Poll: If Election Was Held Today, Who Would You Vote For And Why?

December 11th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Ok, I personally am undecided on this issue, and just wondering how many others of you are undecided, or if there is a candidate who pretty much already has your vote. Sound off as to why you would vote for your candidate.

Also, tell us who you would NOT vote for and why.

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78 Responses

  1. drillanwr


    “Snot and blood on sleeve” … (see my recent past replies on other threads)

  2. Kevin Glunt

    Simple….Duncan Hunter.

    Easily the most conservative. Understands the border situation and terrorism. Integrity.

    Why not others?

    Huckabee…too liberal (despite his Southern Baptist background).

    Romney…..don’t like the flip flop on abortion. I don’t trust anyone from Taxachussetts.

    Guiliani….social issues are a problem. Horrible example of a man with his personal life. Understands the threat of terrorism which makes him my 2nd choice.

  3. LftBhndAgn

    Not sure who I am voting for. Duncan Hunter is my rep. He does a GREAT job for us here but I don’t feel the amount of coverage he gets will ever get him elected. I do hope he get a carbonate position. If it wasn’t for him the red tape here in San Diego (During the fires) would have never been cut through. He got us the necessary equipment to fight the fires faster then waiting for it to get done. I also like his attitude on securing the border and this:


    Still weighing them all out.

    With the EXCEPTION of Ron Paul. The guys nuts. I wouldn’t vote for him for dog catcher.

  4. Caligula

    I’m a romney guy…

    hardcore conservative, stands up for his beliefs, supports issues in a way congruent with my beliefs…

    and c’mon… that speech was :lol:

  5. drillanwr

    Guys, I gotta agree with Duncan Hunter too. Actually, there are a couple that I would throw full support behind. Whoever it is has GOT to be strong against that Hildabitch.

    Who I wouldn’t? Ron Paul.
    Why? The Ron Paulie Girl … Need I say more?

  6. Augustine

    Uh, well it’s hard as I’d vote for Romney because he has the most mainstream Republican chance. Personally I prefer Thompson. I don’t trust Rudy when it comes to my 2nd amendment. I’d like to get more informed about his feelings and how his supporters cope with what he did in New York when it pertained to firearms.

  7. Augustine

    But yeah I’d never vote for Ron Paul. He’s tarnishing the word Republican.

  8. CPLViper

    Thompson has my vote in the primary. His voting record says it all. He has put out a lot of interesting ideas for the future and, to me, is the guy who has the most conservative views. He has been consistant throughout his career and I would hope he would continue. Each candidate has an issue that makes me cringe, but the winner of the primary has my vote in the general.

    Now if Paul wins the primary or a Dem wins the general (probably the same thing), I will be too busy building the fallout shelter and stock piling food, guns and ammo to give much thought to anything else but survival from the impending doom that is going to come to our country.

  9. drillanwr

    I don’t trust Rudy when it comes to my 2nd amendment.


    I’ll tell you what I told my Marine guests at Thanksgiving when a couple of them mentioned this.

    If Hillary gets in do you really think she’ll let you keep your guns longer than the night of the Inaugural Ball?

  10. Poolee0311 (The Infidel)

    Duncan Hunter.

    I would never vote for Ron Paul or any Dem. (I suppose that’s a given though)

  11. Poolee0311 (The Infidel)

    Reason I’d vote for him is because he’s the most conservative. I trust him to finish the situation in Iraq properly. I trust him with my 2nd Amendment. I’d trust him with national security. So far, out of all the candidates, he’s the only one I haven’t found a problem with.

  12. John Goodrow

    Still behind McCain myself.

    It is my opinion he is exactly what this country needs in a time like this. He loves this country and will do whatever it takes to keep us safe. He seems like a no nonsense man to me. Also I think he can do a better job being straight forward with the American people. Most of all he doesn’t seen like the typical, transparent, politician. He seems very genuine and honest to me. I think he’s got the integrity many others lack.

    The only thing I dissagree with him on is his view on water boarding, but he is more than entitled to that opinion.

    As far as who I wouldn’t vote for, I’m sure you can all figure that one out.

