NFL Note: Monday Night’s Game Most Watched Cable Event Ever: Funny Video

December 5th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Tom Brady, All-Pro, and future Hall of Famer.

Most of us NFL fans don’t think along the lines of how many other people are watching the game along with us, save maybe during the Super Bowl.

But you see, a long-standing NFL record is shifting from side to side, just a little.

72 dolphins
The Undefeated 1972 Dolphins.

Don Shula sat up in the booth, jovially telling the guys “No steak for me, I’m on Nutri-System!” Chuckling…nervously (yeah, i saw it)…watching, wondering…

…wondering if the record his Miami Dolphins set 35 or so years ago will no longer stand.

I had the trading cards of Bob Griese, Larry Csonka, Paul Warfield, Jake Scott, and two Garo Yepremians. Remember him? The funny little prototype of Martin Grammatica (you know, tiny kicker with foreign accent but very accurate leg) who was forever relegated to the NFL Bloopers reels when a blocked kick turned into bizarre pass attempt, which then turned into a volleyball move, which was intercepted, resulting in a very, very embarassing moment in his career…voted year after year as the worst pass attempt in NFL history.

Watch poor Garo Fuck it up bad.

It seems they were making extra kicker trading cards that year, because I also had two Bruce Gossetts.

Before we became hippies my Dad managed a Leed’s Shoe Store in Marin County, and actually knew Bruce Gossett. He was the Forty-Niner’s kicker.

Espn’s Monday Night Football defeated Disney’s “High Scool Musical 2″ to become the most-watched cable TV program of all time drawing 17.5 million viewers. For some perspective, however, bear in mind the Super Bowl does about 90 million.

The Patriots played Monday night, and showed, IMHO, that they truly are one of the best NFL teams I have ever seen, and I have been an avid fan for 40 years. With regard to Tom Brady, I haven’t seen as good a two-minute guy since Joe Montana.

I shit you not.

Well, okay, Stabler, Staubach, Bradshaw, Elway, Marino, and Favre come to mind, but I play favorites. Hell, to be mentioned as a QB with the crowd I just mentioned, that’s legend, baby.

One record broken, involving the Patriots.

Will they break another?

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3 Responses


    I gotta admit, Im not that surprised. This was a big ass game but just imagine if the streak keeps up. The sky is the limit with the ratings for the next game.

  2. just posting a dolphins fan, livin in the frisco bay area my sfgiants and dolphins lose year round, if they beat patriots its a winning season. but as bush 1 says, “Not gonna do it”

  3. PhilNBlanx

    “Before we became hippies…”

    Shhhhh Bash. You’re going to ruin our image of being straight, knuckle-dragging, neanderthal, war-mongering bigots.

    BTW - Yeah Bash, Monday night was one helluva game (as you impressively predicted - I didn’t think the Ravens had a prayer). Half of me was pulling for the Ravens because that would have been a phenomenal upset and it looked like they just might pull it off, while the other half of me was pulling for the Pats because they really do have a great chance of breaking Miami’s record and that would be kind of cool. No doubt the Patriots (due in part mostly to Brady - yeah his two minute game rocks) are going to go down in history as one of the best all-time teams. I just wish Aquaboy Kennedy and Flipper Kerry didn’t make it so damn hard to enjoy A Massachusetts team’s success.

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:mrgreen: :neutral: :twisted: :arrow: :shock: :smile: :???: :cool: :evil: :grin: :idea: :oops: :razz: :roll: :wink: :cry: :eek: :lol: :mad: :sad: :!: :?: :beer: :beer: