The Gloves Are Off: Hillary Attacks Obama’s Character
So Hillary is attacking Obama’s character basically calling him a liar. Here’s how:
She is refuting Obama’s claim that his decision to run for President is a recent one. She claims he wrote two essays specifically saying that he wanted to be President. Obama wrote those essays in Kindergarten and in the Third Grade.
I kid you not…
But hey, Barry got some advice from none other than Karl Rove. In the Financial Times Rove said:
First, stop acting like a vitamin-deficient Adlai Stevenson. Striking a pose of being high-minded and too pure will not work. Americans want to see you scrapping and fighting for the job, not in a mean or ugly way but in a forceful and straightforward way.
Hillary fell behind Obama in a recent Iowa poll and so that automatically trips the “Bitch with Fangs” switch on Hillary’s circuit board.
Fox News story is here.
Bout time she lost the sheen!
December 3rd, 2007 at 11:53 amThe Pot calls the Kettle a scumbag piece of shit, eh?
December 3rd, 2007 at 12:18 pmoxymoron - 1) v. Hillary attacks Obama’s character … 2)subject n. Hillary assumes SHE has character … 3) physics law. Hillary and character cannot occupy the same space at the same time
December 3rd, 2007 at 12:35 pm