This Clinton Bitch Just Can’t Be Trusted

December 6th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the chain e-mail forwarded by a Clinton campaign worker the other day that claims Obama is secretly a Muslim, or something like that.

Of course the Clinton muckety-mucks deny, deny, deny, saying thay have no control over campaign workers every move blah blah blah…

They have a point there, can’t micromanage campaign workers, but you know what?

This is the 6,969th incident involving shady, lowdown, unethical, possibly criminal, conspiratorial, secretive, nasty actions associated with Hillary Clinton.

The bitch just can’t be trusted.

We showed you that a recent Most-Important-Character-Attribute poll amongst both Democratic and Republican voters revealed that Trustworthiness was the most important character trait of the candidate that they would likely vote for in the upcoming election.

Is Hillary Clinton honest and trustworthy? Does Hillary Clinton associate herself and surround herself with trustworthy, honest people? Just imagine her Presidential appointments and Cabinet.

The e-mail thing is just this week’s unethical blunder related to Clinton. Any predictions for next week?

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6 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    The only prediction i have for next week is that there will be more. I have no idea what form it will show up in.

    Oh and i want to know what really happened to the 34 mysterious deaths of people surrounding the shady ass Clintons.


    The Clinton Body Count:

  3. Grumpy

    This should really bother anyone who has ever been in any type of leadership position:

    “Of course the Clinton muckety-mucks deny, deny, deny, saying thay have no control over campaign workers every move blah blah blah…”

    Not taking responsibility for the actions of your subordinates is a massive sign of poor leadership. Imagine if a company commander told the press that even though one of his Joes did something bad, there was really nothing he could do about it.

    And this clown wants to be the commander in chief?

    Privates take more responsibility than that.

  4. ticticboom

    There are those who see power as a mean, and those who see power as an end. Hillary is blatantly one of the latter.

    She wants Authority, but that comes with Responsibility. As she has proven time and again, she will not hesitate to…hesitate. She will firmly decide to…let someone else decide.

    She’s like someone who wants a badge and a gun, to wear a uniform and feel important, but when it’s time to get dirty and subdue a junkie, all the sudden she’s calling for help and hiding in her patrol car (There really have been quite a few instances of that, including one where two female officers were saved only when a bunch of guys from the FDNY came by and drove off a mob).

    If you think I’m saying this because she’s a woman, think again. Barack Hussein Obama and John (I see dead people) Edwards have the same weakness in spades.

    The Democratic Party is all about form over function. What you are, not who you are, matters to them. Feelings trump facts. Polls trump morality. Expedience trumps honor. The empty promise of the tyrant trumps the solemn oath of a President.

    Power is a means. To those who view it as an end, it becomes the means by which more power is accumulated. Look at Chavez, Castro, Saddam, Mao, or Stalin. Their every move, based on one thing: will saying or doing this increase my power?

    Bush makes policy decisions based on what he thinks is right. So does Rudy. Bill Clinton consistently made policy decisions based on how it made him look. So does Hillary.

    War is an ugly business. Often, if not always, there are no good solutions, only bad and worse. A short term gain might result in long term disaster. Do you really want someone who can’t see past the next election cycle making those kinds of decisions?

  5. LftBhndAgn


    Hillary Clinton Lies About Iraq - Caught On Tape
    I just found this sweet little number.

    Hillary Clinton’s remarks made on March 6, 2003 to Code Pink two weeks before the Iraq War began contradict all of her claims made in her first campaign stop in Iowa this weekend.

  6. Dave M

    but osama is a muslim. He was born to islamic parents (well his father
    but that’s the important bit) and that makes him a muslim.
    Now if he was in a high profile position, and declared himself
    to be a Christian, then only two possibilities exist,
    he is either an apostate and the muslims generaly make a BIG deal
    about apostates or he is in taqiyya and remains a muslim to this
    day. Romney’s speech notwithstanding, I couldn’t trust what osama
    says. And no, I’m not a campaign worker for hillary!

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