Ron Paul Blames U.S. Foreign Policy For Bhutto’s Assassination
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Surprised? Click here to watch the 30 sec vid.
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Oh, big surprise here. We always knew that he was part of the blame America first community. Can’t wait to see Ron Paul crash and burn in 2008. Even better, the Paulnuts’ heads just might explode!
December 27th, 2007 at 5:58 pmVicious little weasel. Living proof that the politcal spectum is a circle.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:07 pmSPECTRUM. I hate typos. No offense, Pat.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:08 pmToo bad that Ron wasn’t standing right in front of her to protect her.
Fucking moonbat magnet…
December 27th, 2007 at 6:13 pmgood grief the useless tosser was quick of the mark a bit
December 27th, 2007 at 6:24 pmYellowbellied piece of steaming horseshit that he is. Fade into obscurity, scumbag.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:28 pmRon Paul is worth no more than the key strokes of this sentence.
December 27th, 2007 at 6:45 pmI think recently I had said that I wouldn’t give two squirts of piss for Ron Paul. I’d like to amend that statement down to one squirt of piss, thank you.
If anything, Ron Paul and his hate America statement are doing nothing but aiding our enemies, in particular with this situation. Now the jihadis can say, “See? Even the infidel politician agrees with us!”
Paulnuts, please drink the Kool-Aid.
Thanks Ron, thanks for nothing.
December 27th, 2007 at 7:31 pmit’s real easy to talk out your a$$ when you don’t know who’s going to die for what your saying, and you don’t have to think about who will KILL you for what your saying
bhutto died for her beliefs, ron paul risks getting laughed at, thank you ron paul for your sacrafice!!!
December 27th, 2007 at 7:55 pmHehehe! Ron Paul? Who even cares anymore what Ron Paul says? Besides the 100 or so Paranoid Schizophrenics that voted over 1,000 times each per Internet poll… At least this will give him a break from claiming 9/11 was an inside job by the Bush administration! LMFAO! What a Jackass!
December 27th, 2007 at 8:12 pmron paul =
December 27th, 2007 at 10:02 pmI live in a relatively small town and one of our radio stations puts on the Ron Paul 3 hour “fake a campaign” show every day, I listen every once in a while to see if the beating that he received with an idiot stick, has worn off yet, but instead the radio station has been taken ill and they have now put up Ron Paul signs and the clincher was last week the national host actually interviewed our looser radio station owner, who now thinks he’s a Play-A
December 27th, 2007 at 11:25 pmuh, where is Ron Paul, Paul Ron, Ron Paul, Paul Ron ?
December 28th, 2007 at 4:50 amHello—-Heelllooo—
December 28th, 2007 at 5:14 amPAUL RON—PAUL RON, YOU OUT THERE PAUL RON ?
Apparently paul ron bugs out when his leader comes out of his spaceship.
Reporting for duty.
What subject can I enlighten you on? Franchie CB10
Freiheit das ziel, Sieg das panier!
Fuhrer befiehl, wir folgen dir!!
Rough Translation
Freedom is our goal, Victory are destiny
Leader command us, we will follow!!
3,000,000 men crossed the borders to liberate Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and the Ukraine form Bolshevic terror.
December 28th, 2007 at 6:24 amGreatest invasion in the history of the world!
If Ron Paul had ANY political savvy … he’d be letting his Ron Paulie Girl make these public statements for him.
December 28th, 2007 at 8:43 amI notice none of you can refute the facts of his statement.
Then again none of you listened in the first place
December 28th, 2007 at 10:11 amHey Paul Ron I have to concede that this assassination and every bad thing that has ever happened in the history of the world is the fault of US foreign policy.
The absolute brutality of Atila the Hun is absolutely the fault of the President George W. Bush foreign policy!!
The Crusades, President William Jefferson Clinton!!
December 28th, 2007 at 10:42 amPaul Ron, I see, still in the B serie ?
das tut mir Leid, du muss erwächen ! wir sind schon in 2008
Howie, nah, that’s the Frenchs !
December 28th, 2007 at 12:36 pmHowie
I liked WJC. He was a wonderful President.
As were Ike, JFK, Ford, Reagan.
I am about the person. Not the party!!
Anyway. You seem like a good fellow. None of my posts are personnel attacks. Just food for thought.
Happy New Year to you and your family!!
December 28th, 2007 at 1:00 pm“I notice none of you can refute the facts of his statement.”
Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that our foreign policy involved sending radical Islamists to kill people. Damn, I should keep better track of things we shoulder the blame for…
December 28th, 2007 at 1:01 pm‘Liberate’ the Slavs from this mortal coil, maybe.
