Oprah Obama Oprah Obama Oprah Obama blah blah blah

December 8th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

oprah obama
I suppose we’d be remiss if we didn’t at least mention and give you the chance to comment on the whole Oprah/Obama thing. There’s nothing I can tell you about it that you probably haven’t already heard or seen somewhere in the last week.

As an author (no you won’t get my pseudonym) I can say that there was a time when in the back of my mind I had secretly hoped Oprah would pick my novel for her book club. But the shot was a million to one and of course I never got picked. Butshe literally had/has the power to make an unknown author a best-seller overnight.

She has that power.

She has the power to influence moviegoers, concert-goers, Christmas shoppers…etc etc.

But the big question is…well, I don’t need to ask it, you’ve probably already asked it yourself, or heard someone on TV asking it…

It’s Saturday night, waddayathink?

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17 Responses

  1. 0311inOHio

    I think most of the American voting public can think for themselves and an endorsement by the big O will not sway those people.

  2. Dbo

    You know as easy and fun as it is to make fun of Oprah, her show alone, helped save the life of my friend Steve - O.

    In case you missed the story, Steve - O was an Iraqi boy on the syrian border who turned in his father who was an insurgent leader and like 40 other high value targets. The 82nd airborne wound up adopting him, and when we the Marines took over, we adopted him as well. I used to be his psuedo dad. She invited him and the Army soldiers who first encountered Steve - O on her show to shore up support and sympathy for him.

    A pretty decent read, A soldiers promise by First Sergeant Hendrix, is all about Steve - O’s story.

    I am pleased to report thanks in a large part to Oprah, Steve - O is here in the US and assimilating well.

    Seriously if your bored tonight google Steve - O and Iraqi boy at once, and you will learn about his amazing story.

    Damn, I sound like a commercial here.

  3. Dbo

    btw, what is the name of your book bashman? I would love to read it.

  4. Bashman (the infidel)


    Nah, no slam on Oprah here…my wife has been an Oprah fan since before she even met me and we been married 14 years, LOL.

    Oprah has done some pretty cool stuff. She talked my wife into, who then talked me into (wasn’t too hard) this charity where you can buy a goat for a family in this country, can’t remember (ugh, thats bad) but what the goat does is keeps tha family from selling their daughter into slavery. We have an 8 yr old daughter…needless to say…

    I appreciate your asking, but a rule I have laid down for myself, due to many things, namely all the threats and hate mail I get because of my views (big time hatred over at Liveleak for Bashman) is my name will be Bashman. So, unfortunately, I can’t tell you. But it is a Cthulhu Mythos novel, so you have to be into Cthulhu (H.P. Lovecraft) to even really want to read it.

    Pat read it, he uses it as a sleep aid.

    :smile: :beer:

  5. Cridhe Saorsa

    Good for ‘Bama. Unfortunately he is an idealist. Apparently so is Oprah. I guess you have to be in their business. The problem is that just believing isn’t enough, avoiding the war was never really an option and taxing the living crap out of middle America isn’t going to solve the problems they say they want to solve.

  6. Dbo

    @ bash

    Well I just finished slaughterhouse 5 this year, and am finishing up brave new world (I dont get to read for leisure too much at college). I could definitely stand some more fantasy/science fiction.

    If I am successful in getting my book published (click the link) well trade off anonymously somehow, how about that?

  7. Bashman (the infidel)


    Hmmm…maybe…maybe. :wink:

  8. Dave

    Oprah, may be cool to a lot of people but when men watch her show and get feely and touchy, it emasculates society, enough is enough.

  9. ticticboom

    Good intentions carry no weight. Try using them to balance the death and misery well-meaning but utterly blind to reality decisions have caused again and again.

    The nation Oprah and Obama seek to build is one of victims.

  10. John Cunningham

    Oprah will be the “useful idiot” for the next year.

  11. EDinTampa

    I don’t mind that she indorses Obama.

    I will still vote GOP.

    I bet Hillary is seething though.

  12. Irish Gal

    OOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo….. I’ve never watched Oprah much ever. Always worked during the day and couldn’t stay up for her reruns. However, did attend one of her tapings about 10 years ago. Nice lady, great American success story. But not a great judge of character. I’m just wondering if Obama is going to create a production company called “Amabo Productions”…

  13. Dan (The Infidel)

    So Oprah is endorsing Obama eh? Yawnnnnnnnnn…..Don’t care. I don’t watch Okrah and I don’t support Obama.

    CNN did a recent poll on celebrity endorsements. The result was that 94% of those that responded don’t let celebrity endorsements influence who they support.

    I’m with the 94%. To hell with Okrah. To hell with Obama.

  14. Clyde Conneer

    “Unfortunately he is an idealist.”
    Yeah, COMMUNIST!
    Okrah is one of those “Good People” doing nothing.

  15. Paul Ron


    This may not mean much to you because I am not a fan of this Iraqi situation and I voted for Clinton twice (did like Reagan alot)

    However your kind of approach which is of genuineness and sincerity, and compassion. That is what America was ALL about in the 1950,60’s, 70’s 80’s and to a diminished extent the 1990’s. You represent the American soldier that I respect.

    Thank you for making America proud overseas.

    My guess is you are what they call in spirtual circles and “old spirit”. A person who feels he has lived many past lives. This is not uncommon. Embrace this gift.

    Good luck with your writing. You will do well.

  16. LadyAngler

    Oprah is supporting Obama?!?! :shock: This is news? :razz: :lol:

    Actually, I used to like Oprah’s show. I have enjoyed several of her book club books also. I do think that O has the power to influence some of America in just about anything she attempted to, but I doubt her power extends beyond already liberal leaning women (in regards to Presidential voting). At least, I hope not.

    Hillary prolly is pissed!!! I’m surprised Bill hasn’t made a call.

  17. Brian H

    Don’t get me started, but IMO a better/smarter book by Vonnegut is Cat’s Cradle. Once you are introduced to Bokononism, you will never view the world the same way again! :lol: :razz: :smile:

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