  13. Corey Wayne

    The defeatists in DC and our enemies have overplayed their hands and are going to pay dearly. The Defeatists will be swept from office. By the time the election rolls around public opinion will be at an all time high regarding the war. We all want a victory. We are Americans. We are winners. We don’t tolerate losers. Just look at how fans react when their sports teams lose.
    No politician can overcome having voted to surrender during war when we actually win the war they were trying to surrender in. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN! Toast, goodbye, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. You are not fit to lead this great nation.
    John McCain is going to be the next president. Things (good news and the truth about the war) are really starting to flow in the mainstream media compared to before. It looks like Michael Yon is going to be a regular on CNN’s “This Week At War.” We trust him and so will the rest of the American People that are just now getting to know him.
    John McCain has been telling how he was the only one to call for the current strategy years before it was implemented. Very soon people are going to realize we are going to win. They are not going to take a chance on someone who voted to surrender to finish the job.
    We need a warrior president who will finish the job and do it right. Is there a greater patriot than Senator John McCain? Anyone that has learned his story and what he went thru as a prisoner of war can not help but be moved to feel awe and that he will keep us safe.
    He is coming back in the polls. If you watch and listen to him speak he is the only one who speaks from his heart and is authentic. He’s not always perfect, but when he’s on, nobody can touch him.
    Look how the other Republican candidates respect him for his military service. They are in awe. Anybody that can go thru what he went thru and still come out of it without being bitter and broken, but being grateful and feel he is just a lucky guy can be my president anytime.
    Tell everyone you know to just go and watch the “Courageous Service” video at:
    The video does all the convincing.

    Love in action

  14. Augustine

    If Hillary gets in do you really think she’ll let you keep your guns longer than the night of the Inaugural Ball?
    I trust Rudy, but his past actions just make me uneasy. I’d vote for any Republican candidate(with the exception of Ron Paul) that wins the primary. On the offbeat miracle(More like tragedy) that Ron Paul would win, well we would all be a hell of a lot richer temporarily but it would destroy the country. I care a lot more to see what is good for the country than what will fill my pockets. I mean, I’m set to go into the Army already, I know that Ron Paul would treat me good but he wouldn’t be treating my people good. All in All, he’s a jackass, same goes for his supporters.

  15. Kevin

    I like Ron Paul’s stance on most issues. His stance on religion’s role in America, the ACLU, immigration, tax reform, the economy, veterans, abortion, and his dedication to upholding the constitution.

    Sadly, the reasons I wouldn’t vote for Congressman Paul are exactly the reasons he has such fanatical support. He provides no solution to Iraq, he wants us to abandon everything we’ve done in the last 6 years in the middle east and fall back to America.

    Unfortunately, I also feel that the other republicans use allot of empty rhetoric and dodge more questions then they answer.

    At first I supported Romney - but after seeing him debate, I’m beginning to think he’s not the man for the job. A bit too fake. Don’t know what to say about Fred Thompson. Guliani would be good, but he has alot of people that HATE him.

    Therefore, I support John McCain. He’s a upright guy who’s actually done something for this country. I think it’s amazing how many people want to serve this country as it’s leader, but would never think about putting their life on the line.

    Personally though, if it came down to Ron Paul versus (insert greedy lying socialist scumbag democrat name here), I’d have to pick Paul. But I find comfort in knowing that won’t happen.

  16. Grumpy

    At the moment, all I care about is the war.

    All the fences, abortions, gun laws, gay marriages, taxes and health care, don’t amount to much if we loose the war. We have come too flippin far now to let some no-talent-ass-clown hand over the keys to Iraq and the rest of the middle east, to the terrorists and Iran.

    A vote for McCain is a kick in the balls to bin Laden and Ahmadinejad.

    I like Huck, I like Tommy, hell, I even like Obama (a little), but none of them know squat about war.

  17. Howie

    Duncan Hunter is my guy in the primary. For all of the above stated issues and reasons.
    The biggest reason to me is that he is not your typical politician. He says what he means and does what he says.
    He is for victory in the war on terror
    He is for victory in Iraq
    He is for securing our borders
    He is for sensible tax change (reform but God how I hate that word)
    He is for penalizing businesses that hire illegals
    He is for cutting all benefits to people in this country illegally.

  18. Howie

    I will however possibly hold my nose and vote “R” in the general election.

