Photos From The Assassination Scene: Warning! Graphic
Photos From FOX.
Photos From FOX.
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I almost think we need carnage like this here in a place like LA or New York to finally wake the entire country up. Those of us who come to Pat’s site are aware of the true gravity of the situation but there is a large chunk of society that is still totally clueless.
God help us when this madness comes here.
December 27th, 2007 at 9:15 amI think you need to have your head checked Professor Sick Fuck
December 27th, 2007 at 9:50 amBill’s right…Unfortunately. Too many people in this nation think terrorism is nothing more than an inconvenience while watching the 5 o-clock news. America is not taking this seriously.
Remember 9-11? Too many Americans don’t. If this wasn’t true then there would not have been so many people wanting the US to pull out of Iraq over the last few years before the job was done. Too many Americans were willing to allow AQ to take control of Iraq.
I certainly don’t want to see something like this happen in America. But I’m convinced it will since we;
1) Failed to stop illegal immigration across the Mexican border
2) Failed to take aggressive action against the terrorist nation of Iran in stopping their nuclear development
3) Continually embolden our enemies by allowing our media to provide supportive information to their cause.
If what Bill said is wrong, then what do you suggest needs to happen to not only combat terrorism but to defeat it? AQ continues to spread around the globe. Fighting them with one arm tied behind our backs is suisidal.
December 27th, 2007 at 10:31 amFNC scooped you, they were doing a live feed from Pakistan and they had this picture of the homicide bombers head, funny how his head was one way and his teeth were going the other. I like being a sick fuck.
December 27th, 2007 at 10:37 amAl-Qaida/Osama loves Muslims (when they are shredded to steaming lumps of dead meat).
December 27th, 2007 at 10:43 amSICK FUCK ALERT: I thought Borat was Dead? Why is he in the center of the photo (next to last)?
Professor Bill is absolutely correct about the Apathy in this country concerning the realities of Terrorism. 9/11 was a wake up call that the Left couldn’t ignore, but due to their short attention span they have fallen asleep again… Personally I don’t want to be in the car with any of the Democrat candidates at the wheel (throw Ron Paul and Ted Kennedy in their too)!
December 27th, 2007 at 11:54 amDon’t misunderstand, I find this absolutely horrible, and hope to God that this never ever happens here. However we have at least 33% of voting democrats believe that 9/11 was a partial inside job, ie, Bush knew it was going to happen.
I ask you Eric, what percentage of society is taking islamofascism serious? I would hazard a guess that only maybe 50% of society as a whole understands what is at stake, maybe even less than that. And we are only 6 1/2 years post 911. That is apalling. The entire liberal movement in America and even some supposed republicans today beleive we need to talk to terrorists instead of killing them.
This is the 1930’s all over again only worse, because nuclear weapons are now at stake and the cancer we call islamofascism is spreading.
I think suicide bombings will someday make its way to our shores as the Israeli’s have been dealing with and the only reason it hasn’t made it here yet is due to the tireless work done by law enforcement.
December 27th, 2007 at 1:55 pmSpot on Prof. It seems it has run in every generation before great conflicts have to be faced up to. History repeats, fools forget. Fools have flourished these past 60 years, especially since the 60’s
December 27th, 2007 at 3:55 pmProfessor’s point is rooted not in a desire to see the US attacked by a depressing understanding that our nation no longer “gets” the enemy. That we have gone back to sleep and want Bill and Hillary to make the bubble come back and make ever the dream that was the nineties come back.
Harry Reid had the gall to say to our enemies this last year that they were winning. Beating us. Basically and undeniably ENCOURAGING the scum who today probably killed Bhutto to KILL OUR SOLDIERS.
A US Senator was winking and flirting in our media, promising sexual fulfillment to Al Queda, like Paris Hilton.
Put another way, he has ASSISTED THE ENEMY.
And that is a different subject but when that does not arouse nearly UNIVERSAL OUTRAGE from the citizenry, then it is safe to say, we are back to sleep.
And I hope we never wake up if what is needed to wake us up is another massive attack. Let the slumber go on forever!
But in an inverse relationship, the likelihood of another attack goes up in direct proportion to our sleepiness.
We go back to slumber at our own peril. The enemy is not sleeping as we see today.
They may very well limp away from Iraq but they are not gone. They will reappear. They represent the Religion of Pieces and The Prophet’s exhortations cross the centuries. He will not be sates with the mere blood of Benazhir Bhutto and he will want the Muslims to recoup from the loss in Iraq.
This death cult thinks in generations, not sound bites.
Thus Prof’s point is our slumber and its danger.
The very painful truth is that sleep and denial are much more palpable than the ugly truth that we avoid except for hte moments it stares us in the face.
Like today.
Gosh, I’m sleepy.
Taze me to wake me up, bro.
December 27th, 2007 at 4:14 pmThere’s a certain fraction of this country that will never wake up. Even as they feel the dull blade sawing at their throats, they will still blame Bushitler, neo-cons, or JOOOOS. Sadly, these freaks control the media, education, the courts, and the Democratic party.
Bloodshed here will, however, wake up the majority of Americans. Once they realize that it’s We The People, not We The Government, and retake control of the system(s), things will change for the better.
It’ll be messy for a while, but we’ll pull through.
December 27th, 2007 at 5:20 pmWell Tic “they” don’t control all of education, I am fighting the good fight in my little corner but overall you’re depressingly right. Our universities are vast feverswamps of political correctness and mind numbed liberal clones. Although I do think that at many universities the student body is becoming more conservative than the professors. So perhaps there is hope.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:14 pmWhy hasn’t Eric answered?
