Video: Dutch Spoof Jihadi Fireworks Ad Pisses Some Idiots Off

December 27th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

boom piglets
Saw this over at Hot Air. Heh heh…two thumbs up…

From The Guardian:

Dutch government firework safety ads featuring a spoof Islamist terrorist group have been criticised as insensitive and depicting a negative stereotype of the Muslim community.

The online ads, made for the Dutch government’s consumer safety institute, have been made to look like a video message filmed by an Islamist military organisation called the Liberation Army Against Freedom.

Featuring a group led by an Osama bin Laden lookalike figure at their camp, the viral ads are dubbed into Iraqi-accented Arabic and have versions with subtitles in Dutch and English.

The tone is intended to be humorous, with the terrorist group seen receiving a shipment of fireworks like an arms cache, wearing suicide vests made of firecrackers, and bungling efforts to “demonstrate to you our true power” by blowing themselves up.

However, the light treatment of such a serious issue has angered some industry insiders.

“What is the campaign hoping to achieve by depicting a negative stereotype of the Muslim community in a fireworks advert?” said Saad Saraf, the chief executive of multicultural marketing specialists Media Reach Advertising.

Saraf, an Iraqi, was particularly offended by images in one ad that show one person strap fireworks around him in a style similar to a suicide belt, which later explodes.

“Are the producers aware that the actors in the advert are speaking in an Iraqi accent; with the current state of affairs in Iraq and the loss of lives as a result of suicide bombing, I question, what were the creatives thinking?,” said Saraf.

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13 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Yo, Mo, I thought it was fucking hysterical. Get a fucking grip.

  2. martymar

    What get’s me is that they say it’s “negatively stereotyping muslims.” NO YOU FUCKING DUMBASS, IGNORANT, MINDNUMBED, PUSSY ASS PIECES OF SHIT!! They are making fun of EXTREMISTS!!!! Are you an extremist Mr. It’s not funny to make fun of people? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP AND HAVE A LAUGH WHY DON’T YOU.
    I mean shit, I’m a cop and I don’t get offended when comedians like kid rock make fun of idiot cops. For crying out loud. I’m going to go have a drink now. :beer:

  3. Steve in NC

    “What is the campaign hoping to achieve by depicting a negative stereotype of the Muslim community in a fireworks advert?” said Saad Saraf, the chief executive of multicultural marketing specialists Media Reach Advertising”


  4. TJ (The kafir)

    Just illustrates their are no real moderates in islam. :sad:

  5. Chad

    This is hilarious. and Saad can sit on my face.

  6. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    ‘Dutch government firework safety ads featuring a spoof Islamist terrorist group have been criticised as insensitive and depicting a negative stereotype of the Muslim community.’

    You PC shitbags insult the motherfuckers more than we do! You just said they’re little pussies who can’t take a little criticism (which the majority of them are) and that they’re all suicide bombing meatheads (which a growing faction of them are).

    Sit down and shut up. Stop trying to police everybody’s thoughts. :roll:

  7. mindy abraham

    :lol: I thought it was funny. What, haven’t they ever heard of satire?

  8. Top Ward

    That was too funny! :lol: :lol:

  9. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)

    Chad…are you sure that’s what you wanted to say?

  10. Leatherneck

    “Funky Fountain”?? That’s pretty damed fucking funny!

    Those Dutch folks seem to be at the center of attention lately with their spoofs, cartoons & vignettes.

    The part where the guy goes off with the AK-47 brings back memories when a Palestinian family (who I lived next to 20 years ago) decided to ‘celebrate’ in the exact same fashion….minus the ‘Funky Fountain’ of course.

    Laughing out loud & puking all over my keyboard then rolling over and vomiting some more!

  11. Phil N Blanx

    More like life imitating reality -

  12. drillanwr


    WAIT! Put on these Jackie O sunglasses, you fool, or you’ll shoot your eye out!

    And the guy shooting the AK-47 at the fireworks!

    But the topper is the other guy doing the little jig just before the ad ends … ROFLMAO!

    Hey, Fox, give these guys a TV show!

  13. Richard Quinn

    Thanks Bash-

    I forgot what beer out the nose feels like! Should have invested in a keyboard cover……too late

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