Video: Ron Paul Supporter Threatens Dollard & Bashman “I Want Them To SUFFER!”

December 1st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Ahh, the Paulies, gotta love ‘em…watch the very end, that’s the real gold. As Andrew Breitbart said about it, “this is pure internet gold”.


“The Threat” Video:


Related Video - Right Hand Girl’s “Ron Paul’s Nuts”:

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52 Responses

  1. Ranger

    LMFAO!! It’s about to get worse, bitch! :beer: :beer:

  2. drillanwr

    Is that a hospital gown she’s wearing? Did she get out of “holding” and make it to the hospital security camera?

    “Normal people” ??!!?? Would SHE REALLY know one if they came up behind her and jabbed her with her “dose” of meds?

  3. Logan

    She’s really uninformed…

  4. Steve in NC

    she’s so cute when she’s mad

    when she shakes her head I bet it sounds like a couple of bolts in a coffee can

  5. drillanwr

    I believe we may have found our #1 suspect in the Missing Bashman Mystery …

    A little Kathy Bates and “Misery”, anyone?

  6. drillanwr

    @Steve in NC

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer: :lol: :lol:


    UMMMMMMMM……. :roll:

  8. House 6


    (scream) ARE YOU SUFFERING????!!!!!

    Wouldn’t you love an all-access pass to THAT medicine cabinet!?

    Love the Noah’s Ark wallpaper.

  9. Mike F.

    You gotta love that Noah’s Ark wallpaper! There is no amount of Prozac! The sad thing is, she’s probably registered to vote.

  10. Islamofatty

    I don’t think it was Dollard that murdered Bash. I think she did it, hacked the site, and then wrote that earlier “Bashman Murdered” post under Dollard’s name.

  11. Axem

    “‘Twas Beast killed the Beast”

  12. Jim

    oh oh…I had no idea the med girl was on utube…LMAO

    :shock: My type of women :beer:

  13. POD1

    Bash look at the bright side,
    Thats one less Christmas gift you have to buy.

    @Steve in NC :beer:

  14. drillanwr

    Wait … I thought Ron Paul’s followers wore tin foil hats.

    Looks like hers is made of “feminine hygiene products”.

    This woman really needs to meet the dude with the beanbag chair scrotum from a couple days ago.

  15. Kevin

    Hahaha!!! Does anyone know where we can find her videos to ‘pay her a visit’ and post something nice on youtube?

  16. deathstar

    Ron Pauls a fucking loser and so are all his Osama loving fuck wit followers.

  17. JonnyMordant

    DMCA? Demand Moderators cancel account?

    Don’t worry Schizo girl, Pat canceled Bashmans membership to the living class earlier today! LOL!

    Hey Bash, will you sign over the rights to use schizo girl clips to the rest of the world? It just could be that you have created the latest National Sport!

    I personally never saw any of your vids where you were directly or indirectly mean toward S.G. herself; I do however clearly recall hearing your voice ring out on several occasions “Ah yes, Schizo Girl, Ya Gotta Love Schizo Girl”…

    Hey Pat, I never made the Ron Paul connection before bu8t you’re correct she did make that Vid about the UFO’s, Black Helicopters and Little Green Men, didn’t she!

  18. LadyAngler

    This is actually kinda sad. True, we could go on and on about her wallpaper, dental hygiene, black sports bra under her white shirt… etc, but she is clearly a schizo, you guys. It kinda feels like kicking a sick puppy.

  19. Dean Wormer

    Lady Angler:

    “It kinda feels like kicking a sick puppy.”

    I can’t see anywhere on this post where Pat or Bash said one bad or even critical thing about this woman. All they did was post a video that she made and WANTED posted, as it is on You Tube.

  20. House 6

    H.S.!!! I checked Clinical Psych’s weblink and that poor woman really does have schizophrenia. OK - now I feel bad.

  21. Jim

    “It kinda feels like kicking a sick puppy.”

    your right, its not good… my bad as well. I new someone who suffered greatly from that disease.

    Still nothing wrong with a little light hearted fun

  22. LMcG

    SUFFFFFEEEERRRR . . . Does she have Basham tied up and stuffed under her bed pan? Where is Basham? I am worried about him?

  23. Kevin

    I don’t see what the big deal is. Don’t we make fun of retarded people all the time on this website with cracks about the clintons and other dem candidates?

  24. John Goodrow

    She sound like a registered democrat.

    Look out Bash you got another left-wing looney for an enemy.

  25. radgy

    i didnt know that chick was real,i thought he just found some bad b movie about a craz bitch,was useing clips from it…gotta subscribe to this chick…check out her shit,and did she think once she posted vids to the internet she has a say in how people use em?

  26. 0311inOHio

    And ummmmm, and ummmmm.. and ummmmm…. Poor, pathetic, simple minded goof ball. Ummmmm, I don’t know what else to say other than, ummmmm, and ummmm.. :roll:

  27. radgy

    anbody got a link to her page,or utube name?

  28. T Double Dash

    Well what can you say? She should have read the terms and conditions on YouTube and understood that whatever she puts there can be snatched and used by anybody. She shouldn’t make these videos right after she wakes up.