  19. Bill

    Ron Paul because he is the only traditional republican

  20. Howie

    Mr. Goodrow,
    Although Sen. McCain is a good man and a respected veteran, I could never vote for him for the way that he made things much more difficult to get anything done in a Republican held Congress.
    With his “Gang of 14″ he cut one leg out from under his Republican colleagues.
    He has also made comments in the past, if my memory serves (if not just punch me in the eye and I’ll understand), about how the war in Iraq is being lost.

  21. REN

    Romney. I’d like to have a more secular-seeming Thompson, but he’d have to talk more like Romney does (Thompson is just too slow moving, I like many of his ideas but want him to shut up after about 30 seconds). I don’t give a fuck about the whole Massachusetts “flip-flop” bullshit (and IMHO, people who repeat it are usually pro-choicers with little common sense, and if you’re pro-life, did you NOT notice he upheld pro-choice values his whole term as Governor?). Romney’s not going to change the supreme court to overturn Roe v Wade (so get over it pro-choice), and he’s not going to push for a constitutional amendment on marriage without using a statist, popular-vote approach like he pursued with Massachusetts (meaning, it probably wouldn’t happen anyway). He’s an awesome businessman with great skills for parsing problems and using the real raw data to get into the issue (even if it’s atypical, unconventional, counter-intuitive and seems to go against the popular flow). And he does know how to transition those skills to a national leadership level, he’s not just a businessman who thinks he can run the Whitehouse as the President, like a CEO in the Boardroom. He would serve America well as President and Commander in Chief (even though I think he should NOT increase the Active Military size, and just expand funding for National Guard and Reserve units).

  22. Luke

    Thompson has the most experience, the best ideas, and the best record.. Enough said

  23. Kurt(the infidel)

    No to Ron Paul for starters, he is a nut.
    I would vote for Hunter but doubt he has a chance so that might be a wasted vote that another Republican could use towards hillary. I was for Huckabee but I dont know. I’ll figure it out soon

  24. John Goodrow

    :arrow: Howie

    Politics mean nothing to me, Fighting islamic extremism is all that matters to me. I believe McCain is the best for the job. You said it yourself he is a GOOD man.

  25. Race

    Tancredo first, then Hunter. Both for the same reasons, border security. I would still be happy with Rudy, Mitt, McCain or the Huck.

    Although the other day, I saw someone polling for Ron Paul in an space alein costume….seriously.

  26. A. S. Wise- VA

    Duncan Hunter, hell yeah! Many of my reasons have already been stated above, in addition:

    1) He’s a veteran grunt of Vietnam (and served about the same time as my father), I believe that every President of the United States should have some military experience, particularly in combat (this also qualifies McCain)
    2) He has a son who is veteran of Iraq
    3) He will take a harder stance against Communist China
    4) I know of no real skeletons in his closet, and is undoubtedly the most authentic conservative

    I just want him to get his name out! To his credit, he shows as much concern for the present threats (i.e. illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism), as he does for upcoming threats (i.e. a rising PRC).

  27. ticticboom

    I have the same criteria as Drill.

    Rudy, followed closely by Fred. I like everything I’ve heard about Hunter, but I haven’t seen him in a leadership role. I don’t entirely trust McCain or Romney. They’re both elitists at heart. The others are worthless.

    No one at all on the Democratic side is worth pissing on if they were on fire. The only way I’d vote for Hillary is if Ron Paul (never trust a man with two first names) or Huckabee won the primary. I would not vote for Obama or Edwards under any condition short of Depalma being the only other canidate.

  28. old11B

    They are all still politicians,….

    I want someone like Petraeus….

    or leave the office vacant, and put all politicians on leave until a person who can do the job , is found……………..

  29. fynney

    Without a doubt, Duncan Hunter has my vote.

  30. Howie

    A.S. not only does Duncan (D1) have a son that is serving in the USMC, Capt. Duncan (D2) Hunter just came home from Afghanistan, D1 is not running to keep his seat in the House.
    D2 is running for that seat. D2’s wife ran his campaign while he was in Afghanistan.

  31. LftBhndAgn

    old11B -

    I often wonder about General Petraeus in 2012 and beyond. But then come to my senses and realize he is much to smart of a man and to good, to become a politician.

    But we can dream.

  32. old11B


    A President does not need to be a politician, but that is the image wished upon us by the political parties.

