Did The “Redcated” Effect Get Two U.S. Troops Killed Dec 26th?

January 4th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.

Mark Cuban.

Did you know that bootleg DVDs are the hottest item in Iraq and available all over that country, including military bases?

Brian De Palma’s anti-troop film “Redacted” was broadcast for free on HDNet on November 14th 2007, making it available to anybody with TiVo or a VCR to record.

This means that “Redacted” could conceivably be seen anywhere in the world. And given the black market in the Middle East, especially Iraq, of pirated and bootlegged music cds and movies, it is probable that “Redacted” has been available in Iraq and the greater Middle East since that date.

Armed with this information, it is no stretch to assume that it is possible that the Iraqi-Forces Soldier who shot and killed two US Troops on joint ops December 26th, had seen the film, and had at the forefront of his mind, that because of what he saw in the film “Redacted”, all American Troops sexually harass, rape, and kill muslim women.

So I ask you: Is it possible that the “Redacted” effect got these two soldiers killed?

From today’s Aswat Aliraq:

The Iraqi soldier who killed two U.S. soldiers in Mosul 10 days ago was a member of an armed group who infiltrated into a joint Iraqi-U.S. force, the commander of the Iraqi army’s 2nd Division said.

“The soldier was part of a joint Iraqi-U.S. patrol undertaking security duty in al-Haramat area, western Mosul, on December 26. When the patrol came under firing attack, the soldier opened fire at U.S. soldiers and killed two of them,” Brig. Mutaa Habib al-Khazraji told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).

“The patrol soldiers managed to arrest him and he is now under the Iraqi side’s investigative custody,” Khazraji added.

The U.S. side denied that this Iraqi soldier opened fire at U.S. servicemen because they sexually harassed an Iraqi girl, affirming that the scene where the incident took place was void of any civilians.

Bash note: “Denied” means it was the explanation initially given by someone.

On December 28, 2007 the U.S. army had announced that two of its soldiers died of wounds sustained when they came under light arms’ fire during military operations in Mosul.


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7 Responses

  1. Caligula

    it’s not about right and wrong to the loony left… it’s about being right… even if its wrong :mad:

  2. Hugh

    The families of these soldiers should sue Cuban for everything he’s got.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    In the dulluded leftist world Left is right, right is wrong and up is down, the UFO’s are here and the sky is falling.

    Cuban and his pussy-ass friend Depukeah need an ass wooping in the worst way. Keep boycotting those MAV games.

  4. RememberOurFathers

    The families of these two warriors should honor kill Cuban and Depalma. :beer:

  5. RememberOurFathers

    Everytime I see a picture of this faggot kid who never grew up I want to put a 50 cal round right between his eyes and lay his head wide open.

  6. Wulf

    The US Military should sue Mark Cuban for defamation. The justice department should charge him with sedition. Hell why not call it treason. A capital offence in time of war. Lets see him laugh his way out of that!!!

  7. ticticboom

    Somebody photoshop a picture of Cuban and Depalma pissing on a koran, and email it to Al Jazzera and Ahmadinnerjacket.

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