Man Sentenced To Death By Stoning For Adultery In Iran

December 11th, 2007 Posted By Bash.


Tehran, 11 Dec. (AKI) - A 48-year-old man with two children faces death by stoning in Iran after he was accused of having had extra-marital sex.

Iran’s Supreme Court has sentenced Abdollah Farivar Moghaddam to death by stoning in the city of Sari, in the north of the country.

Abdollah was accused of adultery and the Supreme Court confirmed the sentence that was passed by the judges in the tribunal in Sari.

In March, another man was stoned in the city of Ghazvin, which is about 100 kilometres from the capital Tehran.

Iran is believed to have executed at least 210 people in 2007, according to human rights groups. The Islamic republic has one of the highest rates of execution in the world, second only to China.

Capital punishment is applied in Iran in cases of murder, rape, armed robbery, serious drug trafficking and adultery.



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15 Responses

  1. Egfrow

    Ok Europe, This will be your society in a few more years.

  2. drillanwr

    K …

    But no mention of what the “adultress” got? …

    Oh, wait (LOL) My bad:

    “In March, another man was stoned in the city of Ghazvin, which is about 100 kilometres from the capital Tehran.”

    In which case Amydidherdad is right, “There are no homosexuals in Iran … We guarantee it!”

  3. PhilNBlanx

    They stone you if you’re caught in another’s bed.
    They stone you until they turn the color red.

    They stone you when you are all alone.
    They’ll stone you when you are walking home.

    Well they’ll stone you and say that it’s the end.
    They’ll stone you and then they’ll come back again.

    Amidinejad don’t wanna feel all alone.
    Everybody MUST get stoned…

  4. franchie


    no worry, we have Sarko :lol:

    while I am at it, according to the news, the anglo-saxons countries are much more fuck-up than us when it comes to muslins

  5. Egfrow


    Britain and Spain seem to be the worse effected.

  6. LftBhnAgn

    :lol: @ PhilNBlanx rendition of Dylan

  7. drillanwr

    Phil … pure genius, my friend!

    Not since

    Bomb, bomb, bomb
    Bomb, bomb Iran

    Has there been such pure melody and lyric to flow so easily off the drunken tongue. :beer:

  8. mindy abraham

    :twisted: This is pathetic-I don’t approve of adultary, but KILLING over it? You know how many they would have to kill in the US if we did that?

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    Where’s the moral outrage of the West and the UN. Or for that matter the Dhimmi Party? And they’re up in arms over waterboarding? What a bunch of idiots.

  10. Doc

    “He who is without sin…..”

    Man, that is a lot of sinless people. And not an adulterer in the bunch.


    This is the most hideous portrayal of humans, by the nature of the act, then anything I know of involving a group of civilized people

  12. Jim

    To throw a stone at a defeated womans head (like in the picture), who is sitting on the ground, is “beyond” unforgivable to me.

  13. T Double Dash

    Look at the primitive screwheads! How will we punish them for playing with nuclear materials?

  14. drillanwr

    @mindy abraham
    … You know how many they would have to kill in the US if we did that?

    Well, Hollywood would be a ghost town. And NYCity would look like that new flick with Will Smith (the remake of Omega Man) I Am Legend.

  15. Ted B

    Right franchie, all those muslim riots in NYC and LA, London and Sydney, you are sooooo right… :roll:

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