  33. Jett

    Thompson has my vote. I like his position on these and many other issues:

    * limited government
    * national security (strengthen all aspects)
    * immigration (secure borders, no anmesty-sanctuary cities)
    * second amendment (right to bear arms)
    * healthcare (competition/choice - no free ride for all)
    * budget reform (cut wasteful government spending - no pork)
    * tax reform (dissolution of the IRS as we know it)

    McCain, Giuliani, Huckabee and Romney all concern me because of their support for Bush’s immigration / shamesty plan. Now…Giuliani announces he wanted to deport all 400,000 illegals from NYC. Well then, why are we hearing about it now????
    I want a CIC who will lead this country, not confess his thoughts 6 months later on why he was too timid or unable to take action on an important issue.

  34. Barbara

    Definitely Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo - although I don’t think either is strong enough to win the number one slot

    Don’t trust Rudy one bit - especially when his law firm is representing Cintra, the Mexican Company who is building and has rights to operate a toll road part on the Trans-Texas Corridor of the NAFTA superhighway. He definitely sides with Bush on diminishing/eliminating our national sovereignty and identity.

    I also don’t trust McCain. I respect his service, but I don’t think his stance is strong enough to take on an enemy who already sees us as weak. He also cuddles up too much with Teddy Kennedy and the other defeatist libtards.

  35. LftBhndAgn


    “A President does not need to be a politician, but that is the image wished upon us by the political parties.”

    This is true. BUT the chances of a man/woman becoming president in todays society where EVERYTHING is made into a political agenda and everyone must choose a side of the isle to stand on, I feel,is not going to change for some time to come. The MSM and the climate of the political world of today, would make damn sure he had an agenda and would FORCE him to chose a side.

  36. Evestay

    I agree that McCain is the right man for the job at this point in our history. Truthfully Hunter’s positions fall more in line with my own, but McCain is who the country needs. If McCain tries to push through border reform, the citizens will keep rising up against it until he realizes that security must come first.

  37. John H

    Duncan Hunter

    The really only knowledgable candidate on our security situations both on the border and abroad.

    Easily the best true conservative, morally, economically, and in regards to national security.

    He also is rather respected even with older democrats, as he has always played “fair” in congress, and is known for integrity.

    All that said he has an ice cube chance in hades of even placing in the final 3 of GOP candidates…..a shame…but I’ll vote for him anyway.

  38. Kevin M

    God, right now I’d vote for Pee-Wee Herman if it meant keeping Hillary or Obama out to pasture.

    But seriously, I am leaning toward Hunter, Thompson or Guiliani.

    Although, whenever I listen to him, I get a total man-crush over John Bolton! That man is Teddy Roosevelt reincarnated!

  39. Chad

    I’m sold on Huckabee. It’s hard to beat an endorsement from Chuck Norris AND Ted Nugent.

  40. Charles

    Rudy….while I would vote for any of the repubs over any dem, I watched Rudy up close and personal during his 8 year tenure as mayor…the guy has major fucking balls. He’s afraid of no-one. All the scum…I mean all of it, from pushers and druggies to the mob and even graffiti…’disappeared’ from NYC under Rudy and, he threw in 2 tax cuts while he was doing it. I do not fear my 2nd amendment rights under Giuliani: he has aligned himself with the Federalist Society. Most important? He’ll win this war on islamofascism before the end of his first term.

  41. Chad

    “He’ll win this war on islamofascism before the end of his first term.”

    thats a pretty strong statement. I’d be surprised if the war on islamofacism can be won anytime soon.

  42. Steve_Montana

    This is my list each position high-lights their strengths.

    Pres: Thompson… Leader
    VP: Huck… Manager
    Sec of Defence: McCain… (enough said)
    Sec of State: Romney… statesman
    Att General: Guliani… no-nonsense and has experience

    I like some things Ron Paul says BUT… with his view on defense we would have had several 9/11’s by now.

    Don’t know enough about Hunter… he is to quite

  43. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    I am really so disgusted with all of the top guys - BECAUSE OUR BORDER REMAINS OPEN - thank you President Bush - and all I hear is continuing double talk. I am also perturbed that Texas and other border states have no say on who is the nominee . . . we are the ones who are most suffering from Washinton’s lack of border security. I feel that securing the border is just as important of an issue as the war on terror because I know that terrorists are coming across our border and preparing for attack. They are here.

