Jihadi Caught With Explosives Claimed He Was Hunting Loch Ness Monster

December 17th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

nessie targeted by jihadis!

AN ELECTRICIAN accused of being a Muslim holy warrior claimed he was hunting Nessie during an alleged jihad training course.

Somali-born Kader Ahmed, 20, told a court he went on a trip arranged by preacher Mohammed Hamid, 50, to Scotland at Christmas 2004.

He said they visited Inverness and Loch Ness and added: “I’d never been to Scotland before. It was very cold when we went up. It was snowing.”

He said they stopped near Loch Ness for a few days, sleeping in their minibus as it was too cold to camp, and tried to spot the elusive monster.

Ahmed, from east London, admits going on camping trips and paintballing sessions with Hamid’s group, who included four of the men later convicted of the plot to bomb London on July 21, 2005.


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9 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    He said: “We thought it was like a frame-up.”

    He said he later subscribed to a theory that the same anti-Muslim elements were responsible for faking the September 11 attacks on America and the London attacks.


    This guy is as guilty as sin.

  2. DC

    Hunting “Nessie”……..with what…….DuPont spinners?

  3. John Cunningham

    Can’t make this stuff up.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    I hear ya Jonh, this is too crazy to be fiction :lol:

  5. Steve in NC

    Apparently “Nessie” was seen in the company of a sea monster that was not her husband or member of the family, and it was to be an honor killing.

  6. LftBhndAgn


    Thought this was cool. At least this judge sees it for what it is.

    State Blocks Muslim Celebration Involving Animal Slaughter

  7. Phil N Blanx

    Even crazier is the people in this country that believe Nessie is real but deny a terrorist threat.
    John WOT-is-a-bumpersticker-slogan Edwards and Rosie 1st-time-in-history-fire-melted-steel O’Donut comes immediately to mind.

  8. ShortFuse

    Nice try, terrorist dickhead. The court should sentence his ass to death for insulting the intelligence of the court or anyone else to whom he tried to sell this crap.

  9. POD1

    Don’t laugh, there are plenty of liberal-dhimmi out there that will buy his bullshit story.

    In this case the proper spelling for the islamic word Taqiya:

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