The Berkeley “Breasts Not Bombs” Crowd Is Back…You’ve Been Warned

December 18th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Uh…Merry Christmas?


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19 Responses

  1. Valerie

    These idiots showed up for one of Hillary’s campaign events, too. And I am sure they were just as welcome there as they are here.

  2. Hugh

    I thought that one with the beard WAS Hillary!

  3. martymar

    If there’s no law agains indecent exposure, they better be charged with aggrivated assault. Damn.

  4. franchie

    that is surely one thing we do do in public, but in private boudoirs :lol:

  5. allen

    Does that one in the middle have a goatee or am I hallucinating?

  6. franchie

    we do do in = we do not in

  7. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)

    That one guy with the beard in the middle has some nice ones…

  8. drillanwr

    Hey, that one in the middle … I thought the lead singer from Alice In Chains died …

  9. Cridhe Saorsa

    Does the one in the middle have 4 breasts?

  10. franchie

    I didn’t realize that was a guy in the middle ;

    woah, more funny !

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Don’t any of these dipshits have jobs to go to? Looks like more products of the Pepsi Generation. Hey Woodstock is over man. Grow the fuck up all ready.

  12. ticticboom

    I’d gladly pay the airfare for them to fly to Iran or Saudi Arabia and pull this shit. Especially considering how unlikely they’ll need a return flight… :twisted:

  13. Phil N Blanx

    Got milk?

  14. Howie

    @ ticticboom I’ll split the air fare with you.

    @ Phil N Blanx - if they had it would you actually drink it?

    @ Bash - The class action for torture is on the way. You obviously did not take my cease and desist order seriously!!

  15. Goodbye Natalie

    Why is they always appear to grab the ones from the barnyard to protest?

    Mama sow, Elsie on the right and for the life of me I can’t quite put a name to that thing in the middle. :shock:

  16. Sandy

    They all look like men except they have breastesses! :mrgreen: The dude with the beard is way too funny!!! It is a form of torture though to be sure.

    Damn Bash - thanks for the warning! :lol:


    I’d gladly pay the airfare for them to fly to Iran or Saudi Arabia and pull this shit. Especially considering how unlikely they’ll need a return flight…


  17. korndawg

    I would have rather been waterboarder than to have seen this

  18. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    :lol: Either those are men or those are women with a lot of testosterone. The one in the middle has more facial hair than I do when I have mine grown out. The one on the left looks like he/she/it shaves on a regular basis. The one on the right is just disgusting. Thank God she hid her face.

    Now excuse me while I go wash my eyes in bleach and hydrochloric acid.

  19. benji


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