    I think that the reason Duncan Hunter gets so little media attention and so little debate time is that he is strong on border defense. Therefore, someone, somewhere doesn’t want him to be considered - could it be the US Chamber of Commerce? Mel Martinez? Geraldo Rivera? President Bush . . . on the otherhand all we are hearing is Huckabee this and Huckabee that . . . and he has proven to be weak on illegal immigration in the past. I just saw a clip from a Minuteman supporting Huckabee - what the Hell is that about? Why should we trust Huckabee’s flip-flop on the border any more than we should we trust Romney’s flip-flop on abortion or all the rest of the flip-flops. I don’t trust Huckabee.

    I am frustrated . . . and really just in a bad mood today. Texas is drowning in crime - mostly from illegal immigration - and no one gives a shit.

  44. James F.


  45. Bob

    Rudy is the candidate best suited to defeat Hillary or Obama! As a long time NYC resident I saw Rudy at work. He turned a corrupt, crime ridden, dirty, morally and financially bankrupt NYC and turned it into the safest and most decent shining city upon the hill! You could list all of the accomplishments of both Dem and Republican candidates and they wouldn’t come close to what Rudy did in his first term as Mayor! As far as second amendment rights are concerned Rudy had to go after out of state gun dealers who were knowingly selling semi automatic handguns to shill buyers who sold those guns in NYC and your neighborhood to gangs who used them on innocent victims! I remember that mothers in the bad areas of NYC had to put their kids the the bathtub so they would be safe from stray bullets. I salute his efforts to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and to hold liable the merchants of DEATH! I never heard Rudy say anything about restricting legal gun owners so CHILL OUT no one is going to take your right to bear arms away.
    Guiliani: BEST Proven Strong Leader!
    Romney : Position Changer, Hypocrite on Immigration
    McCain : Rebel, Unpredictable, Sellout
    Huckabee: Charlatan, Preacher, Homo Phoebe
    Thompson: Death Warmed Over, Boring, Lazy
    Hunter : One Trick Pony!
    Tancaedo: One Trick Pony

  46. Chad

    Be careful on what you say about huckabee! you know what they say… If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can’t see Chuck Norris, you’re about 2 seconds away from a round house kick to the face.

  47. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    It is the border :evil:



  49. Cory

    As National Review said, Romney is the most conservative candidate who can also beat Hillary. Huckabee and Giuliani are liberal and Fred is dead. Romney will definitely be getting my vote!

  50. Stephen Lodge

    I’ll vote for whoever gets the Republican nomination; regardless of who is my favorite. That, my friends, is the only way to beat the Dems.

  51. One Shot

    Hunter by far. Nobody remotely close otherwise.

    Next choice would be anyone that will keep the “Jackasses” out of the White House.

  52. Charles


    If you knew what NYC looked like when Giuliani took the helm, from top to bottom and stem to stern dirty, corrupt, mismanaged…a socialist sewer. I could go on (read Bob’s post) but my point is people believed, myself included, it could never be changed. Rudy changed it. He also made me a believer.

    I have no illusions about the enemy we face.

    However, I watched Giuliani go after his ‘goals’ with a vengence, tenacity and in some cases, viciousness rarely displayed by a modern politico.

    I am convinced Rudy will make the war on islamofascism a major priority in his administration and am equally convinced he’ll make believers out of the rest of you.

  53. Augustine

    @old11b: Hell yes. Petraues for President. The man is as good as Patton.

  54. Kermit

    Hunter is my personal favorite but does not have enough umpff behind him.

    Thompson has been a big disappointment
    Rudy has too many personal problems that will dog him
    Romney does not do it for me
    McCain made the huge blunder on the border issue and it will cost him the presidency
    I sure wish that Newt had decided to run
    Huckabee has some support from Newt so for now it is Huck.
    Tancredo is great but not enough other than the border going for him.
    Paul is looney tunes on national defense, the prez’s main job.

  55. Bob

    Chuck Norris is an actor! The Mafia is real! As DA Rudy Kicked the Mafias ass! They haven’t been the same since Rudy took them on. Why do you think Hezbollah has asked America not to vote for Rudy and to vote for Hillary? It is because they fear Rudy and know he will not rest until every terrorist is killed, captured or put out of business with a take no prisoner attitude! The Idiots who run the RNC don’t want Rudy because he is not a country club Republican and won’t play ball with the Saudis! Remember when he told that Saudi prince to shove his check for saying the Jews caused 9/11! Now that’s a leader!

