Italian Soccer Team Adapts Hezbollah Logo

January 3rd, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.

piglet sign
Jihad Watch has an interesting piece today which features an excerpt from an interview with a member of the Italian Soccer Team named Davide Volponi. Here is an excerpt:

Following is an excerpt from a report on the Italian “Zassbollah” soccer team, which aired on Al-Manar TV on December 30, 2007:
Voice of reporter: Yes, this is the Hizbullah logo. But what is it doing on the jerseys of these players? The Italian soccer player Davide Volponi knows the answer. Volponi and his friends form a soccer team, which for 15 years has been participating in the Carioca amateur league. The team changes its name every year. In an attempt to boost the morale of his comrades, Volponi suggested naming the team “Zassbollah” this year – combining the name of the team captain, Zasso, with the word “Hizbullah.” Where did this idea come from, and what is its purpose?

Davide Volponi, on the phone: The idea to name the team “Zassbollah” came from the situation in Lebanon. We chose this name not as an expression of any political position, but because we were influenced by the strong fighting spirit, and by the spirit of resistance. Therefore, this is not a political matter, because we observe things from afar, but on the field, we must put up resistance and fight the opponents….

Note from Bash to Italian Soccer Team: Fuck you.

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11 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    What a bunch of fooking homo dorks. Hey, why not just name the team the Mussolini Weenies.

  2. KBar

    What do you expect from a bunch of collaborators?

    I hope their plane crashes in the Alps and they are forced to eat each other.

    Just kidding…..but not really.

  3. mess

    The have embraced terrorism and the desire to eradicate the western way of life. They are the enemy.

  4. franchie

    Parole, Parole, i encora paroli

    well, it wasn’t a clever idea at first, they should have thought wether they could stand a fatwa and pay some dividendes for the use of a “comericial” label

    the Italiani prefer to shout racist “paroli” on colored players, no danger there !

  5. Lamplighter

    These are the same type of clueless people that walk around wearing Che t-shirts. Then again, maybe nothing’s changed since the Axis alliance.

  6. Hugh

    I have a feeling by the end of the season there will be a lot fewer teeth in these guys’ heads.

  7. REN

    I hope they know that terrorist tactics won’t win them a soccer game! In fact, I think the “Zassbollah” uniforms should warrant an automatic RED CARD!

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    And I have a new theme song to go along with their irhabi name change. How about “Suicide is painless”. Or “Allah is just all right with me”.

    Seriously, Mussolini would be pround. Bet they fight as piss poor as his troops did in N. Africa too. Bunch of Dhimis. Now all they need to do is buy some sheets and wear them on their heads. Hope they also put on the black mask, so no one will have to look at their wimpy faces.

  9. RememberOurFathers

    Committed ignorance is more dangerous to a country than an invasion. The enemy doesn’t even have to step foot in Italy to win, just make good headlines and let idiot sympathizers do the rest. Happy ramadan Italy, I’m sure muhamed and his suicide bombing, decapitating, murdering cronies are howling in delight in hell.

  10. A. S. Wise- VA

    Like I needed another reason to hate and ridicule the wussy game of soccer…

  11. Poolee0311 (the infidel)

    Two words to the Italian soccer team, and they ain’t Merry Christmas.

    Seriously, where the fuck do these loons come from…?

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