NY Times: “Blackwater Shot Our Dog”

December 18th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

cute dog
Shit, they missed, they were aiming for your managing editor…or was it your ad director?

BAGHDAD - The U.S. embassy in Iraq is investigating another deadly shooting incident involving its Blackwater bodyguards — this time of the New York Times’s dog.

Staff at the newspaper’s Baghdad bureau said Blackwater bodyguards shot the dog dead last week before a visit by a U.S. diplomat to the Times compound.

Blackwater spokeswoman Anne Tyrrell said the dog had attacked one of Blackwater’s bomb-sniffer dogs while a security team was sweeping the compound for explosives.

“The K-9 handler made several unsuccessful attempts to get the dog to retreat, including placing himself between the dogs. When those efforts failed, the K-9 handler unfortunately was forced to use a pistol to protect the company’s K-9 and himself,” she said in an e-mail to Reuters.

The U.S. embassy employs about 1,000 armed Blackwater staff to protect American diplomats in Baghdad.

State Department investigators have made two follow-up visits to the Times compound to investigate the shooting of the dog, correspondent Alissa Rubin said.

“They were very solicitous and I thought took the incident very seriously,” Rubin said. “It’s not a dog that everyone’s close to in the compound.


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14 Responses

  1. franchies

    may-be hthe dog couldno’t smell blackwater bodies, they haven’t exactly the right pheromons

  2. Ranger

    “The dog that needed to be put down” is a great analogy for the NYT itself.

  3. TerryTate

    Daaaammmnn. Are you sure that dog isn’t dead already???

    Talk about the hound from Hell.

  4. drillanwr

    That’s just GREAT! Now who is the NYTimes gonna get to go out as a “stringer” and bring back “bad news” stories in Iraq?

    Bush’s fault, yet again!

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    If the dog in question was attacking a bomb-sniffing animal or any other animal engaged in policing activities, then Blackwater or the US Military had every right to protect their animal compatriots.

    Frankly, they should of shot the NY Times asshole on the ground. Fuck the NY Slimes. Damn weasels.

  6. Jim

    F*ck that, I would have shot the owner of the dog first..

  7. ndfel

    Should have given the hound a C4 biscuit before dipatching him. That would have made for a story of excessive force. :mrgreen:

  8. Mike from the Republic of Texas

    franchies was that half-assed english for a swipe at Blackwater security? Or where you trying to make a point. In either case that was an epic failure.

  9. franchie

    Mike from the Republic of Texas,

    hehe, ya need to make your imagination fonction :lol:

    anyway, I ment that the dog was aggressive, cause he couldn’t find the love pheromons in the smell of security guis

  10. Mike from the Republic of Texas

    Once again you recieve an F.

  11. franchie

    an F ? come on, I bet your alliens are worth

  12. franchie

    “worst”, I like to give you reason

  13. Mike from the Republic of Texas

    You ever wonder why everyone ignores you its because they can’t understand you. Neither can I, that said, FIND A BETTER TRANSLATOR!!! Your words don’t even make sense in that order.

  14. franchie

    depends if you really want to understand, seems you don’t want it, so forget it, go to the bar and have a pint on my charge :beer:

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