Blogging Soldier Andrew Olmsted KIA - Has Final Blog Posted

January 4th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.

Andrew Olmsted
Andrew Olmsted was an Army guy stationed in Iraq…had his own blog, blogged for years. He sometimes posted at Obsidian Wings under the name G’Kar. He was killed in Diyala the other day, and asked a friend of his to post the “Final Post” he had given her last summer in the event of his death.

I have no other words than R.I.P. soldier, and thank you. Our sincerest gratitude, thoughts, and prayers go out to his wife and parents, and those who loved him.

Here is an excerpt from his final post, you can read the rest at Obsidian Wings:

This is an entry I would have preferred not to have published, but there are limits to what we can control in life, and apparently I have passed one of those limits. And so, like G’Kar, I must say here what I would much prefer to say in person. I want to thank hilzoy for putting it up for me. It’s not easy asking anyone to do something for you in the event of your death, and it is a testament to her quality that she didn’t hesitate to accept the charge. As with many bloggers, I have a disgustingly large ego, and so I just couldn’t bear the thought of not being able to have the last word if the need arose. Perhaps I take that further than most, I don’t know. I hope so. It’s frightening to think there are many people as neurotic as I am in the world. In any case, since I won’t get another chance to say what I think, I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity. Such as it is.

I suppose I should speak to the circumstances of my death. It would be nice to believe that I died leading men in battle, preferably saving their lives at the cost of my own. More likely I was caught by a marksman or an IED. But if there is an afterlife, I’m telling anyone who asks that I went down surrounded by hundreds of insurgents defending a village composed solely of innocent women and children. It’ll be our little secret, ok?

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30 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA

    R.I.P., thank you, and God Bless!

  2. Poolee0311 (The Infidel)

    RIP :sad:

  3. jerr

    “It would be nice to believe that I died leading men in battle, preferably saving their lives at the cost of my own.”


    I salute you, sir.

  4. LMcG (Texas Mom)

    Andrew Olmsted - a hero

    What you have given for those of us back here is hard to describe . . . my words are so shallow and empty, but really, seriously, whole-heartedly thank you . . . bless you.

  5. Greg M

    Wow… that is very powerful I read the whole thing and am just speechless. Sounded like a great man. Rest in Peace.

  6. bill-tb

    At a loss for words … Condolences to his family and all those he loved.

  7. cclezel

    We love you and thank you for the price you have paid. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  8. Lamplighter

    He was concerned that maybe he wasn’t as smart as he thought. Reading his writings, he was a very smart man. RIP, Maj. Olmsted.

  9. Wulf

    Andrew Olmstead Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.

  10. drillanwr

    For Andrew Olmstead … Who seemed to hold this goofy song and movie in high regard. You threw in your “buck-o-five” for ALL of us. Thank you! Andy, ya done damn good. :beer:

    Freedom Isn’t Free (Team America)

  11. drillanwr

    BTW …

    The next jag-off that either calls our ALL volunteer military men (and women) either dupes and dummies, or insinuate they (the military) DON’T anticipate this outcome when they are called into battle needs to first read Andy’s last blog submission … and then have it shoved down their throat.

    The Prescience Of A Soldier

  12. Poolee0311 (The Infidel)

    I noticed something too - some idiots (I’ll refrain from stronger language this time) are on that blog entry taking advantage of this tragedy and are trying to advance a political cause when MAJ Olmsted specifically requested for that NOT to happen.


  13. jim

    ???Was he one of the ones killed regarding “Redacted”???

  14. Dannyboy

    God bless you, Andrew Olmstead. I won’t ever forget your sacrifice.

  15. Kurt(the infidel)

    Damn straight, a fine American right there. God bless ya Andrew and thanks

  16. mindy abraham

    RIP and thanks sir. :cry:

  17. Gary in Midwest

    Rest with God now. Job well done.

  18. drillanwr

    Poolee0311 (The Infidel)

    Andy’s friend who has posted his last blog entry states that ANY and ALL political replies, no matter what “stripe”, WILL be deleted … I imagine she will catch up with them soon.