  29. CJWarner

    She may be schizophrenic, but she’s probably good people. :shock:


    what the fuck is a DMCA? What a fukin tool this broad is. LOL


    LOL This bitch is a fukin mental patient. Whats up BASHMAN?!?!?!? Got anything good coming up on Liveleak?

  32. Greg M

    Haha she’s so fucking serious it’s hilarious!

  33. GBU43

    I hope that girl is getting medical help.

  34. Sandy K.

    Bash has never said anything bad about her. He has said ~ she never feels sorry for herself unlike many of the left wing losers who do nothing but whine.

  35. Bashman (the infidel)

    Hey guys, thought I’d chime in here. If for one minute I thought that she was a mentally retarded defenseless person trying to relate her feelings and reaching out for help on You Tube I would never use any clips of hers.

    Viral vids get played in the kitchen, if it gets too fucking hot, get the hell out or shut the fuck up.

  36. JewishOdysseus

    Wow, this is a truly sad and pathetic human being.

    Really is like dropping hot coals on a little puppy in a barrel…Just wrong.

    But, yes, she has as many votes as any of us do! :roll:

  37. LMcG

    :cool: There you are Bashman . . . whew!

  38. Ted B

    I can think of no other fate worse than being DMCA’d, whatever that means.

    As far as feeling sorry for her, I don’t. I live by this maxim; if you go looking for trouble, don’t complain about finding it. Whatever you put on the YouTube site is up for grabs and if people think you are fucked up and make fun of it, that’s life. I don’t think any of us are psychologists and can fully diagnose exactly what is wrong with her from her videos except our instinctual reaction, “She just ain’t right.”

  39. just posting

    annoying ass bitch

  40. Dr. Jerry

    The over-use of profanity is “The effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully” and this gal is near brain dead.

    Is this a medical gown clothing a person in a mental ward?

  41. GF
    She really is mentally unbalanced.

    DMCA - Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998:
    Made ‘famous’ by the RIAA and Comedy Central for using it on Youtube.

  42. LadyAngler


    C’mon. I’ve generally agreed with you, but she’s a certified nut bar, dude. There is NO question. However, using her videos to reflect a sample of Paul supporters could be valid. You have let her speak for herself. That’s fair enough.

    My only question is who told her you were using her vids?

  43. Axem

    The only real evidence we have that she is nuts is her support for Ron Paul.

    Everyone wants to become famous off of YouTube, and so everyone has their shtick. Playing the “nutso” may just be her act. She’s selling books about it on her site for Christ sake. This “nut” seems to have quite the knack for selling and marketing a “character”.

    Most actors and wannabe celebrities are unemployed, so you find them all over YouTube.

    If she can’t sing and dance or tell a joke, this “nut” thing may be just the act she decided on. And let’s face it, its worked.

  44. RENO

    I had no idea she was real!!!
    I also thought they were clips from a movie.

    If she really is that wacko then how is it the hospital provides the equipment to make those clips?

  45. One Shot

    Well Bash ya old sod…regardless of what she says, I think she wants to have your children. Maybe Pat’s too. Maybe both of you at the same time. :beer:

    Now, that is a pretty scary thought you two lucky bastards :)

    DMCA = Digital Millenium Copyright Act. I wish her all of the luck in the world. Hope she’s got lots of money and can find an attorney dumb enough to try tackling what would be a sure-fire loser.

    Now for the real questions of the day: Who’s first…Bash or Pat…and will we see the video here :)

  46. ruthie

    My 2 year old son seems to love listening to her talk because she actually sounds like the voices from the Care Bear animated movies. Might be a good career for her.

  47. Dan (The Infidel)

    Uhmmm…uhmmmm…Wonder what kind of meds this crazoid is on? Whatever it is, they need to give her more. Frankly I don’t give 2 shits about her either. She’s funny as hell, twisted, little schitzoid that she is.

    Two beers and ROFLMAO! :beer: :beer:

  48. PhilNBlanx

    Bash is alive!!! He’s aliiiiiiiive…nya, ha, ha.

    Now y’all stop rilin’ up Schizo girl. Her YouTube work is all she has left since DePalma dropped her for not coming across as deranged enough to play an American soldier in film.
    The last time Schizo got so worked up The Institute found her face to face with Condi at a Congressional hearing.

  49. GF

    The problem with the DMCA is that all she has to do is send a DMCA takedown notice to Youtube and Bashman’s account gets frozen. That’s why it’s notorious. Here is an example:

    After watching this video I don’t think she’s dealing with a full deck:
    I don’t know, you decide.

  50. One Shot

    Don’t worry about DMCA in the slightest. It covers willfully decrypting an encrypted signal, transmission or electronic file for nefarious intent. She can sing “DMCA” all that she wants and nobody will do shit because Bash decrypted anything. Having worked with “many” DMCA cases, she is pissing in the wind.

  51. Paul Ron


    My moniker is not in support of Ron Paul

  52. Brad W(the infidel)

    ROTFLMAO!! This poor person is in serious need of help, and Drillanwr, Steve, adn everyone else’s postings just add to the humor. We all need a good laugh now and then, but i do have a very serious question for Bashman.

    How did you get the footage of Nancy Pelosi without the make-up, and how did you get is posted with out the Secret Service taking you out?!?! :twisted: :beer: :beer:

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