Mohammed To Beat Jack As Top UK Boys’ Name

December 13th, 2007 Posted By Bash.


I kid you not, Gaddafi had a video out where he espoused this very thing. He said something to the effect of not needing to wage jihad in the UK to take it over because within so many years the birth rate of muslims in the UK will put muslims in the majority.

Beware all you Brits, beware.

Mohammed is set to overtake Jack as the most popular boys’ name in Britain as a result of the high birth rate in Muslim families, which is driving the British population to a record high.

A report from the Office of National Statistics says the highest birth rates are in the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities, both predominantly Muslim.

Jack was the most popular boys’ name last year, chosen for 6,928 babies. Mohammed - taking into account all of its variant spellings - overtook Thomas to lie in second place with 5,991 babies named.

Muhammad Anwar, a professor of ethnic relations at Warwick University, said: “Muslim parents like to have something that shows a link with their religion.

“The Muslim population is generally young and you expect a higher birth rate.”

Economic migrants from eastern Europe have also helped to boost the population, which is set to rise to 65 million by 2017 - an increase of five million. By 2031, the population will be over 70 million.


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8 Responses

  1. JTS

    This happened in Lebanon.. The story last week about the autor of “Because They Hate” had this very thing happen to her. Christians were the majority until muslims started multiplying like the AIDS virus, then they took over the country and murdered thousands. Wake up UK :!:

  2. GF

    And it helps that they signed their sovereignty away to the E.U., now they can’t deport thousands of illegals. Next they’ll want a crescent moon in the British Union Jack because the crosses offend them.

  3. Kevin M

    I could be wrong, but part of me still believes that, after the inevitable social chaos (riots, mass killings, terrorist strikes, etc.), Europe will wake up and boot the Muzzies out. But it won’t happen for 15-40 years. I knew several young Englishmen when I was overseas, and their addiction to PC pseudo-Christian ultra-forgiveness and tolerance bordered on a heroin addiction. Europe is so junked up with a socialist mentality, they can’t tell shit from Shinola.

    It can’t last.

  4. Doc

    The mooselem extremists call it Londonstan.

  5. mindy abraham

    Should I be worried? :???:

  6. Joe in MD

    Kevin M,

    How are they going to boot out millions of Muslims? Who’s gonna take em? The jihadists want to take over the world now, but the “moderate muslims” are content to out multiply the infidels and then take over even if it takes decades. The time for action in the UK is past, the disease has already taken hold. The UK will become a Muslim coutry because the noodle spined liberals wouldn’t do something when they could.

  7. Paul

    We have a large number of Pakis and Somalians in the UK who have the largest number of kids!!!!

    Guess what they also have the highest unemployment in the country!!!

    They are taught by their holy?men to outbreed and bankrupt the country they arrive in!!!!

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    I have known the problems going on in the UK just like everyone else on here for a while now but i still have to admit that im shocked. That being the number one boys name means they have been totally overrun. The brits can go all over the world and fight the GWOT all they want but their country is a ticking time bomb itself. I feel sorry those people now

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