Video: Speculation Why Iran May Have Halted Nuclear Weapons Program In 2003

December 6th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

libyan piglet
Let’s say Iran actually did halt their nuclear weapons development program in 2003. I don’t buy that info, but just for argument’s sake let’s go there. This means that Iran, no matter how you want to view this story, had a nuclear weapons development program. And guess what? They were saying to the world, pre-2003, “We don’t have a nuclear weapons program.”

So, um, what does that tell you?

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9 Responses

  1. Scotty

    This is something most overlook. Even if they did halt it, one big factor for them was the fact they didnt have easy access to uranium. They have rockets to deliver it (although not needed) and they are getting the uranium to the proper enrichment levels. Once you let them do that, it would make it all to easy for them to develop a nuke. They could play it off as civilian power, for 5 years or so, then start up the nuclear program and BAM before you know it, nukes.

  2. Brian H

    Qaddafi’s program was actually SH’s off-site R&D plant, paid for and staffed. When SH’s plug was pulled, MQ had no other options but to cave.

    As far as Iran goes, it takes more than a little to get a deliverable device, and without testing, the chances of a squib are huge. And Israel could retaliate X50 before the Mullahs could get in their final 5 bows to Mecca.

  3. Steve in NC

    exactly Bash, the bullshit is just amazing, it is purely an attack on the administration from within. The thing I don’t get is why Bush does not call this bullshit out in a loud and clear manner.

    on the bullshit frontier, can someone explain this:

    “Three town hall meetings were held over a two-day period to discuss radiation doses a limited number of 101st Airborne Division Soldiers may have been exposed to at the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center 16 kilometers south of Baghdad during the 2005 rotation.”

    more info here:\

    army info for dealing with exposure to yellow cake uranium in Iraq: Nuclear Research Center (79).pdf

    WTF? They are having ‘town hall’ meetings at Fort Campbell to discuss exposure to yellow cake uranium?

  4. GF

    The koran says it’s ok to subvert and lie to the infidels. So…

  5. Ranger

    Brian, excellent insight! Qaddafi’s behavior is eminently more understandable in that context. Thanks buddy.

  6. Dave

    Bullshit is Bullshit, I don’t trust the mother fuckers!

  7. ticticboom

    Smell that?

    That’s the tell-tale stench of taquiyya.

  8. Brian H

    I gather that docs recovered in Iraq lay the whole thing out. It goes further; subversion/takeover of Mauritania, on the far western tip of Africa, was to then provide a launch point from which intermediate range rockets could reach the US eastern seaboard. The takeover failed, but not for lack of trying.

  9. Brian H

    BTW, the NIE report says only the Iranian military enrichment / weaponization program was “suspended”. For enrichment, military vs. civilian is a distinction without a difference. The whole report is an exercise in weasel-wording, IMO.

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