Bill Roggio’s Long War Journal: Al Qaeda, Taliban Targeting Pakistani Nuclear Sites

December 11th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

map lwj roggio

Map of major Pakistani Air Force bases, including the nuclear sites of Kamra and Sargodha. Pakistani air bases are the most likely sites to house nuclear weapons storage and launch facilities.

Just a brief excerpt from:

Al Qaeda, Taliban Targeting Pakistani Nuclear Sites
By Bill Roggio

Yesterday’s suicide bombing at the Kamra Air Force Base in Punjab was not the first strike at a nuclear weapons storage facility. After a closer look at the bases struck inside Pakistan since August, at least two more strikes occurred either on or near nuclear weapons storage facilities, based on open source information on Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programs. Since August 2007, there have been two suicide attacks at or near the Sargodha Air Force Base, a nuclear weapons and missile storage facility in central Punjab province. Other attacks in Punjab and the Northwest Frontier Province may be aimed at facilities providing regional security for Pakistan’s nuclear program.

The spate of attacks at military bases has largely targeted officers, new recruits, and the families of those serving. The Taliban and al Qaeda’s objective may be two-fold: intimidate officers either on the fence or who do not support the Islamists, and erode the military’s capacity to defend nuclear installations if the Taliban and al Qaeda can mount a raid to seize nuclear weapons. While the Pakistani nuclear weapons are under tight security according to the government, US intelligence officials have repeatedly expressed concerned over the safety of Pakistan’s arsenal.

The Taliban’s campaign to take control of Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and its strong presence in Quetta and wider Baluchistan Province also plays into the West’s fears over Pakistan’s nuclear program. The Northwest Frontier Province not only serves as a base for the Taliban and al Qaeda Central Command, the territory directly abuts sensitive nuclear sites in the province of Punjab.

Read Bill’s full article at The Long War Journal.

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4 Responses

  1. old11B

    Doesn’t security at a nuclear site include self-destruct devices ???

    Hmmmm…. One would think so…

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Looks like the irhabis are testing Paki security. It’s only a matter of time before they breach that security IMHO.

    There should be multiple rings of security around Nuke Storage sites. Doesn’t sound like this kind of security exists at these sites. There should also be a very liberal ROE in place.

    I hope these sites are on a target list somewhere in the Pentagon.Something tells me there is a plan Alpha, Bravo and Charlie…sitting somewhere on an officer’s desk.

    Let’s hope so.

  3. CPLViper


    I am with you. I really hope someone is watching via satellite with their hand on the ‘go’ button if those fuckers even get close. If not … maybe I really should start that fallout shelter.

  4. martymar

    One thing i have been told is that some of the best of our SpecOps guys are in country helping protect those sites. Makes me feel a little better.

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