SwiftKids Vid: Hillary’s Cookies

December 6th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

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17 Responses

  1. Bashman (the infidel)

    (Hold it up!)

    My Mudder…baked me dis cookie…


  2. Dave

    Growing up Right!

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    I like this video :lol: hillary decided wearing a pant suit would be more fitting than being a house wife. And bill always wanted her out of the house so he could have his other women over

  4. John Cunningham

    Not only that, but I think anyone with ears can back me up. I hold her responsible for the deterioration of the quality of the female voice. Back in the middle 90s I started to notice this female newsreader on a radio station in Buffalo, a Melanie Pritchard on WGR, taking on this new affectation in her speech. She started adding this croak sound to the end of every third word. Over time it evolved to every word out of her mouth had this labored, grinding, croaking edge. I started noticing a lot of other females taking up this new affectation, the female speak du jour. We had to suffer the valley girl speak and that was replaced with the what Connie Chung called the up speakers. I have suspected the Hildebeast was responsible for this latest affectation they choose to speak with. With some it’s very fashionable to imitate the First Lady. I was listening to her on ABCs news this evening, and never having listened to her for any length of time, after hearing her for a while, am convinced that she’s responsible for this nasaly, croaky, grindy affection. Why would someone choose an affectation that makes one sound as though they have throat cancer or post-nasal drip? Some do the grinding croak sound from their throats and other’s do it from behind their noses. If there’s a God, please don’t let Hillary win, hey, I got ears, ya’ know.

  5. Hshaw

    Wow, what a great video. I remember that comment, it was such a great way for Hillary to endear herself to all the stay-at-home moms out there. Is this a real commercial? I hope we see more of it.

  6. Lamplighter

    I love this video! By the way, I have a few questions that need to be asked of Billary in debates, like the questions they ask the GOP candidates: 1.) Ms. Clinton, how do you feel about the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that your husband, whose administration you claim credit for, instituted? 2.) Ms. Clinton, what do you have to say about the fact that your boyfriend, Vince Foster, whom you put on the White House payroll, committed suicide after three weeks of your refusing to speak to him and take his calls, when you knew he was clinically depressed? 3.) Ms. Clinton, how do you respond to the charge, made by your husband, to Jennifer Flowers, and quoted in her book, that you’ve had sex with more women than him? If it isn’t true, Ms. Clinton, then why didn’t you sue Jennifer Flowers and her publisher for defamation?

  7. Jim

    Hmmm, I think I’ have some oreals and milk :smile:

  8. Mark Tanberg

    Thats the best I’ve ever seen.
    cases o :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: to you Bash

  9. A. S. Wise- VA

    Those Children may see themselves suffer at the hands of the academic establishment now because of this. Never underestimate the boundaries Hildawg and Co. will cross to destroy their opposition–child or otherwise.

  10. 0311inOHio

    :lol: encore, encore… :beer: :beer:

  11. CJWarner

    Bill says she doesn’t cook in the sack either. :twisted:

  12. drillanwr

    @John Cunningham

    Was it this bland griping almost complaining tone? I noticed also around that time “the inflection” being used more and more in TV commercials with female voice-overs. Annoyed the hell out of me (”There it is … the product … it does what I said, so what … buy it, don’t buy it … I don’t really care …”)… and I’m a female who can bitch!

  13. John Cunningham

    Drillanwr, no it’s still being used more than ever. Maybe because of the people in the cab and using public transportation I hear it more. The “complaining tone” I would think it more typical of the “up speakers”. It’s rather monotonic, and has these pauses every few words. “I’m going shopping”. “I’ll be gone for a few hours”. “When I get back, everything better be done, or I’m going to kill you”. The voice would be raised for ’shopping’, ‘hours’, ‘back’, and ‘done’. Connie Chung did a report, I think in the late 80s on 60 Minutes. Hear that more from older females, fortyish. The grinder talkers have been around since the middle 90s.

    “and I’m a female who can bitch”, now, don’t take this the wrong way, and I guess it would be sexist for me to say, “take it as a compliment”, I always thought you were a guy.

  14. LftBhndAgn

    This is one stay at home mom who bakes cookies.

    Gingerbread is a great alternative to skeet targets.

    As for Hillery -
    Im sure if you actually get in to the White House again, your husband will be right back to “Baking Cookies” with interns.

  15. ticticboom

    http://www.daybydaycartoon.com/2007/11/30/ :twisted:

  16. Steve in NC

    @John, drillanwr is very much a woman….

  17. John Cunningham

    Steve in NC, dam, she sounds so normal.

    Joking, joking.

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