Harry Reid: “The American People Are Losing”

December 18th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Baghdad Bob's cousin
Is it just me? Or does pretty much every sentence that spews out of Reid’s mouth contain some form of the word “Lose”.

I have a phrase for harry… “Loser Mentality”…

From Politico.com:

If this is what winning looks like, then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants no part of it.

Tired of Republican crowing about winning on Iraq funding, the budget battle and the energy bill, Reid (D-Nev.) shot back on Tuesday afternoon.

“We hear a lot of Republicans boasting … because of their unprecedented obstruction,” Reid said.

Indeed, Republicans have gotten their way in the battle over spending, have forced Democrats to jettison rollbacks of tax breaks for oil companies, and have beaten back attempts to pay for expanded children’s health care programs with a tobacco tax increase. Even though they’re in the minority, the GOP, backed by President Bush, has used the filibuster to block Democratic priorities over and over this fall.

“Who’s winning?” Reid asked a group of reporters. “Big oil, big tobacco. … Al Qaeda has regrouped and is able to fight a civil war in Iraq. … The American people are losing.”

Reid left the microphones to head to a signing ceremony for legislation which increases gas mileage rules for the first time in 30 years _ something Democrats will indeed tout as a “W” in their won-loss column.

Martin Kady II in Politico.com.

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10 Responses

  1. One Shot

    Fuck this putz. He should be tried and then hung by the neck for treason.

  2. ThomP45

    One thing. I hear all the outcry of Mitt Romnry because of his faith. Yet the same people who lambast Romney think Dingy Harry can walk on water. Doesn’t anyone know that Harry Reid (D-NV) is the same religion as Romney? Attack Romney’s religion because he is a REPUBLICAN, but love Reid because he is a DEMOCRAP? :shock: (Something to think about)

  3. cb10

    Boycott Las Vegas, better yet, make reservations, then cancel and tell em it’s because of their un american POS looser senator hairy weid.
    Those people who want your $$$$ better be thinking about getting rid of this crapweasel.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    The only loser is Hairy Weed. He can run his mouth all he wants. He’s going to lose his seat in his home state. His poll numbers are paltry. Electing a blue wussy in a red state is not real smart. Worse still, being a wussy in Congress while representing a red district in time of war isn’t real bright either. Either way, this jerkoff’s days are numbered.

  5. Jim

    With Harry Reid someone is always losing…the crier of the defeated…

  6. POD1

    Love the graphic Bash.

    Alternate caption:
    No progress here, keep moving.
    Nothing to see here people, no progress at all.
    It only looks like progress, just keep moving.

  7. Ted B

    Harry, you are in charge there bud. If you can’t pull your weight, it is time for you to resign.

  8. chay

    Harry Reid better get used to losing. He’ll lose the next election. His approval rating in Nevada is at an all time low, somewhere around 25%. Democrats make for a weak America, because they are true weaklings, but Reid and Pelosi look down right anemic.

  9. Lamplighter

    I really can’t stand this guy. He defines the word “loser.” Hey, Harry, if you want to see the future as envisioned by you, come to California. We are just about bankrupt…14 billion in the hole and counting. This is a boom economy. Because Gov. Arnold decided to throw in the towel and go along with the dems who have been running the place for the past 30 years. In all fairness, the “people” of California vote these &^%*#@* in. :roll:

  10. Trindam

    Remember the BS that spewed from the Iraq Minister of Internal Security or whatever his title was during the Iraq war?

    He kept saying we were know where near them, that Iraq soldiers were beating us back and so on. Which was completely not true, and really pointed out either how much of a liar the man was in order to help his cause, or how much he was disconnected from what was actually going on.

    Well, everytime Harry here makes such idiotic statements I get flashbacks from hearing that Iraqi Internal Security guy.

    Because Harry is exactly the same. Either a big liar to try and push his agenda, or he is disconnected from reality. Hell, he’s probably both.

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