Fucking Nazi.
December 28th, 2007 at 1:17 pmFranchie
Is our meeting in Bermuda or the Canary Isles still on?
That lyric is from the song is Vonn Finnland bis zum Schwarzen Mir.
Go to a site called folks.
When played loud it is amazing.
Vorwarts! Vorwarts!
Vorwarts nach Osten, dur sturmen heer!!
My German is fair. So keep it simple. I took it for 1 year at University 15 years ago. I recall Grade B minus 1st Semester and C plus Second Semester
December 28th, 2007 at 1:33 pmPaul Ron,
you made facial chirurgy, anyway your looking more like the average (not on that place though)
couldn’t guess you were that former german warrior
uh, for the meeting, I am afraid, you’ll have to wait next year , same place, same hours
as far as german language, you could still take courses if you like their stuffs
Anyway, I appreciate your sense of humor
December 28th, 2007 at 4:46 pm@ PaulRon i usually find that “zwei glas bier bitte” and “hallo madchen,was sie ist,sp`a`ter tuend”it should have those two dots above the a in spater but you get my drift
December 28th, 2007 at 4:57 pmI watched the clip. Paul is right. Can’t learn from mistakes if you’re always shooting (your mouth off at) the messenger.
December 28th, 2007 at 6:48 pmI have listened to the tape several times and I do not hear where he is blaming the US Policy for Bhutto’s death. What I heard was that we should not be putting our support behind Musharraf.
I like this web site, but I do have have a problem with the comments. When there is someone or article that one does not agree with instead of commenting on or refuting the facts. They’re are personal attacks, name calling and belittling. When one lowers oneself to name calling one loses all credibility.
December 29th, 2007 at 9:24 amOh my Ron Paul, you are right, there are so many factions, “the Bhutto faction”, “the Mussharraf faction”… and all them other factions! Right? LoL.
How about the FACTIONALIZED (is that like FRACTIONALIZED?) mind of Ron Paul who would let the world around him disintegrate, with our non-interventionism (read “Libertarian isolationism”), and only be able to say, well at least it was not our fault!?
December 29th, 2007 at 11:42 amBefore I get hung out to dry for what I’m about to say I’m going to let you people know that I’ve probably been the biggest hawk from the time my boots hit the ground in Granada in 83 until I left Afghanistan for the world and a pension in 05,I’ve even been called a “tool” for the war mongers .Now I’ve turned into a pessimistic hawk because I see the Orwellian tactics of what the controlled media want to spoon feed us,the hell with it,I did my 20 ,I don’t expect to make friends with what I’m about to say but I will challange anyone to expand on any disagreements they have with my rant,theres been some name calling here but there are some intelligent people here and I have a lot of respect for those that served and I never thought I’d see the day of a reporter like Pat,I like what he stands for and if you read carefully into what I’m about to say,you’ll understand.
I know I’m going to take a lot of hell for saying this but I like Ron Paul and I am voting for him,for the most part because I loath the IRS,big government and the Fed’s death grip on MY money,which is unconstitutional,and NOTHING being done about an invasion of my country from the south!
And all we get is lip service from the right and bullshit compassion for illegals from the left,both catering for the vote.I’ve always stood for the ideas that Ronald Reagan championed.Many of us here took an oath to defend that Constitution,you don’t need a tin foil hat to see that folks,its right there in front of your faces.
The bankers own every candidate except for Ron Paul(R) and Sen.Mike Gravel(D).
When Ron Paul schooled The Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben S. Bernanke,the Chicago pit traders were cheering for Ron,when he went head to head with Bernanke,you would have thought the Cubs had won the World Series,you can see it put together by a Marine on you tube,he goes by “sharedvoice”,the clip is called “Ron Paul defender of liberty”.
Many here talk about how the liberal left is hurting our efforts,I agree,a lot of them should be shot for treason,I’d dye my hair like Don King and promote it on pay-per-view.Some here talk about operations,intelligence,strategy and tactics but what I don’t see much of is the most important part of ANY military endevor,thats logistics and also lessons learned from the cold war and a smart guy named “Sun Tzu”
In 1964 the purchasing power of the US dollar was 45 cents.
Its shocking what it is today,even more shocking is who we’re borrowing the funds to support our forces with.
Put simply, America is now on the brink of going completely broke. The U.S. dollar is falling like a stone!
