Berkeley Guy/Child Abuse Photos Of The Day: You Write The Captions

January 7th, 2008 Posted By The Bashman.

Photo 1

…and Photo 2.

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25 Responses

  1. Tom Yaz

    #1: Dont hate me becasue Im beautiful…

    #2: Billy Ray Cyrus childhood icture.

  2. Tom Yaz

    Pardon my fat fingers…

  3. John Cunningham

    Photo 1, “now I have someplace to hang my pots and pans”

    Photo 2, the results of breeding with poodles.

  4. Howie

    Bash is that you as a child?

  5. franchie

    1- all powered for aliens transmissions : “Allo Maison” ?

    2- my hairdresser is not rich, my hairdresser is not rich, my hairdresser is not rich…

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    #1 Lives in basement with mom. Berkley student of the year.

    #2: Red State update family photos: Gene splicing run-amok.

  7. NickD

    #1 - New Acme Ear Loops - make it easier for police to restrain you!

    #2 - WE GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME!!!!! (guitar solo)

  8. Bash (the infidel)


    Nah, my hair wasn’t that nice when I was young. :lol:


  9. John H

    1: I support Ron Pual!

    2: The pics Hanna Montanna didn’t want us to see!

  10. mess

    Photo 1: His shirt says, “No, I have not been laid in a long time”

    Photo 2: I’m Bon Jovi’s biggest fan…from the 80’s.

  11. jak

    #1 Tenured professor. Teaching your children for the bargain rate of 12,000 bucks per credit.
    Flee our universities.

  12. ticticboom

    #1: “Dr. Paul is the only man who can save America. 9-11 was an inside job. The Zionist Occupied Government is after me. Was that a venti mocha cappucino you wanted? Hey, where are you going? I haven’t even told you about what really happened at Roswell yet!”

    #2: Discourage inbreeding. Ban country music.

  13. Moe

    photo #1: When sex gets boring TRY!!…

    photo #2: POOF!!

  14. Mark Tanberg

    I vote JAK gets it

  15. trustme1013

    #1: *sob* I’m, like, so misunderstood!

    #2: Woman: ‘Look, here’s me, my husband, and our pet Furby.’

  16. Dave

    Davey Crockett’s other family.Both pics!

  17. Jarhead68

    #1: Todd, having just earned his BS in Accounting, was seen hiding a tax loophole already.

    #2: John Cunningham has hit paydirt. We can call them Humapoos and get about $2000 bucks a piece at a local pet shop for these puppies. (This is an oldie, did you get it on one of those weird “Ugliest People web sites, Bash.)

  18. Caligula

    1) “I’ll admit it… i’m a liberal, and yes… i hate myself sooo much that when i look in the mirror i wanna die, all i see is a week poor fake intellectual staring back at me… the guy is a pussy, i don’t want to look at him any more… so i started disfiguring myself… now all i see is a disfigured pussy… help me mommy!!!!”

  19. Zeke Eagle

    1.You cannot hate me as much as I hate myself. I live in this stinkin’ hide.

  20. 007

    Pic#1 Make MOMA Proud.

    Pic#2 Son, this is why you dont stick your finger in the outlet!

  21. LadyAngler

    Gauged ear boy….I really can’t imagine a person crying louder to be seen. Now that the nausea has passed, I’m just grateful he did that to himself in lue of shooting up his school.

    Mullet family… 25 years ago that was one HOT couple. Is this an Aqua Net ad? I was a Rave girl myself.

  22. LadyAngler

    Looking again… Berkley guy… is he holding his own camera? :cry:

  23. Goodbye Natalie

    #1 - Neocons are chickenhawks.

    #2 - Howdy! We’re from Arkansas…(sorry Razorbacks, couldn’t resist)

  24. Trevor

    1) Second Runner Up in the “Miss Berkely 2007″ pageant.

    1) Skott was enrolled in an “Artistic Wood Turning 101″ class, when a horrific (yet amusing) accident changed his political affiliation forever.

  25. barbra

    that pic is grose!!!

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