Chavez Has No Balls, Gets Kennedy To Be His Bitch

December 12th, 2007 Posted By Bash.


Joe Kennedy stands beneath the Venezuelan flag.

Joe Kennedy’s back, playing Santa Chavez with a new sleigh full of Venezuelan heating oil for “the poor.” The tropical dictator’s politicized “gift,” however, comes with strings. We see Joe dancing on them.

Kennedy made a loud production of his new $25 million shipment of oil for the poor, courtesy of the Venezuelan-government-owned Citgo, to be distributed through his Citizens Energy. Cameras rolling, Kennedy ostentatiously lumbered into Braintree, Mass., on a tanker with red-jacketed acolytes all around him.

In the cadence of a docker, Kennedy made no bones about this being political.

“Our government gets their panties in a knot much more than most Americans do about Hugo Chavez,” Kennedy told the Boston Globe. “I’ll tell you I wish we had a little more leadership in this country that has a concern for the poor and the disenfranchised as we do in other parts of the world,” he said, adding that he would never be “in the tank to Hugo Chavez.”

But Kennedy’s been in the charity oil business for years, and he knows that Chavista crude isn’t the only solution for high oil prices hitting the poor. Oil can be bought, and he could get the cash just as easily for his program by hitting up some foundation to buy the oil.

What this is really about is advancing Chavez’s U.S. agenda, a big part of which is to blame U.S. oil companies for high oil prices.

High oil prices do squeeze the poor. But oil companies do not control them. Dictators such as Chavez do. Eighty percent of the world’s oil is held by inefficient state oil companies. Venezuela is one of the worst, producing its oil with scab labor since a 2003 strike, and it has also confiscated at least $1 billion in U.S. oil assets since then. Some industry analysts estimate that Chavez adds as much as a third of the cost to world oil prices. No wonder he wants someone else, like Big Oil, blamed.

Now he’s got a willing dupe. Besides browbeating oil companies, Kennedy also brought in politicians shilling for Chavez as well.


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9 Responses

  1. Matt

    If the conservatives would stand up and kick the shit out of the liberal tree huggers, we could drill and get our own oil to the market. It’s jerkoff Joe’s own party that gives Chavez this enroute to peddle his political BS. Hey, maybe if we kill all the animals in Alaska, there would nothing left to protect and we could drill all we want. Then the libs could focus on fur coats and saturated fat while we make the world a better place to live.

  2. GF

    Exactly, there is a reason he smells sulfer.
    Chavez IS big oil.

  3. deathstar

    The Kennedys are sick. Fuck them and their legacy of un-American, pro commie, pro-Osama shit, pro-dictator shit

  4. cb10

    Isnt there one kennedy that isn’t a self serving POS?

  5. ticticboom


    That trait has been bred out of them. The original Joe Kennedy was a fascist loving piece of shit. That seems to have bred true. Besides, any that did turn out pro-America would be disowned.

  6. cb10

    Follow up, double f**k those inbreds that elect this clan, then just stand around with their hand out, taking blood oil from that pig Hugo Chavez.

  7. drillanwr

    Yet, another “Kennedy” who has outlived that family’s artificial legacy …

  8. TJ (The kafir)

    if chavez has confiscated oil wealth from us , what have we done to remedy that? nothing! have we freezed assets . No!

    kennedy should be shot like his 2 brothers or betteryet have his passport confiscated and ship him to venezuela. I can think of more deserving venezuelans who could use the help.

  9. TJ (The kafir)

    we need grassroots protests in america demanding we drill in anwr and the gulf of mexico as well as use our vast coal reserves to produce oil.

    slogan: Got Oil? Yes we do, lots of it!

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