Code Pink Cunts Falsify ID, Lie & Scream To Get Press Passes Into Congress

December 11th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

code pink piggies

Instead they got the fucking boot in the ass. What else is new.


WASHINGTON — Anti-war demonstrators from Code Pink took a further step in their efforts to protest at the Capitol Tuesday, with two members of the group attempting to apply for media credentials with false information, FOX News has learned.

The two protesters, not dressed in the typical fuchsia used to identify group members at protests, entered the Senate Radio-TV Gallery with an application for credentials that indicated they were documentary workers for Dateline NBC.

A confrontation soon ensued with the gallery director, with the protestors growing more and more belligerent, according to a witness to the events. Eventually the duo, failing to get authorization from the Senate gallery, left the office, only to try the same trick on the other side of the Capitol with the House Radio-TV Gallery. They failed in that endeavor too.

Code Pink protesters often break the rules of the Capitol to impede congressional hearings, disrupt floor proceedings and make their opposition to the war known.

While much of their actions are non-threatening — In October one woman with red stained hands was arrested for approaching Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at a hearing — the Pinkers appear to be trying more deceptive ruses to subvert Capitol Police authority.

The attempt to attain media credentials occurred on the same day the Senate Intelligence Committee held a closed-door hearing with CIA Director Michael Hayden on the 2005 destruction of two tapes that had recorded CIA interrogators questioning key terrorism suspects.

About 10 Code Pinkers showed up outside the hearing room, shouting anti-war rhetoric at lawmakers and Hayden. Some laid down in the hallway where Hayden was to walk before being moved by the police.

The disruptions forced the media to move its typical stakeout location for lawmakers and officials to answer media questions to the middle of the hallway in an attempt to form a barrier and prevent distractions by the protesters.

When Hayden, committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller and others eventually exited the room where the briefing was being held, the protestors’ level of outrage seemed to dissipate. One woman from afar occasionally shouted in Hayden’s direction, “Stop the war!”


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7 Responses

  1. deathstar

    Slap these bitches up.

  2. IP727


    Hey BASHMAN…love the 4 letter stuff I love forwarding your insightful commentary to others.

    A cunt, is a cunt, is a cunt. I love it.

  3. Kevin M

    Looks like Louie is putting on weight! :lol:

  4. Jim

    @ Kevin

    Louie’s dead…that’s lil’ Louie

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Isn’t obtaining press passes using false credentials illegal? If it isn’t, at the very least this group should be banned from any Congressional function. Code Fink seems to think that they have some sort of legal heckler’s veto that they are entittled to. Wrong. No one owns a heckler’s veto in this society.

    These disruptions of Congress need to cease. Wonder how they would act if we waterboarded them?

    Hey don’t tase me bro.

  6. Ted B

    If I were Condi, I’d have pulled a GySgt. Hartman on security like he did on Joker in the head.

    “Why is Code Pink here?! Why is Code Pink getting this close to me?! Why the fuck aren’t you stomping Code Pink’s ass?!

  7. GF

    What ever happened to the guys who showed up in white coats to escort these pinkos back to the funny farm for some shock treatment.

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