Striking WGA: “Huckabee The Scab”

January 2nd, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.


Huckabee is slated to sit down with Jay Leno tonight and as far as the WGA is concerned, he’ll be crossing the picket line. Hillary on Letterman is ok because Dave somehow got the home office to get the WGA to let it slide.

When I was a kid, my maternal Grandpa was a teamster and loaded trucks for Hostess Bakery and always talked about “The Union” this and “The Union” that…”Get a job, join the union, retire in 25 years.” That’s how it used to be.

The only unions I was ever a part of were sexual ones with pretty skirt-wearing American girls.

Unions aren’t as powerful as they had once been, but make no mistake, I’m sure Huckabee would lose a ton of pro-union voters should he cross the line.

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14 Responses

  1. LadyAngler

    I’ve always known union workers to vote democrat anyway, Bash. The men and women members, I’ve known, (of various disciplines)… all have said they were encouraged by their union leaders to vote democrat.

  2. dad3-7

    here is a real union..

  3. 0311inOHio

    Unions/members are TURE ditto heads. The do what they are told to do. The union leadership by Dimwit liberals and the union members do as the union leadership says.

    Why? Who the fuck knows other than the so called union leadership will get to hob knob with the dimwits, get their picture taken with the dimwits, get appoined to some cushy job at taxpayer expense by the dimiwits. “Just vote for me, and I will take care of you”. And that can be said for the guy running for the union steward/committee person job, etc. Then you will not see or hear from them again untill the next election. “Hey Pal, how ya doin?”

    WTF? Over 60 years of this bs but will they ever learn?

  4. dad3-7

    hey 0311,, check out that link on my other post,,,and look at what a “real” union can do for U…

  5. John Cunningham

    There is far more greater good that unions have done to benefit the American worker than was ever done in the entire history of human existance, and don’t you forget it. All that unions fought for are now the law of the land. There was a time not too far in our past that you all didn’t mean a fuck to the powers that be. Don’t forget where you came from and where you are just a pay check away from going back to. Don’t get all uppity, your grandparents know people that were shot to get where you just take it for granted.

  6. dad3-7

    thanx john for that insite,,, but lets not forget the jimmy hoffas also,, i have a 1944 newspaper that has an article in it that tells of a strike by tire manufacturing union that refused to work til they got overtime pay, shorter work week, and better working conditions.. this union made the tires for the B-17 and B-24.. tires are an essential part of the safety of the crews that didn’t get overtime, short runs, or safe working conditions…

  7. JTS

    I think you all are forgetting that this union is the writerguild. They have no representation of the american people as whole. Nobody gives a shit what hollywood thinks, ther than the retard liberal democrats. I will never take my political guidance from someone who writes for 30 rock or accroding to jim. “He writes great marriage jokes, I wonder what he thinks of gay marriage?” give me a break.

    This union is not a blue collar union. Smart union workers (my grandfather was president of his chapter of the AFL-CIO), can see through the bullshit that this “union” represents. They have been on strike for how long? I haven’t noticed anything other than reruns. Oh no i might have to read books instead of rotting my brain.

    This story should be deleted.

  8. Chad

    wait… who gives a shit about the writers guild?

  9. John Cunningham

    dad3-7 and JTS, I didn’t do too bad considering I had just come in from six pints. I’m surprised I could see the key board. True, there’s the Jimmy Hoffas, nobody said it was going to be pretty. Union is a union is a union, regardless of who they represent. The only reason non-union shops are decent to their employees is because they don’t want to be unionized. If there weren’t unions there would be no competition, then you’d all be screwed. You’d have to take what they give you. I like to think of myself as a little right of center, but with unions and labor I can be a bit fanatic. I think people have the right to make all the money they want but you will only be fair making all that money if someone is watching you. And then someone has to watch the watchers.

  10. dad3-7

    john…i do agree with u on the good the unions have done,,even for the none union shops…just so they don’t get to the level as france..but they are also inflationary.. i remember my dad telling me how important unions are and he was a nonunion worker for armour meats..he even got me to SCAB during a strike one time…man was it hell when the strike ended and i had to work in the plant after..but the strke was in support of 2 guys that came to work drunk and were fired..1200 people out for those 2 guys… and the walked out with tens of thousands of pounds of meat on the line…

  11. John Cunningham

    dad3-7, unions, can’t get along with them and can’t get along without them. I know it’s the job of unions to employ as many as possible, but it shouldn’t be done at the expense of the business. They have to learn to maintain a rigid degree of flexibility.

  12. 0311inOHio


    I have seen those guys in person on a number of occasions.. Awesome, as is the drum and bugle corps. I saw them both in Mentor, Ohio last summer.

    Agreed on some of the comments in regards to unions but when it gets to the point where the union controls the company or corporations they are out of control. Do any of you remember the 13 weeks of vacation a year for the steel workers? How about the so called jobs bank for the auto industry..? Can’t lay some off so they sit on their ass in a cafeteria or where ever and get paid full wages. Even if a job is available but out the their classification the job can be turned down and often is so they can continue to sit on their ass. A classic response: “No, it ain’t my job”.

  13. dad3-7

    0311,, i would die for a chance to see those union guys drill.. i must live to far left for them to want to come here..i think all americans should visit the TOMB,WALL and see the DRILL. but most are tooooo busy worrying about themselves..MARINES still have the smart look because of their/our dedication to the CORPS..SEMPER FI

  14. JTS

    I know real labor unuions are important, but the WGA is not a real union to me. Like i said, many in my family have union jobs or had them before they retired. I was raised on money earned from a union railroad job. They are a good deal, but there are also downsides.

    Mostly, i was trying to say the WGA is full of uppity assholes who don’t represent americans or the blue collar union man. Hollywood types have no idea what reality is like for middle america, or for the working class on either coast. Therefore thier opinion does not matter and they can all continue to picket and noone will care.

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