Puke Attorney Vandal vs Marine Update

January 2nd, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.

heh heh

OHRAH, Marines…

Remember the puke punk lawyer in Chicago that keyed the Marine’s car because he doesn’t like the military?

Updates on this, including one from a Vietnam Veteran Marine, known as “stylin19a” who was at the courthouse for what happened. I like this…

From stylin19a:

United States Marine Sgt. McNulty’s car was keyed by Attorney Jay R Grodner on 12/01/07.

The Sgt.’s leave is over on January 2nd when he reports to Camp Pendleton before heading to Iraq for his 2nd deployment.

The hearing was scheduled for 12/31/07 @ 13:30. It was held at Circuit Court of Cook County - outlying court branch 29 -Belmont & Western, Chicago IL. This is 6 miles NW of downtown Chicago and approx 65 miles round trip from where I live.

Sgt. McNulty was in civvies. He was there with family & friends and his attorney.

There also appeared to be a couple of supporters sitting in the gallery.

I sat in the last row. With my eyesight & hearing shot, the following is the best I can make out.

The court is secured by the Cook County Sheriff’s office The judge ( I didn’t hear his name or see his nameplate) convened the court early - at 13:24. (Courtroom 29 - I believe it was Felony court)

Sgt. McNulty was called at 13:33. Jay R. Grodner (the puke attorney) was a no show. The judge issued a bench warrant for Mr. Grodner @ 13:36.

Sgt. McNulty filed the complaint and raised his hand and swore that it was true.

I thought that was the end of it, so I got up to leave and waited in the waiting area for the Sgt. to come out.

A Marine PFC, in dress blues, cut & razor sharp, walked in to lend his support.

Sgt. McNulty and his entourage came out, then was called back into the courtroom for about 10 minutes.

He came back out to leave. I met them outside. I gave Sgt. McNulty FRegards and a Semper Fi and told him we have his back and that thousands have his back.

He thanked us for the support.

Jay Grodner (or a representative) must have showed up, as, when I talked with the Sgt.’s attorney, he said Grodner wanted a continuance to get an attorney.

The case was continued and will go to fruition and Sgt. McNulty wont have to re-appear.

Then there’s this update from Blackfive:

Update 12-31-07 1000 CST: The hearing is today. After about four hundred emails offering help, I’ve taken down the email address for now. If I haven’t sent you a reply, I apologize and hopefully will send one soon.

I will post updates as they occur. There are several options and we’ll see what happens in court first before Mike decides on the next move.

And, BTW, a sincere thanks to all the Chicago Police Officers for their advice and offers.

Let me be clear. I do not want anyone to harass the lawyer, threaten him, damage his property or propose any other illegal suggestion. We can win this one clean and fair - one way or another…

Update 12-31-07 2000 CST: A Blackfive reader sends this update about the hearing today…

Attn: Black Five

I am writing to produce an update of the results of Sgt McNulty’s case against Jay R Grodner. I was present in support of Mike and thought you may be interested in an update for this story.

Sgt McNulty was called forward by the State’s Attorney in order to discuss the case. I am not sure what transpired behind the closed doors, however, I overheard the State’s Attorney expressing her intent to prosecute this guy to the fullest extent. It seems as if BlackFive is the sole catalyst to this story getting out and I am sure Sgt McNulty has probably heard the effect of yours and other blogs from the results of today’s proceedings to include several Marines and civilians who showed up in his support.

Jay R Grodner was called before court and in his absence, the Judge issued a warrant for his arrest effective immediately. Sgt McNulty was departing the court when Grodner rolled in to the courtroom more pathetic than anyone I had ever seen. The Judge had questioned him on his tardiness and he explained that traffic had been busy and he ‘made a wrong turn’. The Judge chastised him for his tardiness, pathetic excuses, and that he was lucky the warrant had not been executed prior to his arrival.

It seems the blogosphere has put the ball in Sgt McNulty’s court. Furthermore, it is also apparent that the State’s Attorney’s Office has decided to take this matter on a much more serious level. A new and very aggressive State’s Attorney seems to have a genuine interest in pursuing this case to the extent that it warrants.

A lot of good people deserve our thanks today. Thousands responded with emails and phone calls and some even went to support Mike at the hearing. Thank you. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Blackfive and military blogs have the best readers on the planet - we really are a true community.

Nods to drillanwr.

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11 Responses

  1. Hugh

    Thanks for the updates. Leftists live in such a sheltered and delusional environment. It’s nice when we can wake the up and put the fear of God in them. Yes, there actually are people in America that support our troops and that are patriotic.

  2. jerr

    Well said Hugh.

    You can count me as one of those troop supporting patriotic Americans to my dieing day.

  3. cllucas

    Team America, FUCK YAH!

    Piece of shit lawyer, suck on my F’n balls now!

  4. Caligula

    can’t help to say that i’d LOVE to key the cars of EVERY nutball with a “re-elect gore” or “kerry edwards” sticker on the back… but things like morals and reason deter me from such an act

    these things cannot be present on the left for such things to be done with such regularity…

    in the last presidential election republican get out the vote vans had tires slashed and all kinds of vandalism reported (someone was even threatened at gun point) - all court records

    the only crimes reported against democrats were “redistricting with the intent of making it hard on minorities and poor people to vote”

  5. Lamplighter

    Typical lib attorney behavior, showing up late, cowardly. Glad to hear everyone is giving support to the SGT. Yeah, Conselor Grodner, it is a great darned conspiracy against you losers–the police, the DA, and every normal person is in on it. He could also get in trouble with the bar, because it looks like moral terpitude to me.

  6. Lamplighter

    Turpitude, terpitude, whatever.

  7. Gary in Midwest

    Lefty’s are wired differently then conservatives. When aggitated a lefty’s nerve impulses bypass the brain and go directly from heart to hand/mouth/foot & sometimes ass.

  8. Howie

    I am currently looking into this, because unfortunately I live here in Blue State Illinois.

    If there are any lawyers out there who could give me a lay explanation of Illinois “Hate Crime” laws I would greatly appreciate it. I would love to pressure the States Attorney here in the Chicago area where it going to court to prosecute this as a hate crime. It is always nice when you can use the liberal agenda against a liberal.
    You can click the link and go to my site or contact me at

    Thank you

  9. Lamplighter

    To be prosecuted as a “hate crime,” generally, the victim has to be a member of a “protected group.” A white, military guy isn’t a protected group, unfortunately. They just risk their lives protecting everyone else (irony). “Protected groups” are the usual religion, race. But of course, for political correctness, “sex preference” has been added. Really, “hate crime laws” aren’t good laws, because why should one motive for hurting someone have an elevated sentence, than another. Someone who gets murdered/hurt by some malicious scum isn’t worth less than someone who was murdered/hurt by some malicious racist. The sentences should be the same, but they are not.

  10. Chandler

    What about filing a complaint with the BAR Assoc.? Is there an ethics violation or some kinda “conduct unbecoming” trash that the family could get this shitbird with?

  11. Katie

    Looks like this asshat is getting what he deserves. I hope you folks are getting ready for March 15 in DC….a good time to be had by all!!!!

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