Read the Constitution,listen to Ronald Reagan’s 1964 speech in support of Berry Goldwater,hell,I remember like it was yesterday,I was stationed at Ft.Bragg watching Reagan on TV,he was talking about getting rid of the IRS once and for all,after that it was like he never even said it and no one questioned him about it,sad to say he must have caved in to achieve other issues he thought more important at the time.
I disagree with RP about Iraq SOMEWHAT,his “non-interventionism” could be a bad thing but could be a good thing the way things on a strategic scale are heating up.
Ron seems to be the ONLY one who understands that we’re no longer the baddest dudes on the block and its way past time to drop back and punt!I didn’t say cut and run,the objective has to be changed,and if we’re not flexible to do that we’re heading for an butt stomping from the other big boys on the block the media has misled us into thinking they are no longer a threat.A depression that would dwarf the 1929 one is in the making,at least back then kids could squirrel hunt
But hey,stay tuned to the bullshit you’re fed from both the left and right.
Am I anti-war?you damn right skippy I am ,the way we are running it is horsepiss,I’m all for payback and keeping the enemy at bay out of our back yards but theres other players in this fight than the Muslim scum and thier Royal masters.
Players that Sun Tzu warns about a nation letting its guard down,becoming tunnel visioned,a classic form of global deception,boxers call it,”one hand lies,the other tells the truth”
Take a look at the big picture.
In 1995 Vice President Al Gore signed a secret arms deal with Moscow. The deal reportedly allowed Russia to sell weapons to Iran and included illegal kickbacks, intended to bribe individual politicians inside Moscow.
At that time we had a chance to buy Sunburn missiles.
Too late now,with Gore and Clinton’s blunders set the stage for something more critical than the Islamofascist threat.
Its no longer 1995 and theres a sheriff on the block that understands all to well our weakness and he with the Chinese has taken advantage of our blunders to shut down our Caspian Oil objectives.
That man’s name is President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin,he’s one bad dude that understands Sun Tzu and is in a position not to back down from our saber rattling if it would come to that,a huge mistake a Republican(other than Paul) might make and a nightmare if a democrat was in charge,get ready to be taxed to death from our rich bankers again,only this time they’ll blame it on Bush when they are just as much at fault.
We are in such a sad economic state that the days of Reagan out spending the Soviets are over.
For nearly twelve months the Dow Jones Index has been rigged by computers, desperately trying to create an illusion of relative wealth. At the beginning of this year the only chance America and Israel had of staying afloat, was to steal and sell oil from the Caspian, Iraq and Russia, but this entire strategy has now either collapsed or been blocked by Russia and China.
Russia has deliberately sent a number of unmistakably harsh diplomatic signals that the days of American advances are numbered, especially in the mid and far east, but predictably all of these signals have been deliberately suppressed by the western media. Russia’s bottom line is completely neutralizing America and Israeli in the Eastern Hemisphere, thereby preventing the U.S. from stealing Eurasia’s strategic oil reserves.
For more than a decade American oil multinationals have been conducting “joint ventures” in the former Soviet republics bordering the Caspian Sea, with the stated intent of pumping this crude oil out through Turkey, then on to western markets. Now this route has been blocked permanently, and America is in no position to do anything about it, because a large part of the U.S. conventional army is currently in Iraq.
Enter the P270 Moskit [Mosquito], known in NATO circles as the SS-N-22 “Sunburn”
In late May while the invasion of Iraq was in full swing, a small Russian fleet deployed to the Indian Ocean, uncomfortably close to American carrier battle groups transiting in an out of the Persian Gulf. This exercise, the first held by Russia in the Indian Ocean for more than ten years, was extremely uncomfortable for the American commanders, who knew that five of the Russian vessels, including three submarines, were fully equipped with nuclear-capable Sunburn missiles.
The diplomatic signal in the Indian Ocean was blatantly obvious. Though numerically inferior to the American fleet, the Russians had more than enough unstoppable firepower to win any sea battle outright. Billion-dollar American aircraft carriers became obsolete monoliths that day, as did America’s unchecked ability to roam the oceans of the world projecting power. If America pushed too hard in Russian or Chinese spheres of influence, a 93,000-ton American aircraft carrier might “spontaneously” fireball in mid-ocean; in reality removed from the face of the earth by an unheard and unseen Sunburn missile, launched by a submerged Russian submarine more than fifty miles away.
In August and September 2003, the Russian and Chinese navies held large independent exercises in the Pacific, both coincidentally designed to, “Simulate sinking aggressive American carrier battle groups”. No prizes for guessing the name of the principal weapon system selected for this challenging task. During September, the Chinese missile destroyer “Fuzhou” fired a Sunburn with a practice warhead, which high-speed cameras then recorded striking the center of the white cross on the hull of the target vessel, located more than 60 nautical miles away from the firing point. Terminal attack profile was Mach 2.05 at an altitude of 22 feet.
