MLB Opinion Poll: What Do You Think About The Whole Steroids Thing?

December 13th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

tsk tsk
Sound off on the Major League Baseball steroids report, the players, the game, the future…

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15 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    Just one more “pure” American pastime to lose respect for. Thats all.

    One thing I will say, in no way can anyone ever do a fair comparison to the players of today to the players of my fathers time. Back then it wasn’t what they were injecting into their body’s that made them great.

  2. ticticboom

    I saw a sign during Bonds run that sums it all up:

    “Hank Aaron did it on hot dogs and beer.”

  3. Irish Gal


  4. franchie

    is it ment to give one the idea of “enlarge your penis” ?

    thought it was the reverse side of steroids use though

  5. Kevin M

    I agree with LftBhndAgn. Baseball is now a waste of time for me. I refuse to watch a bunch of overpaid junkies parade themselves around as though they were athletes.

  6. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Texas Rangers fan here . . . Tejeda is called the Ranger killer - He has always kicked our butts with his bat . . . now we get it. Our boys are just didn’t know how to “play the game” . . .

  7. cb10

    Americas pastime—-another myth exposed

  8. John Goodrow

    I lost my respect for baseball after the strike in the 90’s, this just puts it over the top.

    I feel bad for the real athletes who’s records have been broke by these roid heads.

  9. jake

    Everyone knows the players that do it, its obvious. This report just puts together years of hear-say to make players who haven’t done anything wrong look bad. Pretty crappy job if you ask me…

  10. Jon

    What the hell, just split major league sports down the middle and have the organic leagues and the steroid leagues. If these guys want to look like Transformers, let ‘em.

  11. katherine.

    I’d LOVE to sound off…is there a word count limit?

  12. EDinTampa

    I have never seen such an undeserving bunch of millionaires playing a game they supposedly love.


  13. LadyAngler

    I like to see home runs and 100mph fast balls as much as anyone, but honestly, it’s friggin’ cheating IMO. I think it’s weak as hell. I honestly believe if gamblin’ Pete can’t be in the HOF… steroid users shouldn’t either.

  14. Scuba

    People still watch baseball?

  15. jcard

    MLB steroids? Who cares!

    Eliminate the performance-enhancing MLB rule(s); then its use will not be “cheating”.

    I would LOVE to see someone hit 100 home runs in a season.

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