Video: Virgins In Paradise For Martyrs

December 26th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

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10 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Bunch of hams.

  2. drillanwr

    Looks like one of those pussy TV “perfume” commercials …

  3. Kevin M

    Muslims: Tunneling at rocket speed to the core of Planet Stupid. :lol:

  4. ticticboom

    See how the JOOOOOS shot them for NO REASON(TM)?

    By the way, to all the hajjettes out there:

    Is there any appeal in being one wife out of the 72 or 4,000 or whatever the imams are saying this week? I know if I had to share my girl with a bunch of other guys I’d be pretty pissed. Just saying.

  5. tedders

    How is the concept of whoring around with anyone you just meet the status quo in heaven but even being seen in public with the opposite sex is means for being punished or killed here on earth considered to be logical?

  6. Phil N Blanx

    Islamofascist version of weekend at al Bernies? Damn that was weak. If that’s the low quality shit they have to watch on TV I see why people over there have no problem strapping on some explosives and getting it all over with. Must have been a DePalma production.

  7. POD1

    That dude looks like Bruce Campbell.
    I guess islamic heaven is where the “Evil Dead” hang out.

    Also, why are all the woman in islamic heaven wading bare foot in raw sewage?

  8. Ken Holton

    Assuming eternity is a long time, even for these ratbags ,at what point do the virgins just become a group of women collectively watching oprah re runs and eating chocolates on the sofa? I for one, would be trying to extend my time here if that is all there is waiting.

  9. Brian H

    Something about doorknobs and IQ comes to mind.

  10. Pass The Ammo

    Islamic Martyrdom…

    It’s all so magical how Islamic Martyrdom works!

    The thing that has always separated the “other religions” is how they base their heavenly and spiritual realm entirely on earthly and mortal thinking.
    Virgins in heaven?
    Why would th…

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