  19. Ranger

    R.I.P. Warrior.

  20. Steve in NC

    This is one of the most important posts I have seen on this site.

    Never forget the costs when a society goes to war.

    That pain of individual loss felt by so many is traumatic and can alter lives for the worse. (Or not)

    That pain of loss cannot wholly guide decisions of whether to go to war, but they should be respected and considered.


    Andrew Olmstead makes me proud to be an American.


  21. House of Eratosthenes

    […] Pat Dollard […]

  22. Webloggin - Blog Archive » Rest in Peace - Respected Milblogger Becomes First Iraq Casualty of 2008

    […] Pat Dollard […]

  23. Final Post Of Andrew Olmsted - Milblogger Dead : “7.62mm Justice” ™

    […] posting: Michael J. Totten, Obsidian Wings, Protein Wisdom, Unqualified Offerings, Pat Dollard and many […]

  24. Final Post Of Andrew Olmsted - Milblogger Dead « PA Pundits

    […] posting: Michael J. Totten, Obsidian Wings, Protein Wisdom, Unqualified Offerings, Pat Dollard and many […]

  25. Sandy

    Army Major Andrew Olmsted your service and sacrifice will never be forgotten. R.I.P.

    Thoughts and prayers for his wife, his parents, his brother and sister, and all those who served with him.

    I have never read any of his writing before. It was truly moving. :cry:

    @ Steve in NC

    This is one of the most important posts I have seen on this site.

    Never forget the costs when a society goes to war.

    That pain of individual loss felt by so many is traumatic and can alter lives for the worse. (Or not)

    That pain of loss cannot wholly guide decisions of whether to go to war, but they should be respected and considered.


    Andrew Olmstead makes me proud to be an American.


    *He said it all. I agree.

  26. allahlovesporkchops

    “But if there is an afterlife, I’m telling anyone who asks that I went down surrounded by hundreds of insurgents defending a village composed solely of innocent women and children. It’ll be our little secret, ok?”

    Whatever you say Brave Warrior. R.I.P. and Thank You.

  27. Sandy

    Just wanted to share this here with Dollard Nation, from Winds of Change,

    Comment by Bill Roggio:

    #5 from Bill Roggio at 4:37 am on Jan 05, 2008
    Andrew went out fighting.

    From the MNF-I website…

    The Department of Defense announced today the death of two soldiers who were supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. They died Jan. 3 in As Sadiyah, Iraq, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked their unit using small arms fire during combat operations. Both Soldiers were assigned to the Military Transition Team, 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kan.

    Killed were:

    Maj. Andrew J. Olmsted, 37, of Colorado Springs, Colo.
    Cpt. Thomas J. Casey, 32, of Albuquerque, N.M.


    I did not know Andrew was with a Military Transition Team (MTT). I’ve done embeds with Marine MTTs in Anbar (Kaladiyah and Fallujah). The MTTs and PTTs do much needed work.

    Sadiyah is in Kanaquin province, which is adjactent to Miqdaiyah in Diyala province. I noted on December 30 that Miqdadiyah is the new al Qaeda in Iraq “haven.”


    And followed that up here yesterday:


    Please understand my only purpose in providing the links is to help those that want to understand the circumstances of Andrew’s death have access to the information on what is happening in Diyala province. Andrew died fighting in one of the last strongholds of al Qaeda in Iraq (I’d say regions in Mosul and near Samarra also qualify.) I’m having a scotch for you now, Andrew. It will have to do.

    [links and formatting corrected to fit MT requirements. –NM]

  28. Mark

    I had my wife read this. What an extraordinary document. If more people only knew about the tremendous valor and exemplary character of the personnel who represent our country at the tip of the spear. I salute Andrew Olmsted and I hope that his family is comforted in any small way by my heart felt condolences.

    He should be the person of the week on ABC

  29. Top Ward

    RIP Sir! :beer:

  30. just posting

    Strong words. R.I.P Andy

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