  56. Joe M.

    First a word to the people supporting Romney. You are fools. He is not the answer to any of the nations problems. All of us want a strong leader who sticks to ideals, well at least I hope so. Romney is not this. All these promises he keeps making, they will not be done. He will shift his opinion where ever public opinion goes. In his service as governor of Massachusetts he was horrible. Nothing got done. He was gone half the time wasting the tax payers money and wouldn’t deal with a problem until someone got killed (the Big Dig). You can argue he was a republican governor in a democratic state but if he is elected he would be a republican president with a democratic congress. no difference.

    My vote is for McCain. I wish more people liked him. He is an honest guy. (well as honest as a politician can be) He has enough common sense to fix this country and enough leeway to deal with the concerns of whiney liberals. I wanted to see him win in 2004 and I hope he wins in 2008.

  57. Dirtman

    Fred, he may be slow and boring, but so far I trust him more than anyone else. John McCain has been very cozy with my RINO Lindsay and Teddy. Rudy ran a sanctuary city for illegal aliens and his law firm represents the builder of the Trans Texas corridor. How is that going to close the border?
    I’m glad you asked this question, it deserves a better answer than this. I am undecided at this point but will come to a conclusion soon, my primary is Jan 19th.

  58. KBoomr113

    John S. McCain. For his entire life he has been at the forefront of history and I believe the way this country is today that he is needed and is being called upon. He has given his life for his country and only moved towards politics after he couldn’t pass a flight physical because of his injuries from the Hanoi Hilton. I personally don’t agree with everything he has said or done while in the Senate, but he does have the courage to do what he feels is right and I respect that. He will see the war to its rightful conclusion…a victory for America. He understands the pain of the American soldier in suffering for a cause that is lost only because the will of the American people has run out. He won’t let that happen again. I would gladly put my life in his hands as Commander In Chief.

  59. Jim

    Duncan Hunter . Favorite
    John McCain . Sentimental Favorite
    Mike Huckabee . I really like this guy
    Rudee Guiliani . May be the best one for the job
    Fred Thompson . Reminds me of Gerald Ford (in a good way)

  60. Cameron

    McCain, easily.

    He knows about war more than any other runner, and to me that is what is most important right now. I would go nuts if we had a pussy defeatist demorat in office.

  61. John

    Rudy is my guy. He is smarter than all the other candidates. He has more conservative accomplishments in a hostile liberal environment than any other politician in history. He will do no less about abortion than the most pro-life president could do. He has proven balls of steel. He is a relentless pragmatic workaholic. He loves this country and is willing to die trying to make it better. He fully understands who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. He is willing to do whatever it takes to mitigate the threat of the bad guys in the most tactically and strategically responsible way. He is able to see the big picture. He has no problem waterboarding terrorists if needed. 2nd amendment is nothing to worry about with Rudy. I could go on and on. He will beat any Dem in the general.

    Huck - Social conservative, good on 2nd amendment, everything else - big gov liberal, weak on security both foreign and domestic.

    Hunter - Great on everything but has no chance.

    Romney - Don’t trust him.

    McCain - Don’t trust him.

    Thompson - Nothing impressive.

    Other Repubs - No chance.

    Would not vote for any Dem.

  62. Dan (The Infidel)

    There is no one that I’m 100% behind at the moment. In my book the candidates rank like this:
    1. Duncan Hunter
    2. Mike Huckabee
    3. Mitt Romney
    4. Rudi Guliani

    Whoever the Republicans nominate, I’ll support. It’s a given that I do not support any of the Dhimis or Rhue Paul.

    PS. I’m enjoying watching Osama Obama’s numbers rise and the Hildabeast’s numbers fall. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the Dhimis cut off the Klinton leg-breakers at the pass, and instead throw their support behind Osama instead of Queen Hilda? Getting smacked down by her own party. Now that would be a priceless gem of turnaround wouldn’t it?

  63. Gary in Midwest

    Fred Thompson! He is the closest to reflecting all the things that I believe are important. There is no flash in his approach but he holds a steady course.

  64. Greg M

    Thompson is my man!

