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Yet, no fence needed . . . we are screwed by our government.
December 18th, 2007 at 2:45 pmFor armed confrontation, our “GOVERNMENT” would have have to want the invasion to stop - THEY DON’T! - Our border guards are sitting ducks (i.e. Ramos, Compeon, Hernandez, et al) and the GOVERNMENT doesn’t give a crap.
December 18th, 2007 at 3:23 pmWTF? That’s all I have to say.
December 18th, 2007 at 3:30 pmI have my own idea on securing the border. I advocate either armed citizen volunteers or a limited draft. Limited draft means 18 months of duty on the border for all draftees. No draftee goes to the GWOT unless they sign a waiver and volunteer.
Draftees would be trained solely for the purpose of guarding the border. They’d be cops.
If that sucks, then arm the citzenry and take back our borders. A volunteer civil defense corps would do the trick. It would be made up of mostly prior service types and any other concerned citizen who wants to help.
In either case, we need to get our border under control, before another 9-11 crew slips through.
December 18th, 2007 at 4:52 pmDan - Excellent idea, BUT our GOVERNEMENT will not allow it because it might get the job done - They don’t want the border secured! I truly have come to believe that after watching this closely since 9/11. I feel as crazy about it as the ridiculous 9/11 truthers, but it has to be true. Our government can not possibly be so incompetent as to have failed so miserably at securing the border since 9/11 - they must actually want the border open - That is the only explanation for the defunding of the border fence today and additional security today and the lack of enforcement across the board.
I am amazed and defeated . . .
Your idea is wonderful. Say we decide to do this on our own, because the government will not, we would be taken down . . . just like Ramos and Compeon.
December 18th, 2007 at 5:21 pmLMcG(Texas Mom) you said: “They don’t want the border secured! I truly have come to believe that after watching this closely since 9/11. I feel as crazy about it as the ridiculous 9/11 truthers, but it has to be true.”
I don’t think you’re crazy and I’m sure many others don’t either.
My belief is you are right, they do want the borders open. And maybe I’m crazy but I believe there are three main reasons;
1) They need a new tax base, we American citizens are not breeding fast enough for our governments voracious tax appetite.
2) They need the cheap labor for corporations.
3) They need a new batch of uninformed voters to keep this farce going.
Please someone tell me I’ve gone totally off the edge.
December 18th, 2007 at 6:02 pmmart,
I think you are on the “money” . . . On the Texas border, it is common knowledge that individuals in some of the city governments are paid off by the drug cartels (and the human smugglers) so that drugs (and cheap labor) can run up and down I-35 without any difficulty . . . Those are the people who are influencing Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn - not their constituents! In my last letter from Ms. Hutchison, she stated that she feels that it is “important that our local officials have input in the location of the fence long the Texas border” and John Cornyn’s person repeated the same thing this morning on the phone . . . they don’t want any fence and they don’t want enforcement . . . but up here in DFW (where I-35 intersects), we deal with the results of the open border with crime and drugs. Entitlements are out of control in Texas because all you have to do is check yes by the citizen box - no questions asked. Ms. Hutchison and Mr. Cornyn have failed us today (see her amendment, which made the Secure Fence Act of 2006 not required).
It is very disheartening.
December 18th, 2007 at 6:21 pm
This tells about what happened today and why I am so pissed off - last day of school for the Christmas break today . . . Time for a drink.
December 18th, 2007 at 6:26 pmDan and others. I can assure you the government does not want the invasion stopped. There appears to be around 50 (fifty) Mexican Consulates in the US now! Mike Huckabee helped get one in Arkansas. These Consulates provide Matricular Consular cards to illegal aliens. These cards help lower the risk of illegals getting arrested for failure to ID during traffic stops. These cards also open other doors in the US. Look around at the places that accept “matricular Consular” cards for ID. Sprint is one of them. Only illegal aliens need these cards. There have even been various articles on “mobil consulates” providing cards to illegals. Ask yourself, “Why does our government not stop the Mexican Government from doing this on U.S. soil?” The only answer I can come up with is the government does not want to stop it.
December 18th, 2007 at 6:27 pmThe 911 Truthers are wrong about 911, but they are onto to something about the North American Union. Its happening. Just like the EU. I am not sure about their whole “Bilderburg” thing. But clearly there are people up to no good in both parties.
Do you realize both the Republican and Democratic Debates on UNIVISION were hosted by a white , blue eyed Mexican National who IS NOT A U.S. Citizen!!! I provide a link at the end.
We need Hunter or Tancredo for President. Note how the media is ignoring them.
Jon - You are so right about Tancredo and Hunter - They get no coverage - In the debate, Tancredo will get the token illegal immigration question and Hunter might get one question on the border and/or the war . . . Meanwhile, the promotion of Huckabee is being pushed down our throats so hard by the media that it is frightening. What worries me the most is that even if we do get someone in the White House who wants to secure the border, CAN THEY secure it, with a congress where the Republicans and the Democrats want it left open for different reasons. And then, WILL THEY secure it — after they get in and meet one on one with the MEXICAN GOVERNMENT . . . . . I will never believe the border will be secured until it is actually done at this point . . . and after all we have been through . . . Okay - I am going to go drink some beer and play with my tin foil.
God Bless America!
December 18th, 2007 at 6:45 pmI got a different take on the whys of an open borders. It’s all about cheap Mexican oil and gas. Just another reason why we should be developing our own natural resources and weaning ourselves off of foreign oil and gas imports.
To hell with the red tape, the tree-huggers, Congress, Mexico…and Canada too. We should make developing our own power and fuels our No2 national priority right after the GWOT. Do it by Presidential proclamation, bypass Congress and the courts. Fuck them.
We have 1/3 of the world’s reserves of coal? We could extract oil from it, if we would build a refinery to do it.
December 18th, 2007 at 7:11 pmIn ten years we could be completely free of foreign diesel oil imports.We can extract gas from many sources. So fuck Mexico. We don’t need their gas. That’s just one suggestion. I’ve already mentioned several times what the others are.
Convince the President.
December 18th, 2007 at 10:13 pmstart shooting some of them andthey might just stop…if they don’t, we’ll be doing ourselves a favor later on anyway.
December 28th, 2007 at 6:05 am