Video: Right Hand Girl’s “Hillary Wants Your Nuts”

December 28th, 2007 Posted By RightHandGirl.


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13 Responses

  1. jam

    Nicely done RHG!

    Did anyone else hear Hillary’s attempt to gain votes from the Bhutto assassination? Her statement was all about how many years Hillary and Bhutto had known each other.

    More proof that Hillary is a completely shameless bitch!

  2. ukatheist

    is it just me or was that strangely erotic

  3. Phil N Blanx

    Ouch. That holiday display should be banned from government property under the seperation of nags and nads clause.

    So how did they taste Cynthia - like chicken?

  4. Cynthia

    That was awesome! I so needed a good laugh when I got home from work today.
    You are the best and keep up the good work!

  5. steve m


    But hey, for comedy to truly be funny it needs an element of truth to it…if that hag gets into office, that’s what we can expect - well done RHG :beer:

  6. ticticboom

    Two things:

    First, that cackle is unnerving.

    Second, am I the only guy who squirmed watching this?

  7. JonnyMordant

    :arrow: ticticboom

    First: Yes it is!
    Second: No, your not alone!

    I have serious questions.

    A) Could this explain Bills infidelity?

    B) How long did it take to remove all the Cobwebs from between Hillary’s nutcrackers?

    C)Which is worse Hillary’s Cankles or Cackles?

  8. Allen Ranger

    UK Atheist -

    No, it was extremely erotic, and Hillary had nothing to do with it. Let me just say, RHG’s last act in this will never leave my head…

    RHG is a budding hot version of Ann Coulter. Funny, sexy, smart…this girl is going to be dangerous.

    Thank God.

    What kind of luck does Pat Dollard have, anyway? Surviving killer IEDs and then getting to hang out with RHG….gotta be part Irish.

  9. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    Jam: Are you really surprised by it?

  10. ukatheist

    @ allen ranger yes i understand what your thinking rhg an opposite of ann coulter who i remember asking on one news programme somewhere “where were the canadians in the 2nd world war” which was a statement i found unbeliveable atleast rhg does research before making statements which is more than can be said for the generic dumb blonde ann coulter,will somebody please buy that woman atleast an encyclopedia britannica

  11. Al Bulay

    I gave my 22 yr old daughter one for Christmas. The vast right wing conspiracy is alive and well. The fall campaign promises to be a lot of fun.

    Al Bulay
    Red Hook, NY

  12. lt.

    This girl scares me. While Hilary clearly does have nuts, this girl looks like she’s on Prozac or something. There is nothing behind her eyes.

  13. Sandy


    Sorry for the late comment. I a missed this one.
    That was so funny! No words needed! :cool: :lol:

    @ lt

    Cynthia is a total sweetheart but tough as nails. Tells the truth and is not afraid to do so either. There is a great deal behind her eyes ~ and if you are intelligent enough even you could see it.

    Also, Hilary does not have nuts at all. She only tries to take them and break them as illustrated so well in this video. lol! Hilary has accomplished nothing significant to be CIC and never will be. She only uses men to get power and keep power because she does not have her own. If she had any real strength at all she would not need billy boy to campaign for her because she cannot take it on her own.

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