  65. EDinTampa

    Mitt. I’ve come to the conclusion that he is best for the job at this point.

    He will be tough on terrorism which is most important to me.

    He is a business man that hasn’t had any major setbacks in his affairs that I’ve heard about.

    Having worked with the liberals of Mass., I am confident he will be able to unite us.

    His family life is wholesome and complete and we could sure use that as an example these days.

    His faith is Christian and deserves the respect of all religions, atheists and agnostics alike.

  66. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    The Texas border is part of the war on terror. :twisted:

  67. Turambar

    McCain, a warrior for sure. Probably out of any of the candidates the most informed, at least about the war we fight. Watching him you can tell he’s straight up about his shortfalls, but the first thing he says is that he will find the best person to do the things he isn’t the best at.For other things too however. One thing I’m big on is campaign finanace. Thinking about the hundreds of millions of dollars that are going to be wasted on the election just makes me shudder.

  68. John H

    I find it intriguing that Duncan Hunter was the most repeated name here….maybe he’s doing better then we have been led to beleive. Or maybe it’s because more of us here, have actually read the issues, and looked up what people stand for.

    Duncan Hunter is the only true Reagan style Republican in teh bunch, if only he had Charisma. Giuliani has Charisma in spades, but i just am not completely sold on his character. Does he have guts? Yes, is he a man of high integrity….truthfully I don’t know yet. I know in the past he’s supported whatever he had to to stay electable in NYC.

    Huckabee, sorry I don’t like him. I don’t care what Chuck or Nugent think on this. I have friends in Arkansas who are Republican, and went so far as to say Clinton was a better Governer. I’ve just heard nothing but bad things as far as his ability to get stuff done.

    Romeny……too slick, too liberal, let’s face it only in massachusetts can i guy that economically be liberal run under the name Republican.

    McCaine…..idealistic to the point he’s made too many enemies in Washington to get much done. Good man, but he has a large amount of baggage, and he’s stabbed a few fellow Republicans in the back in D.C. which means he’d have a rough time of it.

    SO I dunno Duncan Hunter first and formost….for being the best man in my mind for the Job. He has a strong faith in God. A Strong service record in the military as do his sons, when he talks about the troops, he’s talking about his blood. He’s the toughest on border security bar none. His integrity is bullet proof, even many Democrats in congree trust him, even though they disagree with him…..he’s just a very honest guy to be a politician.

    That said, I still think Rudy has the best chance to defeat the idiots of the DNC, I question his faith, and I question his view on my gun rights, and many other nanny state topics…..but I know he’ll persue teh war on terror, I know he won’t back down from a fight, and I know he can win over many moderate democrats with his personality.

    McCain would be my third choice i guess.

  69. John H

    lol wow bad grammar FTW……..sorry it’s late.

  70. BoomBoom

    Dick Cheney, if you don’t own a hat, I’ll give you one to throw into the ring. The USA still needs you and so does the blue marble.

  71. Howie


    With all of the reasons thrown out for each candidate do you have a better idea yet?

    How about we shut up for about 10 minutes so you can weigh in?

  72. marilyn doremus

    We need a candidate that will tell it like it is and Fred Thompson is that man.
    No one wants to talk about our war against Al Quida being a long one - Fred does.
    No one wants to talk about Social Security and Medicare (the third rail in politics)- Fred does.
    No one wants to talk about our right to bear arms - Fred does
    Who says federal money for education should be given to the states to administer not eaten up by the bureacrats in Washington - Fred does
    Who believes in states rights - Fred does
    Who is conservative - Fred is

    I just wish I was as lazy as Fred is. Which campaign tagged him with that label?

  73. Steven D

    Rudy: great leader
    Romney: most overall conservative positions of the bunch
    Huckabee: social conservative
    Thompson: social security, pretty conservative
    McCain: supports the war and the military
    Hunter: illegal immigration
    Tancredo: illegal immigration
    Paul: looks great in a tin-foil hat

    Rudy: very liberal
    Romney: Mormonism (I’m a conservative Protestant), reconciling his record with his current stances
    Huckabee: very liberal with regard to fiscal and foreign policy matters
    Thompson: voted against 2 of the Clinton impeachment articles, supports campaign finance reform
    McCain: very liberal, campaign finance reform, illegal immigration, against tax cuts, “Gang of Fourteen”, has trouble moving with (my Senator) Lindsey Graham’s nose up his patoot
    Hunter: protectionist
    Tancredo: not electable, voice sounds like a cartoon character
    Paul: You’re kidding, right? Incapable of providing for this nation’s security, and I get the impression he’s anti-Israel

    My pick: Romney

    P.S. BoomBoom, I’m with you! I’d definitely vote for Cheney if he were running. What a great American!

