Dog Ate Your Homework? Surgery Needed After Madrassa Teacher Beats Kid

December 6th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

how can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer ham?
Pink thought he had it bad.

ISLAMABAD: A 13-year-old Pakistani boy who was beaten by his teacher for not completing his homework is preparing to undergo a third surgery.

Mudassar Aslam, a Class IX student of Himayatul Islam High School in Hyderabad, has already undergone two major intestinal surgeries after his teacher beat him.

Aslam was rushed to Liaquat University Hospital on November 21 after he complained of severe abdominal pain. His teacher, Buland Iqbal, trashed him with a stick after tying him up. The boy said, “I was beaten with a stick after two other students tied my hands. He (Iqbal) also ordered I do 100 sit-ups which caused pain in my stomach.”

Aslam was not allowed to leave for home even after he complained of excruciating pain. His elder brother Owais said he took Aslam to hospital when he noticed his abdomen was swelling like a ‘balloon’.

The doctor attending on Aslam said his blood pressure and his pulse rate were very high when he reached the hospital and he could have suffered a brain stroke.

“The intestines were jumbled and perforated and had turned blackish due to blocked blood circulation for which the first surgery was performed. But as it was leaking, another attempt was made,” the doctor said.

“A third operation to enable him to pass stool and urine will be needed after two to three months.” The school is yet to take action against the teacher. And Aslam’s family has not reported the matter to police because “they would get into trouble”.

The boy’s father, a daily wage labourer, has lost his job for staying away from work to be with Aslam in hospital.


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9 Responses

  1. TBinSTL

    Can we say it now??

  2. John Cunningham

    Dam, and I thought the nuns were tough.

  3. DC

    The last teacher that laid a hand on me, found himself on the floor with a headache and a fat lip………

    Of course, I got suspended for 3 days, but he got fired!

  4. Jim

    No one to blame but the parents for allowing that to happen and not reporting or killing that teacher.

  5. TJ (The kafir)

    I hate to sound callous but, you put your kid in a madrassa,you are the one who started the abuse, the teacher is just adding to it! :twisted:

  6. Sandy

    Barbaric and disgusting. :sad:

  7. ticticboom

    Maybe if all the madrassa teachers beat their students to death, we wouldn’t have so many suicide bombers.

    It’s not really the kids fault they’re raised this way, but it’s not really the dog’s fault if it gets rabies. That doesn’t stop me from blowing it’s head off. Shit happens.

    At least a Muslim can choose to stop being a Muslim, if only in his own heart. A dog can’t decide to stop being rabid.

  8. mindy abraham

    Now that is a bad teacher who deerves punishment. :twisted:

  9. Kipp

    And we say their is no discipline in the schools anymore. Where do I sign my kid up?

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