Video: M110 Sniper Rifle Headed To Battle

January 5th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.

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20 Responses

  1. Mark Tanberg


  2. TerryTate

    Wish I could have one… :sad:

  3. Joe in MD


    If you live in the USA you can get one, or at a minimum one like it.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Barett came out with a new 6.8mm rifle. Nomenclature is I belive the 468. Max range 2500m. I’m surprised the Army adopted a weapon that has less max range.

  5. old11B

    Stoners are fun !!! SR-25 types have been around for a while, and should be used more often, even though they are heavier.
    But hot barrels still change the point of impact at distance, so know your limitations (didn’t Dirty Harry say something like that ?).

  6. old11B

    Dan (The Infidel):

    The key word is NATO 7.62 round, as in why we got stuck with the 9mm pistol.

  7. old11B

    Dan (The Infidel) :

    PS the 6.8’s accuracy isn’t as good at long range as the .308 (7.62 NATO), it’s a bit lite.

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    If you put out a steel target at 400m and shoot at it with an AK and an M-16. Neither weapon will penetrate it. The M-16 travels further than the m-16. However, the 6.8 stays subsonic at 2500 meters.

    I watched a demo with a 6.8 and at 400m it penetrated the steel target and was more powerful at range than the .50 cal. Definitely more accurate, and way more killing power than the .223 or the 7.62.

    Barrett has developed a round that is better than anything currently on the market.

    I also am aware that SF has experimented with 6.8 rounds in Afghanistan.

    The biggest bitch is having to rechamber and rebarrel current M-16’s. It’s the expense of it all that is at issue.

    However the barret weapon looks and feels just like an M-16. Same stock, sliding switch and stock/barrel config. Same kind of bolt and charging handle config.

    There’s an interesting article in last years Infantry Mag on experiments on different ammmo and improvements to the M-16. Don’t remember the month.

    Nevertheless, there are better solutions, and the 6.8 is winner.

  9. old11B

    The stats you’re mentioning sound more like the .416 Barrett cartridge, which is a necked and shortened 50 cal case, and can’t fit in a stoner (M16, M4, SR25) type weapon. Barrett has an M99, M82, which can handle the size of the .416/.50 cal.

    If the cartridge your are thinking of is in an M4 or M16, then it may be the Mk 262. Here is a link.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)


    Nope. Here the rifle:

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    XM109 - My choice for a sniper rifle. Shoots a 25mm round out to 2500m. Can penetrate 40mm of armor.,14632,Soldiertech_XM109,00.html

  12. old11B

    Yeah XM109 !!!!…..25mm/50cal . gives me goosebumps!!

    The M468 shoots the 6.8 Rem SPC (270-280 cal)which is about halfway between the 5.56 and the 7.62. The 7.62 is more powerful than the 6.8 and slower than the 5.56. The 6.8 is a good middle/small caliber and can do better on meat than the m855 (5.56), however I would prefer the higher velocity (3450 muzzle velocity) which would literally hydraulic shock to death the target. . Variations of bullet structure (AP, Frangible, HP, etc) can determine penetration. The 6.8 doesn’t have a very good selection yet. These are all basically short range (less than 400M) cartridges.

    Long range requires heavier weight bullets (168g-700g) with better coefficients and high MV’s (2750-3500 fps). This makes the Stoner type frame, a midrange weapon not a long range weapon.

    PS My long range system (.30cal) goes subsonic @ approx 1173M w/.125 MOA

  13. Dan (The Infidel)

    The idea behind the m468 is to give the US Infantryman more stopping power at longer range and in a config that is lightweight and familiar to any of us who have carried the M-16.

    The 468 fits the bill. The .468 remains subsonic at 400m and has more stopping power than either the 7.62 or 5.56.

    I’m sold on it.

    And I’m tired that after 40 years with the M-16 that the US military has still not given the infantryman the kind of stopping/killing power that a weapon like the M468 gives.

    The M-16 is still a varmint gun…whereas the M468 is a man-killer. Fuck this two to the head one to the chest shit. How bout one shot one kill. IMHO, the M-468 delivers the latter.

  14. jim

    ah yes…I was very intimate with the m24 aka Remington 700…but even more so back in the day I used a Rem 742 30-06 semi-auto and loaded/reloaded all my own rounds 90 grain to the 220 grain bull nose…I think I also played around with the 65 grain. At that time the 22 call excellerator was relatively new but not very accurate at or over 500 meters…
    The standard 120-150 were the most accurate..and even some 180g bull nose loaded hot(high end of the powder(certain kind) measurment) were good

  15. A. S. Wise- VA

    “Future Weapons” is one of the reasons why the Military Channel is the best damned thing since the History Channel. Yeah, I wondered what happened the the Stoner SR-25. This definitely looks like an improvement on that. Wonder what the gas system is on it? The M16s still have that damned direct impingement one.

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    A.S gave me an idea. Here’s the M-468 in action. Judge for yourself:

  17. old11B

    Dan (The Infidel):

    I see the confusion here, yes the 6.8 is better than the 7.62×39 (AK, SKS) but not the 7.62×51 (NATO 7.62) which the M110 uses.

    I agree that the 5.56 is a varmit cartridge, when the M16 was first put to use the bullet was much lighter 51-53g and the MV was very high (over 3400 fps) and the damage caused by the shock was extensive, so politics slowed the MV down, in turn making it less affective.

    The 6.8 is a good cartridge, much better for the grunt, not the best for sniping.

    PS Subsonic is under approx 1130 fps @sea level, the fps of the 6.8 (16″ barrel) is about 2600 fps making it supersonic…… Love those XM 109’s

  18. Dan (The Infidel)

    Good thing, that I’m not running procurement at the Pentagon. If I was every front-line grunt would have an M-468 and every sniper an XM-109.

    One shot, one kill…that’s the way to survive. Fuck the M-16 and the AK.

  19. old11B

    Dan (The Infidel):

    Maybe you should !!!

  20. Dan (The Infidel)


    LOL. :beer: :beer:

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