  74. Steven D

    The tally so far:

    Hunter 13
    McCain 10
    Thompson 7
    Giuliani 5
    Romney 5
    Tancredo 1
    Huckabee 1
    Paul 1 (there’s always one in every bunch, eh?)

  75. Jason Malcolm, III

    In order:

    Ron Paul (even though he sounds like a democrat on foreign policy, and he sounds like he’s blaming us, he’s right - f the world, let them eat cake. seriously, screw them all. Take out every base, watch their economies suffer. Watch the bad guys exploit it and let them beg for the security we’ve provided for free for decades. F’em. We could secure the border and take the economic savings and use it for improved weapons and training. f every last one of ‘em. Also, he’s an originalist re the constitution, so he’d do away with the nanny state, the welfare state, and take us back to the way it was supposed to be and was pre FDR [federalism, no administrative state, etc]) (he’d win in a landslide, especially if he tweaked his foreign policy word choice so he didn’t sound like he was blaming us and excusing the trash)

    Duncan Hunter (conservative, no pc bones in his body, strong on immigration, defense, and taxes - downside, not viable)

    Romney (viable conservative, even if a recent convert in some areas, excellent executive experience, probably the most out of all, has gotten the job done, can get moderates’ and independents’ votes, excellent public speaking, takes no bullshit)

    McCain (experienced, sound economic conservative, great on defense, right on Iraq, learned his lesson on immigration)
    — [with eyes closed would pull lever]
    Rudy (getting desparate here, but he did get the job done in NYC and turned the city around)
    — [would rather not category]
    Fred (he believes in the right things, and always has [makes him better than Rudy/Romney], but he’s as motivating as a desk, and for better or worse, it’s important. too dead fred)
    —[no vote]
    I would not vote for Huckabee. He is a liberal (taxes, big gov’t, illegal immigration). He is clueless (didn’t read [or get a report from staff] on the NIE. when he did, he said Bush had it for 4 yrs and hadn’t responded. huh? it was out for a few months. Cuba. Clueless. The last thing we need is another Republican President who makes the rest of us look like backwater morons. Moreover, his policy choices in critical areas (waterboarding, immigration, taxes) are more allligned with the left than the right. At least RINO Rudy (Romney RINO lite) can talk the talk and would at times walk the walk. Huck seems like a nice guy, not sufficient. I’d rather have a democrat liberal in there so our party doesn’t get blamed for the mess the liberal policies would create.

  76. GF

    Chuck Yeager supports Duncan Hunter.

    I wanted McCain the first time (2000) but he really ticked me off on the illegal immigration issue that he has now done a 180 on. Well, at least he’s responsive to what the American people want.

    Rudy understands that a safe place to live is important and that little things make a difference even though his personal life is a train wreck.

    I like Thompson but maybe for V.P.

    Romney is the Republican J.F.K. and I don’t mean that in a liberal way. I think if Romney wins the primary he will win it all because the left will attack his religion and MANY will resent this.

    Do you really want a President Huckabee. I heart Huckabee bumper stickers? Honestly I could do without another President from Arkansas.

    Ron Paul has done everything except offer a refund on taxes from the past. The 420 pot smokers love him, nuff said.

  77. hegelbot

    1st McCain because he can best handle the war on terror, and is most experienced, and senators a good source for presidents.

    2nd would have to be Huckabee, like his tax talk, seems like the most thoughtful and honest candidate. Plus Huckabee’s got an instant campaign slogan “I heart Huckabee” come on i loved that movie….LOL

    given the responses above i will look into hunter.

    Romeny, Guiliani, and thompson are the canidates the liberals want us to vote for and that is why they get the most press coverage, they are the weakest canidates.

  78. Bob USMC

    Don’t know who I’m voting for yet. This shit of starting so early is ridiculous, IMHO. I do know who I will not be voting for and that’s any cancer on America defeatotreasonocrats.:mrgreen:

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