The End Of America? Naomi Wolf Says “Yes”

December 27th, 2007 Posted By Bash.


One of these two is Naomi Wolf, can you tell which is witch?


If you don’t know who Naomi Wolf is, then I would consider you spared the experience of what it would be like to take one of your run-of-the-mill “Berkeley Babes”, put her in decent clothes with an almost unnoticable hair color, turn the alarm siren voice down a few notches, and then let her sit on a panel on Martha McCallum’s show, or sit and debate Bill on The O’Reilly Factor.

Two minutes after hearing her speak, if you are anything like me, you would be ready to reach through the TV screen and rip the bitch’s head off.

Did I just say that? heh heh, ok I don’t advocate violence toward women, but this woman will raise your blood pressure.

Her book, “The End of America” starts out with:

“So it turns out that we are at war — a long war, a global war, a war for our civilization.”

Ok, I agree, no problem.

But she’s not talking about the Jihadis. She claims that we Americans are being taken over by fascists and we are too dumb to realize it. She cites this example:

A Long Island mother, for instance, was forced to drink her own breast milk from three bottles of breast milk prior to boarding the plain at JFK. Other adult passengers have been forced to drink baby formula. In Benito Mussolini’s era, one intimidation tactic was to force citizens to dink emetics and other liquids. German S.S. men picked this up: They forced Wilhelm Sollmann, a Social Democrat leader, for instance, to drink castor oil and urine. Of course baby formula is not an emetic. But a state agent…forcing a citizen to ingest liquid is a new scene in America.

LOL, immediately after this, in his article in FrontPage today, he says “First they came for the baby formula, then they came for the Jews.”

This is the typical left wing liberal “troofer” bullshit that they have been so desperatley slinging around the last couple of years in the hopes that the gullible “undecideds” will jump on their party platform and elect one of their own to the White House.

Of course they have no idea what the hell they would do with the White House if they got it (paint it pink, maybe?), and I’ll go one further, and on the record, and say that come November 2008, they will be whining instead of winning.

Read the full article here.

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7 Responses

  1. Steve

    And why was this mother told to drink her breast milk? Because of overzealous “security” idiots who were powermad since they were now federal employees.

    That had nothing to do with Bush, except that he made them federal employees. They were just fools who wouldn’t know what common sense was if it walked up and bit them in the arse.

  2. Steve

    Well, okay, the story says the guard in question was privately employed, but I think the rest holds true.

  3. drillanwr

    Bash -

    To save time and energy I’ll just completely agree with your assessment of Wolf … Right down to reaching through the TV screen. :beer:


  4. M@

    Not to agree with the witch here but I also heard the Nazi’s had taxes and roads. We have those too! What does this all mean? Maybe she is right! I need to donate money to Ron Paul Girl!

  5. ticticboom

    You know, back when Gore was running for office and she advised him on how to act like an alfa male (or the frail leftist facsimile), she wasn’t all that bad looking.

    Looks like all the hate and bile is making it’s way to the surface.

  6. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    Another dumb fuck.

  7. Ted B

    There must be $$$$ in being a left wing kook. Maybe I can do something like that.

    I think I’ll write a book and advertise myself as a corporate insider who tells all. Like Tim Robbins in Team America, “…and those corporation people sit around in their corporation buildings and act all corporationy…yeah.” Just parrot all the ususal BS.

    I’ll get Mike Savage pissed off at me by saying he’s just as fat as Michael Moore so the MSM will love me and I’ll set up lib blogs and write them myself under pen names and make myself famous, because that is all you need to do. Greed and self-righteousness come together for liberalism!

    Oh wait, didn’t Al Gore kinda already do that? Oh well, just like in an Irish family, there is always room for one more.

    I’m kidding…really.

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