December 27th, 2007 at 8:16 pmprofessor and everyone else,
many people think terrorrism is overstated and dont take it seriously enough, however, many think if we pull troops out of foreign lands we will save money and be able to put more troops at our borders. liKe ron paul.
quite frankly i think its sad that some want us to pull out of foreign lands and protect the home land exclusively. Its a defensive posture and not at all proactive. the one thing that i like about us being proactive is that the killing , which i believe to be inevitable as long as Islam is taken seriously as a legitimate religion, will stay in the east where it belongs. the people there tolerate islam and dont dare fight it, so I say let them kill each other.
if we pull back I think the violence will come to the US quicker contrary to what ron paul may think. Its sad he took the opportunity to blame america for what alqaida does. Ive told his supporters he is alienating his base and therefore doesnt stand a chance in the primary. He should run as an independent. If it werent for his lunacy regarding foreign policy i would consider voting for him, but his rhetoric comforts our enemies and puts many fellow americans on the defensive.
If a man kills a defensless woman, would paul blame the murderers parents first? if it sounds like a liberal…..
December 27th, 2007 at 10:24 pmI think you give the “sleeping Americans” too little credit. Most people are generally satisfied with the fact that post-911, the security of America has been strengthened on the homefront and with the exception of immigration, security issues have gotten much better within our borders. As someone mentioned, there have been no major attacks (knock wood) in 6 years due to law enforcement efforts and intelligence community revamping.
So why then should we “wake up” professor? What do we need to wake up to? We see these attacks happening abroad for ages, but they rarely happen in the US. Compared to most other countries, foreign attacks on our soil are relatively rare occurrence. And even with the inefficiencies of government bureaucracies such as Homeland Security, I still have faith that of the billions being spent, something positive is getting done to ensure our future safety.
So saying we should wake up.. I think that we have already woken up and that we understand that there are new threats in the world and at home, but proud Americans refuse to live in fear. So what more would you have us do professor in order to “wake up”?
December 27th, 2007 at 11:55 pmEric, Professor,
For you to speculate America has already “woken up” is absolutely absurd. I agree with you 100% that we have been strengthened and that our efforts speak for themselves (aka no major attacks). But do you honestly believe America doesn’t need to wake up- or that we have already woken up? Have you turned on a television in the past 2 years, read the newspaper, listened to the radio, or actually had a conversation with another human being?
December 28th, 2007 at 1:51 amYes, on paper and to a normal person, it looks like we have “awoken” but the majority of Americans don’t see it that way.
Everything America has done sense 9/11- has been twisted by the liberal media to facilitate an anti-bush, anti-conservative projected prospective. The majority of Americans see everything the government does as a joke or some liberal conspiracy.
For you to call the Professor “sick fuck” after he said carnage like that of the assassination, would wake up sleeping Americans- makes you a dumb fuck. What happened after 9/11? Flags, unity and everyone is Mr. Fucking Patriotic. How long did it last before everyone forgot? Being patriotic today- is putting a support the troops… bring them home sticker on your car. People actually believe they’re being Patriotic by un-supporting the war in Iraq. Eat me.
Please motherfucker please, walk through Temple University on a Monday and try to squeeze through the Anti-war protests- to get to your class. Ask them- what they think about 9/11 or our country’s current security policies.
Oh and please get all liberal tree hugging hippie on me about this next comment…. I would love to see an IED go off on Sunset and Vine.- I bet that would wake some people up. Call me a sick fuck- I’m just being real. People our to preoccupied in their own little worlds and I personally love it. It’s what makes America great… but for what you’re trying to say- it doesn’t make sense.
Talk to the average man and he doesn’t even know the pure evil and terror that he is so immensely sheltered from. You project and fish for a debate with professor about what we need to wake up too. I think you missed his comments completely. I will Barney Style it for you… We need to wake up the sleeping Americans. Go hug a tree.
The security hasn’t been all that strengthened because Congress has tried to undermine every turn. Further more how can you call our security strengthened, when even a few thousand dollars gets you across the border and into the United States with the Greatest of ease, no matter who you are or where your from, or what your carrying.
We’ve successfully stopped a few attacks thanks to good intel, but not because we’re particularly more secure. That’s like saying a building is more fire safe just because they stop more fires by getting intel about anyone who is thinking about starting a fire.
America could easily be attacked again, if our enemies organize, and if we take our hands off their throats for just a little bit, they will.
December 28th, 2007 at 5:28 amProfessor=2
December 28th, 2007 at 5:54 amEric=0
The real test as to level of arousal, no not that kind of arousal, will be this coming Nov when the nation votes for president. That will be the best measure there is regarding what level of understanding the society as a whole has regarding the threat from terrorism. Just as the litmus paper tests the pH of a solution, the election will test the level of commitment to national security and understanding of the threats that face us today. None of the democrat candidates has a clue how to deal with AQ and the Taliban and I fear there are a few Republicans that don’t as well (RP and MH).
I would dare say that anybody who votes for either a third(turd) party candidate or a democrat is completely clueless to whats at stake. This isn’t a time to “vote your conscience”, this is winner take all and if we lose, we will really lose big.
Taking this a step further, Hillary Clinton is the most dangerous woman alive. Not only is she clueless regarding terrorism I beleive at her core she is a socialist/Trotskyite. Nothing short of securing a base of receivers/takers by giving them what she believes they want, ex. healthcare, pulling out of Iraq etc. I truly fear for so many of our individual and personal liberties if she or the other villiage idiots get elected.
Everyone who reads this needs to get involved on some level and really get as many people educated as possible.
December 29th, 2007 at 6:43 am