doesn’t like there job that works in that specific hospital.

  13. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    drillanwr: :lol: :beer:

  14. franchie

    “Well, if cleanliness gets them into heaven, then they’re all doomed to hell because they all wipe their ass with their finger……….”

    In your fantazy !

    they use plastic bottles ; that’s how toilets get like ponds

    otherwise, these revendications would “never” happen by us cause we have the right law that prevents any religion from showing off in a state etabishment, ie hospital

  15. ShortFuse

    People will eat shit until they get tired of eating shit, and when they do they throw the shit back where it belongs.
    It is way past time for people, countries, groups, et al to stop eating the shit of a group of people who feel they have the right to demand that others eat their shit.
    Fuck these bastards. Tell them to get out of bed and kneel in any direction they fucking feel like. And then kick them in the ass.

  16. Ashworth

    Panty waists. I don’t hear any liberal aclu-ers raving about seperation of church and state (why don’t the nurses help pass out communion as well? I guess you have to chop off a few heads to get good service these days). Churchill would beat the crap out of whoever instituted this.

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