Iggy Video: Until Next Year!

December 16th, 2007 Posted By Iggy.

A Holiday Showdown We Can’t Afford

Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced recently that if Congress did not provide the additional war funding President Bush has requested, the Army would be forced to cease all base operations and furlough “about 100,000 government employees and a like number of contractor employees” by mid-February. The Army would be required by law to notify affected employees 60 days in advance — just in time for the holidays.

That’s not the kind of news you ever want to hear, but especially not during this season. What’s sad is this scenario is entirely avoidable.

Just weeks ago, Congress passed the largest defense spending bill ever — $459 billion for all non-war operations. This gives the Army and the Defense Department a number of options to defer a furlough until later in 2008, by which time the notion of furloughs hopefully will be nothing but a bad memory.

In fact, the Army discussed this with the House Appropriations Committee this year. Moreover, the Defense Department can transfer funds not needed to meet operating balances and assign contract obligations to other services to forestall more drastic measures.

A recently released Congressional Research Service report confirms these budget options, estimating that even if only the low-hanging fruit were plucked, a furlough would not be necessary until the end of March.

That’s five weeks longer than the Defense Department has claimed possible. More drastic budget options are available that could add another month’s delay, pushing a possible furlough well into the spring. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has pledged that Congress will not allow it to ever get that far, and, speaking on behalf of the capital area delegation, we pledge that Congress will not let it get that far.

The bottom line is that there are a number of options to overcome budget shortfalls and we look forward to discussing those with the Pentagon in the immediate future.

While our views on Iraq are not quite identical, our views on whether federal employees should be used as bargaining chips are. Unfortunately, the administration is resorting to an old budget showdown tactic — using federal employees’ livelihoods as leverage in a battle with Congress.

Civilian employees and contractors are crucial to our national defense and serve our country with distinction. Presenting furlough notices a week before the holiday season critically threatens employee morale and damages the Defense Department’s effectiveness. In addition, the long-term effects of such a furlough can be devastating. Experienced employees may choose not to return once the layoffs end; those considering a career with the federal government are likely to think twice. Workforce shortages are a serious issue for some of our most critical defense agencies — indeed, the entire federal government. This is no time to make matters worse.

Taking care of your own is a fundamental tenet of good leadership. Putting employees’ livelihoods on the line should be the last resort, not Plan A.

–Jim Moran and Tom Davis,Washington

The writers, a Democrat and a Republican, represent the 8th and 11th congressional districts of Virginia, respectively, in the House of Representatives.

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10 Responses

  1. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Merry Christmas Iggy.

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Merry Christmas, and hope to hear from you next year! You’ve definitely earned your furlough, Iggy! God bless, and hope to be serving alongside you and everyone else in the armed services within two years.

  3. John Cunningham

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  4. Egfrow

    I went to Sears today in Delaware. The one that only sells holiday trees. There are a cashier girl wearing a full burka. Even the bridge of her nose was covered. Now I can see why they sell Holiday Trees. The have been Islamified. Only infidels spend money, they seem to have forgotten who pays their bills.

  5. franchie


    hey, can’t find the 2008 calendar :cry:

    happy fests

  6. Mjolnir

    Merry Christmas Iggy..and all my fellow patriots!
    Thanks for sharing this article too, I am one of those federal employees affected by this…Keep us all in your prayers friends.

  7. John Cunningham

    Egfrow, I thought they had their faces covered because they had faces that could be used as a press to make gorilla cookies. It’s to hide their laughing hysterically at us.

  8. iggy


    A Burka and a Holiday Tree? How did you manage? I would have lost my mind. My freedom does not mean I have to be nice or kiss ass. My hat off to you for keeping your head. Either way, a sad and painful irony.


  9. LftBhndAgn


    Happy New Year.

    Enjoy the time you have with your family.

  10. Sandy

    Yet another gift from the Dhimicratic Congress.

    Iggy, glad you are able to go home to celebrate Christmas with your family this year! :cool:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all here!

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