Woman Thrown Off Bus For Reading Bible Aloud To Her Kids

December 31st, 2007 Posted By Bash.


I guarantee you, that if these were Muslims reading the Koran, or athiests reading O’Hair this would not have happened.

FORT WORTH― A passenger on a Fort Worth bus says the T. Bus Service discriminated against her religion.

Christine Lutz says she was reading her Bible to her children when the bus driver asked her to stop or get off the bus.

Lutz, a Seventh Day Adventist, and her children were on their way to church.

“She then said, ‘Well I don’t think this is the place or the time to do so.’ And I said, ‘Oh, but it’s the perfect time and the perfect place since it is our Sabbath and it is the time with the Lord and therefore I’m going to continue.’ And I continued,” she explained.

Then, a TRE supervisor came on board. Lutz also told him that she would not stop reading. She and her family were escorted off the bus.

“This was definitely a clear cut case of persecution,” she said.

Or was it a clear cut case of policy?

“Anyone who is loud will be asked to be quiet,” said representative Joan Hunter. “That is a standard policy across country in the transit industry.”

It doesn’t matter what is said, the T has a policy of no loud or abusive behavior.

“It’s only if the other passengers will complain, or it’s obviously so loud it’s distracting the operator, that we will ask them to stop,” Hunter explained.


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14 Responses

  1. mindy abraham

    Sheesh, this is too much. Why can’t we read what we want in public? Seems very “1984″ and I do not like it.

  2. ukatheist

    good greif let people read what they to their kids on the bus,,,,,,,o’hair?,i just use the name to wind up islamists as they hate us more than joooooos

  3. GregGS

    I’d bet the bus driver would have turned into a big pussy and say/do nothing if it would have been a koranimal read out loud.

  4. John Cunningham

    We have cell-phone psychos, blasting headsets and any number of the “it’s all about me” idiots on buses, trains and trolleys. During rush hour you may as well be on a cattle car. Your right to run your mouth ends where my ear begins. The average public transportation ride is fifteen minutes, it’s not as if they were going to be traveling for three days to get to church. Who’s to say the other people weren’t preparing for their own church stuff? Missy Lutz thought she could snag one or two on her way to her church. On this I side with the transportation company. Everybody shut the hell up until you get to your own dam church.

  5. franchie

    don’t talk in the bus, that disturbs the driver

    yeah, can’t these kids have bible play-stations ?

  6. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    It is Texas, baby . . . Out of control and nobody is listening . . .

  7. just posting

    ^^ I was just gonna say, this happened in texas?

  8. bd

    I hope Mrs. Lutz makes this her personal crusade and become Christianity’s Rosa Parks.

  9. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    In Texas the illegals and lawlessness are taking over and we are in heavy assault by crazed liberals spreading out and away from Austin - the anti-Christian crowd in Austin are busting at the seams and moving to every corner of Texas including Fort Worth (my backyard) - Texans are fighting back with all of our might, but it is a war - a war which no one else understands unless you are here . . .

    (The frickin Dallas Morning News named illegal immigrants Texans of the Year! if that tells you anything - Our Republican senators voted for no fence - Everything is so screwed up here . . . )

    Remember that the first big assault on Christianity came from Austin - Madalyn Murray O’Hare . . .

    It is war . . .

  10. Joshua

    As long as you aren’t talking about the True God they won’t bother you.

    It is written: There are many anti-christs now in the world, by this we know it is the last days.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    The full text of the so-called exclusionary clause:
    Article I - Bill Of Rights
    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    The bus company violated her 1st Amendment rights to free speech. Nor did they have the right to prohibit “the free excercise thereof”…of her religious rights.

    Great case for the ACLJ to take up. The bus company was wrong on two counts.

    Additionally, there is nothing in the Constitution about being annoyed or offended. If that bothered the bus driver then maybe he needs to find another line of work…a good place to start might be the unemployment line.

  12. Mark Tanberg

    Go get um Dan!
    sorry John

  13. John Cunningham

    Dan, the bus company has the right to set the rules on their vehicles. No cell phone psychoes, no blasting headsets and no religious nut jobs with their personal version and interpretation of their bible telling everyone all about their true god. No one has to hear that shit, it would be a fucking tower of babel. Try that shit on NJ Transit with the morning Wall Street crowd preparing their day on their laptops or just wanting to read the paper and find out what’s going on today not what people did two to three thousand years ago and the passengers would put her off. I saw her on FNC a couple of times today, she looks like she just had her eyes moved from the side to the front of her face.

  14. Pencil Nub » Wednesday WTFs

    […] Pat Dollard | Young Americans | Blog Archive » Woman Thrown Off Bus For Reading Bible Aloud To Her … - One has to question how a Muslim reading the Koran would have been treated. […]

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