More Al Qaeda Bite The Pork Bullet Near Baquba

December 18th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

These guys are local Iraqis in Baquba who now hunt Al Qaeda.

Baquba police captain Ahmed Mahmud said in Diyala, at least 17 suspected Al-Qaeda gunmen were killed in clashes overnight with Iraqi and US troops west of Baquba.

He said the battle, which also involved local anti-Qaeda front members supporting the security forces, took place in the town of Al-Hashmiyat.

“The operation was conducted from Wednesday evening up to Thursday morning and resulted in the killing of 17 Al-Qaeda gunmen. Four Iraqi soldiers and two members of the local Awakening group were also wounded,” Mahmud added.

In another incident, one Al-Qaeda militant was killed by security forces in the town of Abbarah, north of Baquba, Mahmud said, adding that an Iraqi soldier was also killed in a road bomb attack in Baquba.

A number of such anti-Qaeda groups known as Al-Sahwa (Awakening) have mushroomed across Iraq’s Sunni regions with the support of the US military.

The US military said that by December nearly 80,000 Sunni Arabs, as well as Shiites, had signed on to the Awakening movements and neighbourhood watch-type groups.

Over the past one year such anti-Qaeda groups, also known as “concerned local citizen groups”, have spread in some of the most volatile regions of Iraq.

These groups are fomed on the lines of Anbar Awakening Council, the first such group of Sunni tribes who decided to fight the Al-Qaeda in the western province of Anbar, a stronghold of Sunni Arabs.

Most of the members of such groups are former insurgents who initially fought the US military along with Al-Qaeda fighters in the aftermath of the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s regime.


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4 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    We keep killing them and they keep replacing their losses. Take the number 17 add 30,000 and subtract it from 300 million. That’s how many more of these sociopaths that we need to kill before this war is over.

    I’m glad that the Iraqis are stepping up to the plate and that we win every engagement that we are involved with. But this war….as the CIC has said… is going to be a long war.

    2008 will be crucial to the war’s ultimate outcome. Giving up now would be a major mistake. Killing OBL and his two henchman right about now would go along way. Then we could really say Merry Fooking Christmas to AQ.

  2. LftBhndAgn

    Merry Christmas Achmed :beer:

  3. ticticboom


    Brilliant! :mrgreen:


  4. Dan (The Infidel)


    ROFLMAO. Jeff Dunham rocks.

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