Daily Berkeley Babe: You Write The Caption

December 27th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Do you have a picture you’d like to see in our “You Write The Caption” feature? Send it to bashmaniacal@gmail.com. I laughed my ass off at all of yesterdays comments.

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27 Responses

  1. jgee

    Lance: Hey, whattya think about Trudi? She ain’t got a boyfriend. You wanna hang out, get high?

    Vincent: Which one’s Trudi? The one with all the shit in her face?

    Lance: No, that’s Jody. That’s my wife.

  2. Augustine

    Some Berkeley girls were getting involved and wanted to take part in the world’s different cultures, sadly they failed, hard.

  3. ukatheist

    i forsee a comedy tour bill engvalls heres your sign bashmans you write the caption,,,,i only went in to get my nails done,or young slim single woman seeks nsa fun

  4. steve m

    BASH…WTF???..where do you get these?..geeeesssh

    how about “Hellraiser XI: Berkley Babes”

    how in God’s name does “it” get thru the metal detectors at the airport?..

  5. CJW

    I thought the “Bedazzler” was just for clothing.

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    I hear this bitch is just a mild librarian in Berkeley. Just wait until you see the whores on the street haha

  7. trapper

    pin the tail on the donkey. no winner YET. NEXT!!!!!

  8. Doc Weldon

    I use these to get rid of the wrinkles cause they’re all natural, not like that Botox crap.

  9. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Gross . . . just gross.

  10. POD1

    The new improved Berk-Skank 2008 models come cable ready.

  11. POD1

    I bet she could get her head to whistle in 6 part harmony if she took all that shit off and went for a ride in a convertable.

  12. POD1

    Money shot from robot porn.

  13. ticticboom

    HALP!! Mah tung iz bolted to mah shnozz!!!

  14. drillanwr


    Money shot from robot porn.



    Winner! LMAO!!! :beer:

  15. Dave

    Alien (alien vs Predator) survives and mates with Berkley professor, love child produced, vegan, but loves pearls and squid ink tattoos, having hard time finding date.

  16. Dave

    Ugly as ugly does.

  17. stormin1961

    wife of pinhead

  18. Monkey3531

    I want to see the video where she gets within striking distance of a big magnet.

  19. TJ (The kafir)

    caption: you see why they veil women in islam?

  20. James

    After traversing a network of sewage drains and plants across the country a mutant creature spawned in a petri dish at Columbia University says she’s glad to finally find her new spiritual mecca at Berkeley.

    Her new ACLU buddies now demand she stopped being called prickfaced goldilocks so as to not offend prickfaced shitkicker mutants and cockroaches everywhere [pokes tongue out and confesses a deep affection for Keith Olbermann’s ass crack - giddyup!]

  21. mr bubbles

    There’s a tongue that’s had to have been up too many asses.

  22. franchie

    mr bubbles, why asses ?

    I was told the dicks like the bubbles frictions

  23. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)

    Yeah, Pod1…money shot… :lol:

  24. ukatheist

    the scary thing is i think she is english of jamacian desent, i’ll get back when i find out

  25. Kevin M

    “TJ (The kafir) caption: you see why they veil women in islam?”

    Actually many of the women in the Middle East are, in fact, drop-dead stunning (I’ve seen a number of them). This one-woman skank pageant is the inevitable result of feminism, left-wing indoctrination and a deep sense of self-loathing.

  26. LadyAngler

    I bet she sucks a mean……

  27. allahlovesporkchops

    Anyone care to shave my back?

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