Quietly and with the minimum of fuss, Russia deployed its most advanced tactical nuclear missiles and crews to both Syria and Iran(which our banks helped pay for out of your tax dollars), thereby sending an unmistakable diplomatic signal that if Israel attacked Tehran or Damascus with nuclear weapons, Russia would in return instantly and anonymously vaporize the Jewish State.
This is not an idle or exaggerated threat. The Russian missile type deployed in Syria and Iran is the P270 Moskit [Mosquito], known in NATO circles as the SS-N-22 “Sunburn”, once described by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher as “the most dangerous anti-ship missile in the Russian, and now the Chinese, fleet.” The ship borne version of this missile is launched from deck mounted quad tubes, but since Rohrabacher made his comments, Russia has adapted the Sunburn for submerged launch from submarines, air launch from Sukhoi 27s, and single surface launch from modified 40’ flatbed trucks. Nowadays, western defense experts unambiguously view all versions of Sunburn as the “most dangerous missiles in the world”.Quietly and with the minimum of fuss, Russia deployed its most advanced tactical nuclear missiles and crews to both Syria and Iran, thereby sending an unmistakable diplomatic signal that if Israel attacked Tehran or Damascus with nuclear weapons, Russia would in return instantly and anonymously vaporize the Jewish State.
Lets talk about a spreading conventional war,with Iran’s continued threats to Israel when Iran goes nuke I don’t think Israel will sit back and twiddle her thumbs,she’ll be proactive and our forces will be in either the best place to strike if needed or in the worse place if things go to hell.We are setting ourselves up for a hard fall.
You don’t have to be Tom Clancy or Von Clausewitz to figure this one out, just look at the Strait of Hormuz choke point,any US Fleet in the Persian Gulf would be toast,it would be like shooting fish in a bucket ,anyone who underestimates Iran is a fool,she’s pre-programmed target coordinates for every drop of water in the gulf with those nasty Sunburns,and she’s bought a shitload of them.
Dangerous people do dangerous things in dangerous times, and there is nothing more dangerous than a pack of religious fanatics with their backs to the Mediterranean, facing the imminent destruction of Israel,the same goes for the pack of religious fanatics who have sworn by Allah to destory Israel.Worse case……….
If the Israelis decide to nuke Tehran or Damascus there is little doubt that some of their Harpoon missiles will get through, though probably only because of the element of surprise. The American-Israeli Harpoon is still vulnerable to defensive systems because it is a relatively old subsonic missile, powered by a small Teledyne turbofan engine. Detectable by radar, cruising relatively high at around 300 feet altitude, and with a range of only 65 miles, the Harpoon can be terminated by one of many different point defense systems. But regardless of these notable shortcomings, and as previously stated, some will reach their targets in Damascus or Tehran.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when the real fireworks will start. Within seconds the tarpaulins will be thrown back on a number of 40’ flatbed trucks currently dispersed in classified locations, revealing the dull metal of the 37’ Sunburn launch tubes within. While the hydraulic stabilizer jacks slam into the ground and the launch tubes elevate to the firing position, Russian artillery specialists will confirm the pre-programmed target coordinates, then defer to central command fire control, at the same time retaining unit “dead man” authority to fire on bypass if absolutely necessary.
Each Sunburn will hurtle out of its launcher riding on the white-hot tail of a booster rocket, while its special ramjet lights and cycles up to full thrust. Then rapidly sinking back to an undetectable cruising altitude of approximately 60 feet, each missile will accelerate to Mach 2.2 [1,520 mph] in less than 30 seconds, with a total flight time from Damascus to Tel Aviv of around three minutes. When the end finally comes for Israel, it will all be over in microseconds.
I’ve fought for my country many times
I will no longer fight for Israel and her special interests
I have no pitty on the Palestinians and thier masters that make them the pawns and useful idiots of the islamofascists.
I’m sick of Zionist that use my leaders as thier useful idiots and buy our leaders to fight thier wars.
I am an American,I swore an oath to protect America,the Constitution and the ideas of our founding fathers that Ron Paul supports,our history is full of warnings from our founding fathers about the events that will destroy this country of ours,For the People and By the People!
And if all else fails and our country does not make it,I hope China will,the foods better and I would much rather live under forced athiesm than forced Islam,plus the women look better,nuff said…..
Semper Fi
December 29th, 2007 at 10:45 pm