Two Shot By Joe Horn Were Illegal Aliens

December 7th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Illegal Piglet
Diego Ortiz (pictured)had a Puerto Rican ID and two aliases. One man had been deported in ‘99; officials looking at possible ties to a burglary ring.

Two burglary suspects shot by a Pasadena homeowner last month were illegal immigrants from Colombia, and one man had been deported nearly 10 years ago, authorities said Thursday.

Authorities also said they are investigating whether Diego Ortiz, 30, and Hernando Riascos Torres, 48, were part of a crime ring linked to burglaries and the use of fake immigration documents.

The two — killed by a Pasadena man Nov. 14 after he said they were trying to steal his neighbor’s property — were in the country illegally, according to Leticia Zamarripa, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Joe Horn, 61, shot Ortiz and Torres, who went by the alias Miguel Antonio DeJesus. Horn called police after hearing breaking glass. He ignored an operator’s warning to not go outside with his gun.

Pasadena Police Department Capt. A.H. “Bud” Corbett said Torres was deported to Colombia in 1999 after a 1994 cocaine-related conviction. He was on parole until 2017, Corbett said.

Police found a Puerto Rican identification card on Ortiz. He had two aliases.

Torres had identification cards from Colombia, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. He had three aliases.

State and federal authorities are investigating whether the two men, who lived in southwest Houston, were involved in the crime ring, Corbett said.

Police found almost $2,000 in cash in a white bag the men allegedly took from the home in the 7400 block of Timberline before Horn shot them.

Investigators also are trying to determine whether the men knew about the home or family before burglarizing it.

“I don’t believe the victim was a random choice … but there’s no evidence of a relationship either,” between the homeowners and suspects, Corbett said.

Horn told the operator that he did not know his neighbors well. Neighbors said the family moved into the home next to Horn’s house about four months ago.

From an article by Robert Crowe in

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11 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Two less burglars and we don’t have to feed them, either.

  2. Reign in Blood

    Boom… click, click…. Boom…. Crime ring now taking applications due to sudden drop in membership. Wonder if we will hear nothing but silence from the Black Panthers now that it is revealed they are illegal aliens from Colombia. :?:

  3. Joe in MD

    Good shootin’

    Two less dimma-crap voters…

  4. cb10

    Damn, a “twofer,” bad guy’s and illegal aliens, it don’t get any better than that!
    Take it to em’ Texas!

  5. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    This is Texas - illegal immigrants are EVERYWHERE - doing all sorts of crime. All crime is out of control. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Governor Rick Perry on down - they are working against any sort of crack down on ILLEGAL immigration and crime - for what reason? I can only imagine. Houston is a sancuary city. I know everyone thinks I am just a racist because I am constantly bitchin’ about illegal immigration, but I swear to you that it is out of control here in Texas. We are drowning in crime and particularly illegal immigration crime and also illegal immigraton abuse of entitlements and no one is doing anything about it - starting with President Bush who has flatly let us down on down to my city where the assistant chief of police told me at a townhall meeting that “we do not have an illegal immigration problem”. I just don’t understand how President Bush can be such a fighter on the war on terror, but ignore the crime and open border issues in Texas - his home state. It is very frustrating . . . and more people like Joe Horn are going to start taking matters into their own hands.

  6. LftBhndAgn


  7. TJ(The Kafir)

    Joe Horn for President!!!

    Walk tall and carry a Big “gun” I always say!

    Incidentally, there was a Joe Horn who played wide receiver forthe New Orleans saints.

    Joe, how would you deal with illegal alien criminals?

    enough said! :cool:

  8. GF

    No shit.

  9. a Golden BB

    I just wonder how Texas’ “Castle Doctrine” is written.
    Unless he shot them in the back he’s probably safe.
    As “dead men tell no tales”, I suspect that Mr Horn’s will be the only eye-witness testimony.
    Strictly legal or not, citizens or aliens, Mr Horn did the right thing.

  10. roxy morris

    Leave the guy alone. He did us all a favor. Ever wonder how many families these two crooks affected before they were caught and shot? Its not about revenge or racism, its about protecting yourself. your neighbors and your ennviroment. Personally I like alot of things qx has done in this city and elsewhere, but in this case I thing he’s wrong to defend these crooks.Its our right to be able to protect ourselves and others and I think Joe did a good thing.

  11. AL

    I only have two regrets regarding this matter, that Mr. Horn will have his life disrupted in any way for doing what was right. Secondly that there are so few men left here in America who are willing to immediately do justice to the likes of these two illegal scum bags. Beyond that, I have no disagreement of any kind as to how this Texas gentleman dealt with this rabble, and I hope sincerely that his neighbors will be just as ready to protect him and his.

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