Video: WTF Is The Goracle Doing?

December 13th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Da Goracle Orates
Da Goracle Orates…Oh yeah, way ta go, Al! Foster more ill-will toward America as you burn fossil fuel emissions. Ya fukn puke!

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12 Responses

  1. martymar

    i seriously think that algore, and billandhill want to become kings and queens of the world and will do and say anything to the people of other countries to gain favor. even destroying America. fuckin sick.

  2. Phil N Blanx

    US obstructing progress in Bali? Oub bad. If only we had enlarged Bali’s airport to allow more room for all the numerous private jets to park…

  3. Nan

    Funny you should mention “Foster”. As in Foster Brooks, the drunk on all of those Roast shows. OwlGore, aka, Foster Brooks - drunk on his ass - shouting F**k the USA, with his Nobel Peace Prize in one hand and his movie in the other. Reminds me of those terrorists preaching about the peace loving religion of Islam. What an insult to Foster Brooks!

  4. Tom Y

    WTF is he talking about? If the other countries of the world want to destroy their economies to “save the planet” The US is not standing in their way..go for it! Its like Gore is bitching about the US’s refusal to jump off the bridge with him..what a moron..

  5. Lamplighter

    Remember when Gore brayed “you betrayed America” to Pres. Bush. Well, Gore, we have you on tape, betraying America, you hysterical whack job. Read the latest research, talk to some of the fellows that shared the Nobel Prize with you–they say global warming is probably caused by normal solar activity. Also, the “conference” in Bali, which was by all accounts held in high royal style paid by your tax dollars (funding the UN) I’m sure, probably contributed a “global warming footprint” of disproportionate size. I really think losing the 2000 election by such a slim margin really drove him off the deep end. And even with all his party’s cheating (for which they are legendary–they were ready with their tactics in Florida), he still couldn’t pull it off. Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha……

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    The Goracle? I prefer chickenlittle. This guy couldn’t even get through Divinity School, and now I’m suppose to believe
    Algorism is Nostrodomous the Weatherman? LOL. I don’t think so.

  7. CJWarner

    ManBearPig making noise once again.

  8. ssgduke54

    :wink: How can anyone takes his word when he does not “Practice what he Preach”!! Oh Yea, I forgot he has “Carbon offset stocks” to compensate for his over indulgent from $30,000 a year electric bill to oversize jets/limousines. So his idiotic quote for us common folks is “Do as I say” crap! Those of us who have been in the military have always been told Senator Gore is to “LEAD BY AN EXAMPLE”!!! :???:

  9. Gary in Midwest

    I predict his Nobel prize will be rescinded. PT Barnum had more character than this putz.

  10. John Goodrow

    What the fuck isn’t our fault anymore?

  11. danielle

    Why do people like him? He’s so annoying.

  12. drillanwr

    Perhaps he could help stop the alleged “Man-made GW” by stopping that acrid smoke from billowing out his wooden head through his ears.

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